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Debut author, Bryan Genesse introduces us to his first book: “VampireS (€) X”: I Am Demon. And God. The Last Of My Kind. Read My Story At Your Own Peril... a memoir of secrets revealed. Relentless, painfully honest, thrillingly intimate and a true account of anguish and immortality told by an author in hiding who after 1000 years might still walk amongst us. A stunning tale unlike any other in the genre, for the author, promises to dispel every lie, myth and fable told in all the made-up stories ever written about vampires. Spanning across continents and centuries from New York City to Italy to North Africa and deep into jungles of the Mayan Coast, the author weaves a relentless tale of infinite love, relentless wars and dancing with madness while divulging the realities of being an immortal...whose gender and sexual appetites are the biggest enigmas of all. A tsunami of revelations leads to the unimaginable: how anyone, whether mortal or immortal, can still turn a human into a vampire. If you do not believe this journal is Nonfiction as soon as you start reading you will. If you do not read this memoir in one sitting; if instead, you decide to go to sleep—Do Not Turn Off The Lights. Believe me! The author does not require an invitation to enter your home that is a myth! This is...the Truth. This is an interesting take on the common vampire theme. Written as a supernatural memoir, it has quite a few surprising twists. I loved it. I really want to talk about some of the twists and revelations that are slowly revealed in the story. But I am committed to not revealing any spoilers. The feelings of the vampire while recording thoughts are very evident and at times elicit a great deal of sympathy, this is a big part of the author’s genius. All of the characters come through as complex and very relatable. They are real, with conflicting desires and emotions. I enjoyed the dialogue quite a bit, it was very witty at times and rather gritty sometimes. There were many locales and time periods, which was entertaining. The scene setting is done well also. The action was excellent. The author describes his novel as an adult memoir with good reason, there are a handful of fairly sexy scenes. I award “VampireS (€) X” a score of 4.5 stars. You can buy this book: You can follow the author: paranormal, fantasy, romance Copyright © 2020 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction
8/9/2020 01:41:29 am
Thanks for the great review, Mark. I am looking forward to chatting with you for the interview.
8/9/2020 09:24:05 am
You are welcome. I enjoyed reading your book a lot.
8/9/2020 03:48:09 pm
I grew up in a small town in Canada near Niagara Falls and moved to NYC at 19 years old. In my first career, I began as an actor. Luckily, I found success as a thespian, and the creators of The Bold and the Beautiful hired me for their new soap opera, which was my first worldwide show.
8/9/2020 05:22:44 pm
Very nice. Working on the screen, whether big or little, entails a lot of memory work, it seems to me. Not many actors or even regular people get the job they really wanted the first time. Congratulations.
8/9/2020 07:41:08 pm
I am a full-time writer with five novels completed or, more realistically, five novels never quite completed. Currently, I am changing the POV one of my protagonists in a thriller to first person from third. As you know, Mark, it us a pain in the derriere to change the POV in a 90k word novel.
8/9/2020 08:24:23 pm
Changing POV would be a herculean task, harder in some ways than the actual writing. Instead of the words flowing from your finger tips, as the muse smiles and whispers in your ear, the reality ogre is leaning heavily on your shoulder pointing out everything that needs to be fixed. Getting paid to do what you love is a wonderful thing. I know that for a fact. I love to read and proofread.
8/10/2020 03:18:47 am
My heart sank to hear about your wife's injury and the time it will take for her to achieve a full.recovery. From my personal journey to healing, it took a a few years to walk without a limp, and I still suffer from ongoing aches is such a precious gift, perhaps, as only a vampire knows.
8/10/2020 10:42:24 am
Healing is not as easy when you are no longer young. It takes longer. My wife's broken bones are close to being knit back together. The soft-tissue injuries to her hand and arm are what is going to take so long.
8/10/2020 12:03:49 pm
Your waters run deep, Mark. Whoever said youth is wasted on the young got it right, didn't they? I also became lost in Shelly's tale.versus Stoker's, but breaking new ground is hard and sometimes boring.
8/10/2020 12:15:40 pm
Yes. Youth was fun and silly, so much wasted energy sand angst. Yet, it's part of the process of maturation that few can avoid.
8/10/2020 03:38:42 pm
I didn't know book cover competitions existed. Wow! You learn something new every day.
8/10/2020 04:45:28 pm
There are many kinds of competitions, covers are only one. There are bogus competitions also, some of those will try to empty your wallet or your future wallet by stealing your intellectual property rights. Anne R. Allan is one of my favorite bloggers. I have shared many links to her blogs on my Highly Regarded Blogs page. She always has a short list of ethical and safe contests to enter. She or someone else has written a blog about that topic also.
8/10/2020 07:55:44 pm
I have never entered a writing contest but I will keep it in mind.
8/10/2020 08:46:17 pm
I forgot, you are going to try and get those other books traditionally published.
8/10/2020 09:59:28 pm
What a strange world, our daughter is virtual learning, starting Wednesday, and we just met her teacher online. The new normal is freaking weird to me. Anyhoo....
8/11/2020 10:47:48 am
Thanks for explaining about Rewrite and Resubmit. That would be exciting to receive, no question! An author I know received one of those, she emailed the person and she never heard back from them again. So she proceeded with self-publishing.
8/11/2020 07:17:24 pm
You know, my experience with self-publishing has allowed me to control everything from the launch of my book to pricing to correcting grammatical errors to...everything. The ability to dive deep into the publishing aspect will make every writer better at the business of being an author.
8/11/2020 08:17:34 pm
The ability to have control over all aspects of publishing a book is important for a lot of authors. They don't like sharing control or the profits. I keep hearing how much advances have shrunk, and also how there is no royalties to the author until the advance is repaid.
8/11/2020 10:49:43 pm
I agree with everything you stated above.
8/11/2020 11:24:33 pm
You have a good lawyer! Congratulations. I am glad you got out of that contract.
8/12/2020 02:06:03 am
As always, your additional information is spot on. Every writer needs to learn the ropes and rules in order to untie and break them to suit their narratives and characters' truths.
8/12/2020 10:49:26 am
There are a lot of interesting people and many are involved with writing and publishing. I have lists of many different people on my Twitter home page including, but not limited to, agents, publishers, graphic artists and audio book narrators.
8/12/2020 09:36:24 pm
I did use Amazon and Facebook and had a good response. As well, I paid for PR distribution across several online media and print sources, which I couldn't track. So I don't know the specific response to that. I did not use Bookbub.
8/12/2020 10:09:18 pm
I think you are the first author to report having a good experience with ads on Facebook. Of course, I haven't been asking that question for very long.
8/13/2020 12:21:56 am
For all the information on Audiobooks, thank you, Mark.
8/13/2020 09:58:14 am
You are welcome. I hope that more authors can be supported by their craft. There are two ways to accomplish that goal, one is to have published a lot of books, until that occurs the second option is to publish the existing backlist in as many forms and on many platforms as possible. Licensing your book is how that is done. Audio books, graphic novels, deluxe editions, large print, screen plays, role playing games, and in many authors' minds a movie deal is the holy grail. Foreign distribution in English, such as Big Bad Wolf does all over the world and translations into the languages where the English language has been selling well.
8/13/2020 04:08:44 pm
Sounds like an idyllic childhood but too small of a hometown has its own challenges. At least we had 28K in our hometown.
8/13/2020 04:28:54 pm
It was a very small town and I did not fit in.
8/14/2020 05:58:55 pm
My career took a big u-turn about 15 years ago when I was badly injured on a movie shoot. To get healthcare, we had to move back to Canada because the 3 companies that produced the film kept fighting about who should be responsible to approve the Insurance. It was a nightmare.
8/14/2020 06:10:21 pm
That sounds pretty bad. Glad you are better now.
8/14/2020 06:38:43 pm
I tend to overwrite most scenes. When I'm under it is a nice surprise. Even with overwriting I must get to the heart of the scene and re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-rewrite, edit and re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-edit then send it to betas and my editor and then don't all again and again and again. Then send it to you to find all the mistakes that slipped past all of us 🤣🤣😅🤣😅
8/14/2020 07:01:50 pm
You have lots of company. I think it's a good idea to get everything out of your head and onto the page. It's much easier to sort through everything that way.
8/14/2020 07:16:51 pm
All of the above. Sometimes a chapter is cut completely or scenes are reduced then reorganized in the chapter. Sometimes a chapter is one scene and it is mere words and sentences sliced away.
8/14/2020 07:56:03 pm
A lot of authors go through all of that, and honestly, it is worth from my point of view as a reader. I don't recall who said it, easy reading is damn hard writing. It certainly seems to be the case.
8/14/2020 08:05:58 pm
I save everything. Sometimes with the intention of using it in book two or three, but that doesn't always work out.
8/14/2020 08:24:23 pm
If I was a writer I know myself well enough that I would be saving incremental backups of everything.
8/15/2020 03:04:08 am
How do I create my characters? Sometimes I create a character tree which devolves into a decrepid monster. Its twisted branches laden with unreadable character traits. Sometimes I use acting tools to help me create my characters. Sometimes I let the characters germinate as I write and they slowly push their way out of the pages and grow into themselves. Then I incorporate the tree, the acting tools and excercises.
8/15/2020 10:08:01 am
Many writers like to build their characters from their imagination exclusively. While others draw upon a few traits from people they know or have met and keep the characters detached enough that no one will recognize themselves.
8/15/2020 03:03:55 pm
I do like to cook...hahahaha. Also I would love to check out Rick's blog.
8/15/2020 04:03:46 pm
Rick has written several interesting blogs for me. The website he built for his Character Creation tool is very cool.
8/15/2020 04:22:18 pm
When I sit down I write. Often I do 12 to 14 hour marathon sessions if the flow is fast and clear. Occasionally, if the flow gets jammed, I will start reading from the beginning and make grammatical and spelling corrections as I go. Then the story clears up,the jam breaks apart and I can get back to writing the current chapter.
8/15/2020 04:41:50 pm
It sounds like you have a hard working and fairly cooperative muse. That is wonderful.
8/16/2020 03:18:16 am
Both pace and flow are equally important to the narrative. Pace is the rhythm and speed of a story. Several literary devices can help a writer increase or decrease pace. Introducing a backstory and subplots, increasing description, cliffhangers, action scenes and words...More detail and description will slow pace. Action scenes and words will increase pace. Additionally, allowing blank space to exist on the page, created by paragraph and sentence along with scene and chapter length, the use or neglect of active voice, and dialogue versus prose will either increase or decrease pace. Many more devices exist.
8/16/2020 09:50:55 am
You explained that quite well.
8/16/2020 04:02:20 pm
I totally agree, always cutting the filler words and writing for each genre.
8/16/2020 05:55:50 pm
It could still be too erotic for some and not erotic enough for others. C'est la vie.
8/16/2020 06:24:00 pm
So many classical authors have greatly inspired me while magnifying and enriching human truths. A few include, Plato, Shakespeare, Orwell, Dickens, Steinbeck, Hemmingway...too large of list. Oh, gotta add,.Emily Bronte, Toni Morrison, Jane Austen, V. Woolfe....
8/16/2020 06:34:35 pm
I love that you have read so widely. I have read some and not others personally.
8/16/2020 06:46:18 pm
Without doubt, VampireS € X was influenced by Anne Rice's Vampire Series. I devoured her books and read several multiple times. Bram Stoker deserves some credit for all vampire tales written since the 19th century because he made the genre popular, in my opinion.
8/16/2020 07:06:23 pm
Anne Rice is a very popular author. Her vampire books sold a lot of copies, I think.
8/17/2020 01:07:04 am
To be clear, I would NEVER ask my favorite authors to read my book and send it to his or her agent. Can we all say, JOKING?
8/17/2020 09:58:48 am
What if your favorite author wanted to read your story? You could ask them if they would be willing to advise you about your query letter. If they said yes, then take it from there.
8/17/2020 02:57:33 pm
All your ideas for a Kickstarter launch are great. And, yes, if my fav author asked about my work...well then, the sky's the limit.
8/17/2020 04:14:47 pm
It seems that a lot of authors are a hybrid, similar to you. They do some plotting but do quite a bit of writing inspired by their muse. While many do a rough outline, a few actually plot out a chapter after it's written. I think that is a good idea for the future, as more books are written, the details of an early book can fade.
8/17/2020 05:22:13 pm
For me, I am comfortable writing both action and dialogue because of my experience with screenplays. After, Street Justice, the action series I did with Carl Weathers, I wrote a bunch of action screenplays and managed to sell a handful and even get a few produced.
8/17/2020 05:34:09 pm
Seeing your screenplay produced has to be a good feeling. Right about the level of publishing a book.
8/17/2020 05:37:43 pm
Mark, you are like sunshine on a cloudy day. Thank you for this opportunity and for making me a better interviewer with your thoughtful questions. Leave a Reply. |
Who am I?An avid reader, typobuster, and the Hyper-Speller. I am a husband, father, and grandfather. Archives
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"I'm very pleased with all your efforts. Twitter promotion and proofreading were beyond what I expected with a book review. Your suggestions throughout the process of refining both books helped me immensely. I look forward to working with you again." A.E.H Veenman “Dial QR for Murder” and “Prepped for the Kill”