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Daring to Live Authentically Ever AfterMulti-volume, multi-genre, multi-format author, Vicki Lein introduces us to her inspirational and self-revealing book, “Woman With A Voice”: You have never read a book quite like this one, and you will never be the same when you finish this unique literary adventure. Woman with a Voice is a great selection for book groups; each chapter ends with a Your Turn section, giving readers a chance to put new insights into action. WARNING: You may cry as you read how Vicki stood up to her father, refusing to listen to a racist joke. You may discover you are mixed up with a soul-killing man when you read How to Spot a Real Man. You may decide you are finally going to give yourself the love you deserve when you finish the chapter on Impeccable Self Care. You may feel compelled to give this book to everyone you really care about. These little miracles are offered in a unique combination of candor and humor. Vicki Hannah Lein shares the discovery of her authentic voice as she offers help to readers who want to do the same. Through stories, poems, and song lyrics, she shares insights about growing up in a home with too much drinking and violence. At age forty-three, Vicki loses her central vision and is forced to redefine and rediscover her purpose on the planet. Part autobiographical, part self-help and spiritual growth, this book provides hours of validation and inspiration for anyone who desires to live from their deepest truth and highest calling. I hardly know where to start. This book is full of stories, poems, songs and more stories. There is anger, love, frustration and revelation. All of this is woven through the life that Vicki has lived as she grew, loved and lost most of her eyesight to a disease inherited from her mother. What do you want from life for yourself and the people you love? Honesty, love and acceptance? Be careful what you wish for as you may get it, but not without working for it. I award 4.9 stars to Woman With A Voice! You can buy this book: You can follow the author: I have reviewed another book by Vicki Lein: From Frustration to Funny in Ten Seconds Flat! by Vicki Hannah Lein, MS Counseling - Word Refiner I reviewed another book by Vicki: Copyright @ 2023 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction
2/6/2023 12:05:30 pm
I feel a little like Sally Field at the Oscars, "You like me! You really like me!" Perhaps some people write to be famous and perhaps rich; I write because if I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain, as Emily Dickinson wrote. I put an intention on this book. I want people to be able to open it to any page and find something that will enrich their lives. Thank you, Mark, for allowing my book to contribute to your life and inviting others to be served as well.
2/6/2023 12:11:50 pm
You are very welcome, Vicki. While I raced through your book to finish reading it in time, I noted that there were many sections I want to spend more time in.
2/6/2023 01:54:11 pm
This book started bothering me to be written when I was about thirty. At that time, I had two, small children and a job teaching high school English classes. When my children were in high school, I had more time and started writing with friends in a coffee shop. When my daughter's best friend got married and asked her mother's friends for advice, I thought "I have a bunch of advice about relationships. I will put them together into a book. Easy, peasy.
2/6/2023 02:04:17 pm
That book was a long time in the making. But I am going to guess the time lag worked in your benefit because it gave you more material and probably more perspective on the material.
2/6/2023 03:31:14 pm
My teenage daughter was unwilling to read the book. At the time I wrote it, I asked my son to read it to make sure it was okayed to publish it. He agreed, he read the book, and he also agreed to write a little piece for it. My friend JAN, who helped me edit the book also agreed to write some thing about our incredible friendship. I change the names of people in the book to protect their privacy, and when it was feasible, I showed people the stories that included them.
2/6/2023 04:46:47 pm
No surprise about your daughter. That was very nice of your son. Changing some of the names was a good idea. It is tricky in more ways than one to write about people who are alive.
2/6/2023 04:52:06 pm
1 million? There's no way I can answer that question because I wrote and re-wrote and revised and edited and added and re-wrote and revised and edited. Right now I've taken the loving and harmony section of the book and I am rewriting it to publish as a separate book. So everything in that section is up for grabs. Since I wrote some of the material 20 years ago, much has change
2/6/2023 08:16:08 pm
I understand that. You are not alone. Many writers work the same way. They don't keep track of drafts, they keep working, kneading and massaging the same draft. Other authors have definite drafts, and no two authors may divide or tag their work the same way.
2/7/2023 11:12:41 am
No. I took a creative writing class my senior year in high school and loved it but did not feel I was particularly good at it. Those stories got thrown out, and I sure would love to be able to read them now.
2/7/2023 12:08:38 pm
I had to do some creative writing in high school also. All I wanted to do was read a book. Our prompt was a dark, impressionistic painting that I couldn't make any sense out of. I decided the little splotches of red and yellow reminded me of birds. My story was about time birds that used the fabric of our lives to make their nests. I was not clear about how the nest making influenced our decisions or if it was the other way around. I think I barely made the minimum word count.
2/7/2023 01:07:37 pm
I learned very early in life about the power of hateful words, the power of ridicule. That is why my entire professional life has been built around, creating psychological safety for my students, for my friends, for my family, and for anyone who is in my home. If hateful words had such power, I thought, how much power could words have to heal? When I read "The Road Less Traveled" by Scott Peck in my early 30s, my life changed. The first three words are "life is difficult". That simple sentence and our ability to accept the fact that life is difficult and no matter what we do, no matter how good we are, no matter how clean our floors are, life is still going to be difficult. That was the beginning of a road less traveled journey I have been making, and it has made all the difference.
2/7/2023 05:47:10 pm
Those three words, 'life is difficult' are very impactful and true. Everyone wants the easy road; we think we deserve it, and nothing could be further from the truth.
2/7/2023 05:56:52 pm
I have a very good friend who graduated from Northwestern in journalism. She reads my stuff and responds. My husband also reads a lot of what I have written. Sometimes I ask other people I know if they will look over what I've written, and give me some feedback. What I have found is that everyone has an opinion, and when it comes right down to it, I need to listen to what people say, but also trust my gut. My voice is unique, as is everyone's.
2/7/2023 08:36:12 pm
So very true. Not everyone has the pure gold you are looking for. Pick and choose the nuggets carefully. The comments that resonate with your gut are probably the best.
2/8/2023 11:16:18 am
Usually I send an E version of my writing. They fix the typos, and put XXX anywhere they think something needs changing. Because of my vision, it is easier for me to search for an XXX take a look at their comments, and then make changes if I think it's a good idea.
2/8/2023 12:25:15 pm
That sounds like a good system. The triple X is a great idea.
2/9/2023 01:07:56 pm
Sometimes I ask people, specific questions, such as do you think this part belongs here or should it be somewhere else? Sometimes I ask for general feedback, but not often. I do reward people who help me with free books and free cheerfulness.
2/9/2023 01:11:17 pm
I have a question for you, or anyone who reads this: I'm thinking of starting a Tick Tock account. What do you think of the title practical happiness tips?
2/9/2023 01:47:23 pm
Placement of chapters can be important. Many authors gift their beta readers a copy of the book.
2/9/2023 02:08:39 pm
I have had more success, writing with one person, one person I trust, than with the writing group. I love, Happiness Hacks! I think that's timely and brilliant!
2/9/2023 03:51:49 pm
I am glad you like the idea of Happiness Hacks. I hope Tic Tok brings you more success. 2/9/2023 03:40:12 pm
Go Fund Me
2/9/2023 03:55:46 pm
Children with Down's Syndrome are so very special! I think God has a special love for them because they are so honest and loving.
2/9/2023 05:14:01 pm
My grandson is indeed a very special person. He is one of the kindest people I know. Just today he asked us how our day was, and he listens to us. For the record, though, he can also be a poop. He can be difficult, contrary, and just no fun to be around. He has wonderful parents, and, I also might say, wonderful grandparents. My point is that he needs parenting to help him, become the best version of himself, as does every other child in the world.
2/9/2023 03:59:56 pm
I've hired a company to publish and market my newest book, radical kindness warrior. The book is not yet ready to be published, so it remains to be seen whether their three month marketing effort makes any difference. They created a new cover I really like, and they formatted the book in a way that I think works, but it remains to be seen, as I said, whether or not they follow through with their promises.
2/9/2023 05:21:24 pm
I wish you the best with the new book.
2/9/2023 08:42:15 pm
The first book I wrote, was about creating a caring, courageous community, which featured songs and assemblies I did as an elementary school counselor. The assemblies were interactive and taught emotional skills in a very fun way. I won several awards for these assemblies, and the awards got me traveling all over the world, getting people up, singing, and doing sign language. What I wish I had known… I'm not sure.
2/9/2023 08:47:52 pm
You have an audacious goal! I love it. I like that word a lot also and don't get to use it nearly enough.
2/9/2023 10:46:49 pm
John Lewis is one of my heroes, was one of my heroes. He put on a suit and march for civil rights and walked into State trooper's on horses with truncheons. They beat him on his head and almost killed him, and he still was never filled with hate. He never let anything get in the way of his goal a peaceful change, making the world safer and more just for everyone. I also love Jamie Raskin, the representative from Maryland. I'm listening to his book on thinkable about the suicide of his beloved son on December 30, 2020 and then his dealing with the insurrection at the capital on January 6. He is brilliant, and he is using his intelligence and his heart to make the world a better place for everyone
2/10/2023 08:14:50 am
The Civil Rights movement was long overdue. It should never have been necessary after the Civil War. But external events do not change hearts, hearts must be changed first then society will follow.
2/10/2023 10:53:54 am
When something important happens to me, it helps me a lot to memorialize it in writing. I called these writings poetic graphs. Since I lost my central vision, photos, unless they're very huge, don't really do much for me. But if I can write about what has happened and preserve it someway, catch the emotion, and the details of the time that I will forget, then that makes my life richer. I also love to share what I've written with the people I've written about. That is a way of connecting unlike any other. After collecting a bunch of these writings, it's fun to put them all together, connect them in someway, shined them up a bit, but don't make them too shiny, and then I can publish a little book.
2/10/2023 11:53:46 am
Those are great ideas. I had a hunch that you would not be able to see the tweets I have been sending out about your book and our chat here.
2/10/2023 12:23:01 pm
You are correct; I cannot see the tweets. Do you get any response?
2/10/2023 12:54:11 pm
I do get responses and interactions sometimes. A few even click on the link to get to the review or our chat directly.
2/10/2023 03:10:30 pm
I have been surprised about what comes out of me when I tap in to the truth inside me. I am surprised and delighted by an image that emerges. Sometimes I'll come up with a phrase that I didn't know I had in me. It's a delightful journey of exploration.
2/10/2023 06:38:10 pm
Wonder, awe, gratitude, appreciation – these are the qualities that keep me interested in writing about life.
2/10/2023 04:02:18 pm
That sounds like a divine connection. I have had that happen to me also. It is very exciting.
2/10/2023 04:14:08 pm
I think the biggest trap is writing for approval instead of writing to try to find your truth. If I try to write a good poem or a good song, or a good essay, I will fail. The subtext of my writing will be: aren't I terrific? Don't you love me? I don't have to be worried about being worthy to be on the planet. Some people can probably get away with this, but I sure can't. I don't want to be able to get away with it either.
2/10/2023 06:12:11 pm
That is a trap that we are all likely to fall into one or more times in the course of our life. Whatever people give they can also take away. Depending upon others for approval and significance is a big trap.
2/10/2023 07:16:06 pm
Arrogance is a bad human trait as a writer or as a citizen or family, member, or friend. So, if that's what ego is, it is not helpful. Being able to find your center and find your grounding and staying the course, even when people are telling you, you are wrong, is something altogether different. I am the first and only person as far as I know of in my family to be in recovery.
2/11/2023 07:50:26 am
A balance is very necessary. leaning too far to one side or the other is detrimental to yourself and others around you. I recall what you said earlier, 'life is difficult' and that is true in almost every aspect of life. Living an authentic life is part of the answer.
2/11/2023 11:39:01 am
I hope someone with connections and resources and a passion for making the world a kinder place reads my Radical Kindness Warrior book. I want to go all over the world.
2/11/2023 11:41:25 am
I hope the right person reads your book also.
2/11/2023 12:18:01 pm
I wish I knew the answer to that question. iPad engineers, mixed martial arts, champions, PhD's, people who didn't graduate from high school – all sorts of different people resonate to what I write. I think I'm depending on the title to resonate with someone and think oh what would it be like to live authentically ever after. That's an intriguing question. I think I'll read this book.
2/11/2023 05:41:12 pm
That is one of the remarkable things about your book. It does resonate with authenticity; it resonates with your authenticity. Readers recognize it and enjoy your book. Their lives will change if they seek after their authenticity.
2/11/2023 05:45:12 pm
My writing lucky charm I learned from Julia Cameron in the artist way. It's morning pages. You can go on YouTube and have Julia Cameron explain them to you, which she does in great, wonderful detail. When I write regularly in the morning, three pages without stopping or criticizing or editing, I find my true self, my authenticity in the moment.
2/11/2023 06:37:04 pm
That is a great routine, a great way to start the writing day and energize your creativity.
2/12/2023 10:53:18 am
When I feel I am singing into a canyon that does not echo back, when I feel no one is reading or responding to what I'm writing, I am invited to feel that what I do doesn't matter, and I should just give up. This is when I remind myself that, if only one person benefits from my work, that is enough. I'd benefit from my work, so my work is always enough.
2/12/2023 11:43:31 am
That is a great reason! Truth be told, that is one of the best pieces of advice any author has been given. Write for yourself first. If you don't like what you are writing don't write it.
2/12/2023 11:59:55 am
I'm glad you asked this question because I have strong feelings about the myth of writer's block. Tell me a time you can't dictate or write. You can always write. What stops people from writing, the thing they call writer's block, is really fear of failure. So, write about that fear of failure. Ask it questions. Interrogate it. Find out what you're afraid of and you will find juice, juice, juice!
2/12/2023 02:34:20 pm
Your idea of exploring the reasons behind the block are well founded. That is one of several pieces of advice that writers can use to overcome a creative stoppage.
2/12/2023 03:24:32 pm
I wrote a series of diary entries, called Tiffany's Epiphany. It was based on a character I created, a southern woman who listen to a sermon, and heard she's to love your neighbor as yourself and wakes up to a realization. There is no asterisk. She decided she couldn't hate Muslims or homosexuals or democrats or anybody. The writing was good, I guess, I got comments from people who said they really understand how she felt and gave a lot of support. I was delighted that people were responding, but I was appalled that I had accidentally fooled people into believing a character I created was a real person. This is the only fiction I've written, and I stopped writing on it because I can't make up my mind, the best way to move forward.
2/12/2023 04:55:47 pm
According to some, fiction is written to help people understand truth. It sounds like Tiffany's Epiphany fit the bill quite well. Not every novelist gets a response to their book that you did. There might be a need for your books as fiction also. If you are concerned that people might think you are writing about a real person mention the word novel on the cover.
2/13/2023 11:22:09 am
The rule of thumb is: you can't take any body further than you've actually gone yourself. I see a lot of coaches, self-help books – where the people just haven't done their own work. They are good at marketing, they have charisma, but they haven't done their work. For example, the book by John Gray "Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus" was full of horrible, horrible, horrible advice! And yet it was one of the all-time, bestselling non-books in history. I would rather be honest and have integrity than be a bestselling author. On my tombstone I want it to say, "Vicki walked her talk."
2/13/2023 01:06:21 pm
That makes sense. Integrity is a major part of authenticity.
2/13/2023 02:30:40 pm
I used to think, reading murder mysteries was a guilty pleasure, until I discovered Dorothy Sayers, who is absolutely brilliant! I like finding out I'm wrong about some thing because it expands my world instead of contracting it.
2/13/2023 03:30:53 pm
I have heard she is a great writer.
2/13/2023 04:16:52 pm
Then we have a lot in common. I love to read also.
2/13/2023 04:23:53 pm
I highly recommend MARK to any writer who wants to give her writing exposure. He is dependable and has absolutely fulfilled all of the things he promised to do.
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