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Multi-volume, multi-genre author, Rhani D’Chae introduces us to her short story, “Megamax”; that is a prequel to a novel coming out next year: In a future time, the greed and destructive nature of man has resulted in the fall of civilization as we know it today. America is a wasteland, where the scattered cities that remain have become overcrowded havens for those who seek refuge behind protective walls. In Seattle, where the Seahawks once played to the roar of the 12s, Century Link field stands quietly in the shadow of Megamax prison. Impenetrable and inescapable, Megamax houses the worst of the worst: criminals whose heinous acts have condemned them to life in a place where blood flows like water, and an inmate's worth is determined solely by his or her performance in the Arena. This story is the prequel to "The Vanguard", which will be out in 2020. This story contains violence and adult language. It is not intended for young or easily offended readers. I love this story! Not for the brutality and dystopian setting, though there is a lot that can be said for that. The author has captured the essence of people in desperate circumstances so well. It is so easy to find yourself cheering and hoping for the title character. He is caught in this situation by forces beyond his control. The prose is nice and tight, the scene setting is more than enough, without being too much. Most of the dialogue is terse and fits the storyline perfectly. This short story is a wonderful introduction to a story that will land somewhere between “Seven Samurai” directed by Kurosawa, the precursor to “Star Wars”; a hint of “Kelly’s Heroes” a movie set in World War 2, and a mashup between “Zombieland” and “World War Z”. It will be a wild ride, I am sure. I award “Megamax” 5 stars! Darn good story and leaves me wanting more. You can buy this book: You can follow Rhani D’Chae: Rhani and I have had three interviews previously, you can see them under these book reviews: Tags: prison, future, death, cage fight Copyright © 2019 Mark L Schultz except for the author's introduction
11/30/2019 09:29:10 pm
Hi, Mark. I'm excited to be visiting your blog again, and I'm looking forward to our discussion of Megamax. This story was a lot of fun to write, and I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it. 😃
11/30/2019 10:08:37 pm
I have been looking forward to our time also. I have some new questions floating around.
Rhani D'Chae
11/30/2019 10:24:08 pm
A little bit about me, that isn't in my bio. Wow, that opens up some interesting doors. I will try to keep this G rated. 😄
11/30/2019 10:37:58 pm
That was very G-rated. Well done.
Rhani D'Chae
12/1/2019 02:18:43 am
I'm very glad that you like reading so much, Mark. I am also glad that you are here to help some of us make our work better. I freely admit that I slept through every English class, so I know next to nothing about silly little things like grammar and sentence structure. Lol
12/1/2019 09:30:28 am
You might be at the far end of the pantser scale, in terms of pantsers and plotters.
Rhani D'Chae
12/1/2019 05:43:38 pm
Oh, I'm a total pantser! I do keep notes of things that will appear in a series just so I don't mess anything up. In the Drill series, I keep records of things like injuries, favorite weapons, distinguishing marks, etc. And, since I have several books in line for both the Drill and the Vanguard series, I have a list of titles with 1 or 2 sentences about each one. This is the extent of my plotting. Lol
12/1/2019 05:57:21 pm
Ellie is very talented, no doubt.
Rhani D'Chae
12/1/2019 09:03:24 pm
Maxwell Drake's first name was originally Collin. I changed it to Maxx because of the tattoo on the hand. But I did put quite a bit of thought into the original name. I had a picture of him in my mind, and I wanted a name that would suit the man that I knew him to be. I spent quite a bit of time picking what I thought was the perfect name, only to change it when I wrote Megamax. 😄
12/1/2019 09:18:15 pm
I have heard of quite a few authors doing very much the same thing. They spend a lot of time creating their characters and personalities. Some even create mood boards for each character with pictures they find that exemplify or look like the character they see in their head.
Rhani D'Chae
12/1/2019 10:27:26 pm
Thank you for the information about that tool. I will definitely check it out when I have a chance.
12/1/2019 10:57:32 pm
You used the M word. The first rule about the M word is to not talk about the M word.
12/2/2019 11:20:31 am
Marketing is by far the hardest part of this game. It is especially difficult for me because of my lack of vision. Had I known how to do this before I lost my sight, I think I'd be OK. But reading is very hard for me now, and trying to study/learn from a page with words causes severe eyestrain and crippling headaches. Which leads to my ongoing search for a marketer.
12/2/2019 11:37:31 am
Great answers! While indie authors have a now mostly-undeserved reputation for poor writing, it certainly exists in the majors.
Rhani D'Chae
12/2/2019 12:47:48 pm
I do use Dragon, but I don't know if it can read websites. I only know the basics of how to work it so there is still a lot to learn.
12/2/2019 01:19:43 pm
Maybe you should ask the writing community about that feature in Dragon. I bet there is someone who could answer your question. Maybe Dragon has a Twitter account.
Rhani D'Chae
12/2/2019 01:58:21 pm
I used to love going to the public library when I was a kid. I was especially excited when I got old enough to ride my bike there. Such freedom! Lol
12/2/2019 02:17:15 pm
I remember that freedom also. When I was allowed to ride my bike into town, 5 miles each way. The last mile and a quarter was all uphill!
Rhani D'Chae
12/2/2019 02:35:20 pm
I've never done the NaNo thingie. I'm not sure why, but I guess it just never appealed to me. I have a friend who does it every year and has encouraged me to join in, but I haven't. Maybe I will at some point, but I don't see it in my near future.
12/2/2019 04:44:58 pm
That scene is going to be powerful! I just know it. You are quite a good writer. I am looking forward to reading that soon. Sooner rather than later; no pressure.
Rhani D'Chae
12/2/2019 05:14:56 pm
I don't know how powerful this death scene is going to be. At this point, I'm just trying to get it written. Lol
12/2/2019 06:16:12 pm
That sounds good. I am happy to know that Winter is coming.
Rhani D'Chae
12/2/2019 06:53:08 pm
I once watched a computer eat an entire file, right before my eyes. Every letter on the screen was replaced with Xs and O's, and I couldn't make it stop! It was horrible.
12/2/2019 07:28:20 pm
I don't think I have ever seen that, outside of a movie. That would be very scary!
Rhani D'Chae
12/2/2019 09:43:53 pm
I think what irritated me the most when my computer ate that file was that I'd been working on it for quite a while and thought it was pretty close to perfect. I had to reconstruct it, and that was one of the most frustrating things I've ever had to do as a writer.
12/2/2019 11:25:46 pm
Some writers thrive in a bustling environment, others need solitude and quiet. You land in the middle.
Rhani D'Chae
12/2/2019 11:53:57 pm
I don't think my writing process has changed much over the years, if at all. If it aint broke, don't fix it. Lol
12/3/2019 12:04:18 pm
Those changes sound good. Lots of room for development. I am sure your fans, including me, are excited at the prospect.
Rhani D'Chae
12/3/2019 01:04:11 pm
A few people have told me that they are looking forward to the expanded version of Megamax. I hope they are happy with the finished product.
12/3/2019 01:13:23 pm
Megamax is a good story, if nothing else. Entertainment for the sake of entertainment is perfectly fine, as far as I am concerned. Not everything has to be symbolic or a moral tale. At the same time, those kinds of things do tend to creep in as a reflection of our world view.
Rhani D'Chae
12/3/2019 02:11:50 pm
Thank you for your vote of confidence, I appreciate it!
12/3/2019 03:18:35 pm
Who is Sade? I am not aware of that author. Unless you are referring to the Marquis. I have heard about that guy. Not something I am likely to read.
Rhani D'Chae
12/3/2019 03:54:05 pm
I just got a copy of Leech and I can't wait to read it! I'm glad to read your comment on it.
12/3/2019 04:31:27 pm
Her book is not available as an audio book, that I noticed. How do you read it? I know in word you can enlarge the type font by quite a bit. I find I am comfortable with a 12 point font at 120% enlargement. 10 point font goes up to 130%.
12/3/2019 09:19:10 pm
I can't read paperbacks anymore, but I can fight my way through an Ebook. It takes me a long time to read a book because I have to stop often, but there is the only way I can read.
12/3/2019 09:30:23 pm
I am glad you can still read. Have you tried audio books?
Rhani D'Chae
12/3/2019 09:53:19 pm
I do have an Audible account, and I love it. Audio books are a wonderful thing and I would have a lot more of them if they weren't so expensive. Lol
12/3/2019 10:31:27 pm
Doesn't Audible have a subscription plan like Kindle Unlimited? Maybe that would be cheaper in the long run.
Rhani D'Chae
12/3/2019 10:54:41 pm
Like most writers, I want to sell books. But that isn't really my goal when I try a promotion. What I really want to do is give readers information about me that will interest them so that they will give me and my books a closer look.
12/4/2019 09:43:36 am
That is a great perspective. No one can guarantee book sales, unless they are buying all the books themselves. My promotion efforts are about expanding and increasing exposure.
Rhani D'Chae
12/4/2019 11:37:38 am
Megamax, and a couple of my other short stories, were written for a contest and had a word count limit. So they were done when they hit that limit. Lol As for the other books, what a great question. I don't think I've ever thought about how I knew that they were done. I just...did.
12/4/2019 01:36:31 pm
So, Decker, or other unnamed sources strong armed you into writing a different book. I love it. You were faithful and wrote the story that needed to be told; and are still telling it. Excellent. I do like Decker's sense of justice and caring for those around him.
Rhani D'Chae
12/4/2019 02:09:11 pm
I don't actually have a problem with the word. It's the activity that gives me hives. Lol
12/4/2019 04:12:14 pm
Finding that childhood manuscript had to be pretty cool.
Rhani D'Chae
12/4/2019 05:29:40 pm
OK, this is too funny! Our books had dark red covers with gold print. I bet we had the same set. 😃
12/4/2019 08:11:13 pm
I bet we did. It might have been popular with parents and grandparents.
Rhani D'Chae
12/4/2019 08:38:48 pm
I will definitely check out your list of Beta readers.
12/4/2019 08:49:32 pm
I have heard that about critique groups before, not all or most, only a few. Most critique groups function correctly. A few, tragically, are usually caught under the sway of a literary svengali; this person lords it over everyone and offers biting criticism at the drop of a hat. You made the right choice. Getting out of there as fast as possible.
Rhani D'Chae
12/4/2019 09:11:50 pm
A hero? No, I don't think so. I have met people who I respect and/or admire, but I don't think they are in the category of a hero.
12/4/2019 09:40:34 pm
I think people want a hero; someone larger than life, who charges in and saves the day. There are people who have heroic moments. There are occupations that require a certain amount of heroism. It's not the same thing as the mythic hero.
Rhani D'Chae
12/4/2019 10:07:55 pm
I have learned to back everything up in the cloud. Lol
12/5/2019 11:21:01 am
There are a lot of scams out there, they look so valid at first glance. I have linked to several blogs written by several writers called Writer Beware, very relevant stuff. Search the word Beware on my website to get the best results.
Rhani D'Chae
12/5/2019 01:04:14 pm
A writing lucky charm? Tequila! Lol
12/5/2019 01:23:02 pm
You are not the first writer to claim tequila as a lucky charm. Write drunk, edit sober is a phrase that comes to mind. It has been attributed to Hemingway many times, but that appears to be in error. 12/5/2019 04:15:52 pm
Write drunk, edit sober Is familiar ground to me. Lol
12/5/2019 04:22:44 pm
I think it could be hard to keep track of all of the variables when you have written a bunch of books under multiple names. One writer uses different pen names for different genres. She has a web address for each one that redirects to her main website where all the names and genres are gathered. I imagine she is hoping for crossover.
Rhani D'Chae
12/5/2019 05:10:39 pm
I'm so glad you liked #Thirst. It was sure a lot of fun to write. It's also kind of a unique little piece, and I'm quite proud of it.
12/5/2019 05:47:24 pm
Fan fiction can crossover into big business, sometimes. Look at the Star Wars franchise. There is an overwhelming amount of material, some of it started as fan fiction and they were brought into the fold, so to speak. My son has a bookcase that is at least half full of books in this franchise.
Rhani D'Chae
12/6/2019 09:25:40 am
I don't necessarily agree with that statement. I think it would depend a lot on what someone is writing about. I do agree with the statement that we should write what we know, and I think that kind of applies here. I have gone through a couple of incredibly traumatic breakups in my life, so if I was going to write a book about that sort of thing, I could tap into my own experiences and bring the character's anguish to the page.
12/6/2019 11:17:44 am
Most of us have had plenty of suffering in our lives, so the knowing allows the writing to be authentic. Many times a transference of emotions is required, because none of us have had to fight aliens in outer space. Large doses of imagination are required and that is not in short supply.
Rhani D'Chae
12/6/2019 01:10:35 pm
Shadow of the Drill was originally supposed to be a singular novel, not part of a series. The character of JT was created as a minor character who had no real impact on the plot. However, as the writing progressed, JT took on a life of his own. He has become a major player in the Drill series, and I think he will be around for a while.
12/6/2019 02:25:30 pm
Your experience mirrors that of many other writers. When a minor character steps up to center stage is a surprise to the author every time.
Rhani D'Chae
12/6/2019 03:26:49 pm
I have always been a total pantster! Lol I may have a title and a sentence or two about the book's plot in place when I start a project, but that's about it. As often as my books change course during the writing process, plotting wouldn't do me a darn bit of good. 😄
12/6/2019 05:15:31 pm
I suspected you were a pantster. I wanted to give you the chance to brag about it.
Rhani D'Chae
12/6/2019 09:01:12 pm
For me, the easiest part about writing a book is coming up with the basic plot line. Once the plot is set, I figure out what characters I will need to start out with and go from there. Everything else generally falls into place along the way.
12/6/2019 09:17:56 pm
Wow, you make writing seem so easy. Maybe I should write a book. ;-)
Rhani D'Chae
12/6/2019 09:54:34 pm
I don't remember exactly how much that first royalty check was for, but I know that it was less than $10. Yes, bittersweet.
12/6/2019 10:16:54 pm
I will look for one of those books. I promise I won't read it.
Rhani D'Chae
12/6/2019 10:43:49 pm
If you want one of those horrible books, I will send it to you. Just remember, you promised not to read it. Lol
12/6/2019 11:19:59 pm
That's good, you know a filler word that you use too much.
Rhani D'Chae
12/6/2019 11:54:42 pm
Most of the Easter eggs are in Zombie Dawn and I've Always Loved Women, which are set in my own neighborhood.
12/7/2019 11:23:52 am
Easter eggs like those that are location based are fun for those in the know. It's like watching TV shows that have been filmed in a town that you know well. Recognizing the locations even when names and signs have been changed adds to the pleasure and provides and insider feel.
Rhani D'Chae
12/7/2019 11:58:27 am
I don't have many personal relationships, so it's not really a problem for me. My gentleman friend lives a few hours south and is only able to come up once a month. When he's here, I spend the weekend with him so I get no writing done at all. Lol
12/7/2019 12:19:02 pm
Theater is a good outlet. I also think it helps writers with exploring different characters and situations.
Rhani D'Chae
12/7/2019 01:24:48 pm
I am absolutely a cat lady and proud of it! Lol
12/7/2019 01:50:56 pm
I know men love cats also, but why is it you never hear about a cat man, it's always a cat lady. Just curious.
Rhani D'Chae
12/7/2019 02:18:04 pm
I mostly hear about cat ladies and dog guys. Lol
12/7/2019 03:03:40 pm
Looking for the fun in life is a good attitude. Perspective can change how we see everything. Our choices count.
Rhani D'Chae
12/7/2019 03:25:56 pm
A non-writing skill? I have often thought that properly learning meditation would be a great help to me. My mind tends to bounce constantly, and sometimes it is a distraction.
12/7/2019 07:11:25 pm
I know what you mean, my mind bounces around a lot also.
Rhani D'Chae
12/7/2019 10:37:41 pm
I haven't killed off anybody unwillingly in anything currently published, but I am killing off a character in Winter of the Drill that I had wanted to keep around. I had plans for her, but it's not going to happen. I will be sorry to see her go.
12/7/2019 10:52:08 pm
I have heard other authors talk about problems like that. An unexpected plot twist and someone has to die, that was supposed to live. Are you sure she couldn't be called away suddenly by a family emergency across the country?
Rhani D'Chae
12/7/2019 11:03:16 pm
I'm not a huge fan of romance novels. They tend to bore me. However, I read a book by Jan Sikes called fFowers and Stone that did change my opinion a bit about that genre.
12/7/2019 11:13:00 pm
That's good to know. We can change. For the first fifty or so years of my life, I read only sci-fi and fantasy. When I got serious about my business, I read whatever the client sent me. I read some great books in genres I would never have touched. Cozy murders, romance, memoirs and others. Now, I am a fan of good writing, regardless of the genre, mostly.
Rhani D'Chae
12/7/2019 11:34:39 pm
Oh no, the boys are always on the throne! Just ask them, they will tell you. Lol But they allow me my silly little fits of temper, as long as said fits don't prevent me from tending to them. I think they learned to duck because if they didn't, I would hit them with one of my rolled-sock projectiles. And, if I hit them, they would have to deal with me. They really don't have the time, or the interest, to do that.
12/8/2019 09:03:31 am
Knowing cats, you seldom make contact with the sock roll unless they are sleeping. No issues there, most of the time.
Rhani D'Chae
12/8/2019 11:16:53 am
Other than animal abuse or suffering, I don't think there is any type of scene that is hard for me to write. I don't write about abuse or disrespect toward elders but not because it's hard for me to write. Those things just irritate the crap out of me, and I won't waste the page space.
12/8/2019 11:53:42 am
Your Muse is either fickle, lazy or has ADHD. Which do you think it is?
Rhani D'Chae
12/8/2019 12:12:07 pm
My muse is fickle, no doubt about it! Lol
12/8/2019 05:16:43 pm
Others have read Ken's books and recommended them also.
Rhani D'Chae
12/8/2019 07:28:08 pm
I've never had a book deal, so I can't speak from experience. But I have heard that traditional publishing brings with it control issues that don't exist for self published authors. I enjoy writing whatever the heck I want, without having to worry about whether or not my publisher well except it. However, I am a real person with bills to pay and the desire to occasionaly eat food that does not come wrapped in paper. If I was offered a decent book deal, I would probably take it.
12/8/2019 07:44:14 pm
You are right, a great deal of control is lost when signing a contract. The publisher may wait a year or more, change the cover, the blurb, almost everything is up in the air. If an advance is offered, it is against future sales, no royalties until that is repaid. Some publishers want to take all of your intellectual property rights also. A book is only one form the story can take. There are audio books, streaming, comics, graphic books, plays, TV and movies. Plus there is potential for all of that in foreign countries. There are many foreign countries where English is spoken including China. Much of Europe and Africa use English also.
Rhani D'Chae
12/8/2019 08:50:09 pm
Self-publishing is a different journey for every author. The income can be very sporadic and some authors would rather hold out in hopes of a traditional publisher.
12/8/2019 09:27:26 pm
Absolutely, every author has an individual journey. At the same time, many of the major steps are similar, if not the same.
Rhani D'Chae
12/8/2019 09:49:54 pm
Badd reviews aren't as much fun as good ones, but they do have their benefits.
12/8/2019 10:14:28 pm
RRBC sounds better all the time.
Rhani D'Chae
12/8/2019 10:22:40 pm
I will send you that file, thank you.
12/8/2019 10:45:14 pm
You might have a good voice for audio books. Go into a large closet and record a few chapters on your phone. Pretend it's not your voice when you listen. There are blogs, videos and podcasts galore, I am sure, about recording an audio book. I have a few of those blogs on my Highly Rated Blogs page.
Rhani D'Chae
12/8/2019 11:54:15 pm
My favorite motivational phrase would probably have to be "Sit up, you can't reach the chocolate from here." 😁
12/9/2019 11:21:27 am
I try to keep my chocolate close also. ;-)
Rhani D'Chae
12/9/2019 12:51:13 pm
I loved all of the books in the Asian saga, including King Rat. Yes, very unsettling but so much truth on those pages.
12/9/2019 01:13:43 pm
Truth is not always pretty or delivered in a pretty package. It was a good survey of how broken people can be. We all have brokenness.
Rhani D'Chae
12/9/2019 01:32:59 pm
I have done some Beta reading, but reading is so slow for me now that I don't really have time to do any extra. I did enjoy it, though.
12/9/2019 02:09:37 pm
Your passion is strong, I suspect that you will never stop writing. But a break to recharge is not a bad thing.
Rhani D'Chae
12/9/2019 02:41:25 pm
I have written some poetry over the years, and some of it isn't too bad. Lol I actually put one of my earliest poems in the book, One Dyke Cozy.
12/9/2019 03:45:14 pm
Glad to hear that, maybe you will share more some day.
Rhani D'Chae
12/9/2019 11:25:49 pm
Poetry is an artistic way to express oneself. I'm not a fan of modern poetry as much as I am the older styles. I don't read it often, but I do enjoy it from time to time
12/9/2019 11:43:39 pm
Sometimes I connect with modern poetry, more often I don't. I don't feel like a poetic person, so I am always surprised when it does happen.
Rhani D'Chae
12/10/2019 12:37:53 am
They were only a few characters in Megamax, and I don't think I'd like to trade places with any of them. Lol
12/10/2019 10:38:03 am
I am sure your fans are glad to hear that you have a lot of material yet to publish.
Rhani D'Chae
12/10/2019 11:06:01 am
Thank you so much for this wonderful interview! I had a blast with you, as always. Hopefully, Winter of the Drill will be finished in time for its scheduled promotion in January. I can't wait to read your review of #Winter, and I'm excited to talk with you about it.
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Who am I?An avid reader, typobuster, and the Hyper-Speller. I am a husband, father, and grandfather. Archives
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