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Multi-volume, multi-genre author Rhani D’Chae introduces us to her lovely contemporary romance about a couple of BFFs One Dyke Cozy: People come into our lives for a day, a season, or a reason... "Shy taught me to fight like a champion, love like a poet, & live like it was my last day on earth." One Dyke Cozy touches on the lives of two girls, Gabby and Shy, from their first meeting as children to Shy's untimely death. This novel contains profanity and adult situations. I am learning more and more how much I enjoy romance stories. I find I am rather surprised, since I have been a hardcore fan of sci-fi and fantasy for so many years. This story is perfectly balanced sweetness for me. It comes across as so vivid, partly because it’s written in first person POV, a writing style I happen to enjoy a good deal because of the intimacy it offers when done well. Rhani has done a great job in this book! I really like the cover also, it illustrates the story to a tee. The scene-setting is concise and very appropriate, the adult situations are handled skillfully without ignoring the seamy sides that do exist in real life. The characters grow and develop very nicely through all stages of life. The dialogue is downright funny at times, as these two friends banter back and forth. This is such a well written book, I give it a score of 4.8 stars. You can buy this book: You can follow Rhani D’Chae: Tags: LGBT, contemporary romance Copyright © 2018 Mark L Schultz except for the author's introduction
10/27/2018 07:14:48 pm
Hi, Mark. What a treat to be back here with you again! I'm so glad you liked One Dyke Cozy. It's a real change of pace for me and was a lot of fun to write. 😀
10/27/2018 07:43:56 pm
This is a lot of fun for me also. It has been almost a year since we last talked here. We have chatted a lot elsewhere, of course.
10/27/2018 10:57:41 pm
Hi, Mark. I have to say, I had a blast writing that book! I think my favorite chapter was where they went to the prom. I could definitely picture Shy, getting dolled up in straight drag for a dance she had no desire to attend.
10/27/2018 11:42:03 pm
That is fascinating. The two girls are so different. There must be a million and one ways to start writing a book. I think every author has a different inspiration for each book. You started with a name, that is really cool.
10/28/2018 12:00:44 am
I get ideas from the strangest places. Lol Shadow of the Drill came from a very small article in the newspaper, and A Perilous Thirst came from a conversation I had back in the 80s with one of my heathen kids.
10/28/2018 10:13:44 am
Mr. Happy certainly plays an important part in the story. He brought a certain amount of levity to the story, but his importance to Shy was never lost. I think she might have been lost without him.
10/28/2018 12:07:16 pm
Hi, Mark. I never thought about expanding Cozy into a second book, but I guess I could. Since each chapter stands alone, it would be fairly easy to do.
10/28/2018 04:02:00 pm
I was thinking about the classification for this story also. It doesn't fit very well in any of the main categories. If it was two guys who were best friends, then it would be a bromance. Sisromance doesn't do much for me, perhaps bffomance, that sounds a little strange also. A new sub-genre is in the making.
10/28/2018 05:50:50 pm
A new classification? That's kind of fun to think about.
10/28/2018 06:19:35 pm
You are so right, Rhani. We are all human and we all want to be loved and accepted for who we are. Some of us get so entangled in issues that are not core, that is one place where difficulties arise.
10/28/2018 07:08:38 pm
Hi, Mark. You're not kidding that things have changed in the publishing industry of the last few decades. Now, anyone with an Amazon account can publish a book. It doesn't require being accepted by a big publishing house, anymore. Another big change: it used to be that all a writer had to do was write, and the Publishers would handle the rest. Now, even a good publishing deal means you still have to do a lot of your own marketing.
10/28/2018 10:12:14 pm
All it takes is a small pile of money, and anyone can be published. Some people even publish their first draft. I have read some hardcore editors who say you should never publish your first book. The learning curve is so steep, your next book will be so much better. That's pretty harsh, If you can afford a good editor and proofreader, then that first book might be perfectly fine! Just a couple of weeks ago I reviewed "The Artist's Special Touch", a first book and it was amazing.
Rhani D'Chae
10/28/2018 11:41:42 pm
Shadow of the Drill was my first completed novel. BUT what you read is the second edition. The first edition, which was also self-published, was absolute crap. It was crap with potential, but it was crap. I made the mistake of listening to friends who are not writers, and they all raved about it. So I took them at their word when they said it was wonderful and sent it out into the world. A year or two later, I reread it and realized how bad it was. I immediately stopped selling it and rewrote it. There are still first editions out there, and I occasionally see them on eBay. I suppose that that version might be a collectors edition to people who like my work, but it's not a good book.
10/29/2018 12:37:00 pm
I am so glad you rewrote Shadow of the Drill! I enjoyed the story, some of the grit took me to the edge of my comfort zone. It is a powerful book.
I'm glad Shadow pushed you toward the edges of your comfort zone. There are a lot of words, both positive and negative, that would describe Decker's world, but I wouldn't say that any variation of "comfort" is one of them. Lol
10/29/2018 04:07:36 pm
This is one of those things that let me know I am talking to a writer. A writer cannot quit writing. A writer perseveres no matter the difficulty. I think a writer keeps writing even if nothing is published. A writer seeks to improve their skill in describing the human condition. I am not saying this for you, Rhani, you already know you are a writer. I am saying this to the writer struggling with their book, they may have a drawer full of partial manuscripts, or may just be starting their first book. I believe one reason for me to be here, besides fixing the spelling of every book, is to bring encouragement to struggling writers. Sometimes I can even point them in the right direction.
I'm right there on your soapbox, brother! Lol But you are right - a writer keeps writing, no matter what. I have several partially finished manuscripts in pee chees (Yes, I'm old. 😄) out in my garage that will probably never be finished. But at the time that I started them, they were all something I felt I needed to say. We write for the same reason we breathe: because we have to, and because we can't exist without it.
10/29/2018 08:55:40 pm
You really make me laugh, sometimes. Do you purposefully insert funny moments into your books? in Shadow and ODC there were some very funny moments that made me laugh out loud! LOL for you millennials and below. I love to read stuff that has a funny angle to it, I love to read funny stuff period.
I do try to put humor into my work, when it's appropriate. The Drill series is pretty dark, so I try to throw in some lightness here and there. Rudy has a pretty good sense of humor, so I like to let that shine a bit. With Cozy, Shy was fairly irreverent about almost everything, so her comments tended to be on the more humorous side.
10/30/2018 02:08:42 pm
Humor is good for so many things, it lightens a dark mood, it releases tension; a good laugh makes a person feel good.
You're probably right about the Pee Chees. One of these days, I'll have to sharpen my machete, throw some hollow points into my .45 and venture into Hell's Footlocker. Who knows? I might find my next great novel out there.
10/30/2018 04:41:29 pm
Don't forget the bull whip and plastic cuffs, if you want any prisoners. Maybe you don't. Do you want to borrow a dragon?
I would love to borrow a dragon, thank you. 😃
10/30/2018 07:30:43 pm
That makes sense, no research for you!
To be honest, I have no clue what Dragon can or can't do. It does not come with any form of instruction, to speak of. If you want to know how to work it you have to go online and search. This is basically research, and I don't do research. Lol
10/30/2018 09:54:01 pm
At least it works for you. Something to be thankful for. And you have had an interesting life, so lots of material to draw upon.
I wrote the poem in the eighth grade. I went to a private Baptist school, and a strict code of behavior was enforced, both on and off school grounds. I was already a wild child, having left home several times by then. I'd done a few adult films, danced in a couple of strip clubs and had worked in a place called Ginger's Sex Counselling and Reading Rooms, down in Portland. I was told not to speak of any of it, nor to display my sinful life in ANY way. Basically, I had to hide everything I was. I modified that poem to relate to Shy's gayness, but the original poem was my way of rebelling against the order to suppress the person that I was quite happy being.
10/30/2018 11:26:17 pm
They really tried to put you into a box. I guess it's not too surprising, is it.
I learned about the Power of Words very early. My father was the song leader at our church, and I can remember the impact that the hymns had on me. The song writers knew what they were trying to say and the end result was a very powerful piece of music. Music has always affected me very strongly, and songs have gotten me through the hardest times in my life.
10/31/2018 12:42:06 pm
Music is very powerful, no question about it. It affects us in so many ways.
Yes, it's great that I have my sister to bounce things off of. When ideas pop into my head for new books, I'll often ask her what she thinks. I know I will get honest feedback from her.
10/31/2018 03:59:22 pm
You have learned some hard lessons. I think most of us learn the hard way. I know I do.
Hayden Eyesli
10/31/2018 03:10:08 pm
This book was a great read. I'd be very interested to read any extension or sequel to this story.
10/31/2018 03:53:53 pm
Thank you, Hayden, for dropping by. I am glad you enjoyed the book as much as I did.
Hi, Hayden, thanks so much for stopping by. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading Cozy, and I greatly appreciate your help in getting some of the errors that slipped past me cleaned up. I've added another chapter or two since you read it, and I've been thinking about working on a second book that would have more of Gabby's memories of Shy. What do you think?
Mark, I often long for the days when I would sleep 8 hours a night. I have a friend who calls me a vampire because no matter what time he calls, day or night, I'm wide awake and ready to talk. Lol
10/31/2018 09:24:35 pm
I have heard that story about groups, like the Meetup, where one or two people take the group over and control it for their own uses. A lot of new writers have been hurt bad in a situation like that. It's good you listened to your instincts.
Stanley and I follow each other on Twitter and have chatted, now and then. He's a great guy.
11/1/2018 11:49:58 am
That is an interesting project. You remind me of my little brother a little bit. He "ran away" and joined the circus at a young age, touring for about 10 years. He has some great experiences.
I would be very happy if I could keep at least one person from falling into the vanity publishing trap. There are many Indie publishers out there who will treat an author right, get their work published and give them a fair royalty. These Publishers generally do not ask for a large amount of money up front to publish the book. If an author wants to use their editing, proofreading, or cover design services, there is usually a cost for that. But that's fair. However, if you don't need any additional services and are simply looking to publish a complete and fully edited manuscript, there should not be a charge to put your book out there for purchase.
11/1/2018 03:07:32 pm
I am racking my brain about your lucky charm. What show are you talking about? I doubt if it's F-troop or Hogan's Heroes.
You might find this a little silly, but the show that I watch is Starsky and Hutch. Lol
11/1/2018 07:33:57 pm
That was a good show, I remember watching it. I also enjoyed One Adam-12.
I was also a fan of Adam-12. Lol
11/1/2018 10:33:32 pm
Fantasy is a new direction for you. I enjoy fantasy quite a bit. I read my first urban fantasy not long ago. I reviewed "Regen" earlier this year. It was an engaging story and written in first person. She did well, no head hopping.
Maybe there is no difference between Action and Thriller. But to me, an action novel is one where the plot revolves around...action. The Drill series focuses on chasing people, fighting, that sort of thing. To me, that's action. I have always seen thrillers as...a little more subtle, a little higher intensity. Except for one or two scenes, I don't see Shadow of the Drill as the kind of book that keeps you on the edge of your seat, wondering what's going to happen next. It's hard for me to explain the difference that I see between what I consider action and what I consider thriller, but there is a difference to me. Shoot 'em up movies, like the Jack Reacher series are action, in my opinion, while the Final Destination films are thrillers. Those are probably the best examples I can give.
11/2/2018 12:55:20 pm
So, perhaps we can say that action is very physical and a thriller is more cerebral, more of the mind. I do love a good action movie. I watch it on more than one level, I am always amazed at how the stunts are performed and how stunt people are integrated into the film. Jackie Chan is my all-time favorite for action and martial arts movies, because he does his own stunts; and he makes me laugh! I love to laugh!
I absolutely adore Jackie Chan! I agree with you about action being more physical,while thrillers are intense on different levels. That's actually an excellent way to express what I was trying to say. Lol
11/2/2018 02:58:51 pm
A Perilous Thirst sounds so interesting, I went and bought it this morning. I will be reading it soon. It won't take me long at 21 pages.
Thank you so much for downloading a copy of Thirst. It's a fun little story, and I think you like it.
11/3/2018 01:34:26 pm
I am glad You wrote that story. It was unusual as you said, and it was interesting and cute in a dark way. I could hear the echo of Stoker's masterpiece. Well done.
11/3/2018 03:23:38 pm
Hi Vashti, thanks so much for dropping in. Thank you for the kind words. I think you will enjoy the book quite a bit. It rings so true, I loved it.
I'm so glad you enjoyed Thirst. It was a lot of fun to write, an I do think it's a unique little piece.
11/3/2018 03:34:13 pm
I am glad to hear another good report about RRBC. You said a great deal about the club in just a few words.
#RRBC is a great asset for a writer on almost every level.
11/3/2018 10:01:41 pm
I am not surprised you are a pantster. That would have been my guess, partly because of your vision problems.
Hunter is going to be a major player in the Drill series. I have at least ten books lined up to be written, and no character is safe. Let's just say that his role will increase as time passes. Lol
11/4/2018 10:16:50 am
I am certainly looking forward to your future writing. I think Hunter is going to be very real on the page, not quite empty of hope and dreams, trying to do the right thing.
Everything in life that is worth doing requires continuous learning. I don't think it's important to necessarily do everything that is put forth as a new way, the new big thing. But I do think it's important to be aware of what people are talking about and at least see if it's something that could improve what we, as individuals, are doing in our own work.
11/4/2018 04:39:29 pm
Right you are. We are or should be learning something new every day. My grandmother told me that when I was a little boy.
Printing the 1st edition of Shadow was definitely a job. Thankfully, now that ebooks are so simple to create, I'll never have to do it again! 😄
11/4/2018 06:08:06 pm
Knowing you won't have to ever do that again is nice. On the other hand, you can brag about the old days, when you had to carry the cut pages to the bindery. ;-)
You were shocked by that little revelation at the end of shadow? I'm glad to hear that. I wanted it to come as a surprise, so I'm thrilled to hear that it did.
11/4/2018 07:56:52 pm
I kept wondering what was motivating Decker, down deep, you kept so much back it was very sneaky and well done.
It's funny how one thing can change everything. The world changed for Decker when he was 25 years old, and if that one thing hadn't happened, he would have been a completely different man at forty. I think he would have married a second time, had a couple of kids and settled into whatever job would have provided a decent life for his family. And I think he would have been happy. Instead, that one situation changed him into someone who is often more machine than man. Someone who has taken it upon himself to kill, rather horribly, those who are destroying what he considers his streets, his people. And anyone else, if the price is right.
11/5/2018 12:06:44 pm
One of the things I liked about Decker was his care and concern for those people around him. He was very genuine in his expressions and actions, it made him a very complex character! I also loved the way Rudy was willing to face death for his friend. You created a world of depth and feeling. That is part of the magic isn't it? While brutal as a warzone at times, there were moments of tenderness also. What drove Decker mattered the most to him and I think he realized how the desire for revenge changed him, with some regret.
11/5/2018 01:59:18 am
Thanks for all your insightful comments Rhani, and Mark for asking such pointed questions. I’m glad I popped in!
Hi, Maretha. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by! I hope you had as much fun reading my interview as I did listening to yours the other day. Sometimes I think that one of the biggest perks of writing is getting to talk about the stuff we've done and what we're working on. Thanks again, and I hope you have a wonderful Monday. 😃
11/5/2018 11:56:58 am
Thank you, Maretha, for the dropping in and for the kind words.
Decker is a huge contradiction of terms, sliding from one end of the scale to the other. He can go from gentle and loving to vicious killer at the drop of a hat. It often surprises me that two such different personalities, Decker and the Drill, can reside so easily within the same man.
11/5/2018 04:40:55 pm
Decker and Rudy take the buddy idea to a new level of intensity.
One of these days I will tell you where the foundation for the relationship between Decker and Rudy came from. It might surprise you. Lol
11/5/2018 07:09:02 pm
That would definitely be an interesting story, the origin of The Decker and Rudy team.
I think it's awesome that you're helping your granddaughter like that! She's so lucky to have you around.
11/5/2018 11:30:36 pm
I am lucky to have such a talented granddaughter. She is one of four, and they are all so different.
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