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Independent author, Carlos Tkacz, introduces us to his debut sci-fi novel, The Void Within: The 25th century. Humanity has discovered a new form of energy, the Source, derived from the very basis of life itself. Using this power to travel instantaneously through space, humans have spread through their corner of the galaxy and coalesced into two groups: the Coalition and the Inner Cluster. They are held in an uneasy economic and cultural relationship by their reliance on each other, the Coalition with the technology of the Source and the Inner Cluster with the materials to make it a usable form of energy. When rumors of conquest, political undergrounds, and alien contact threaten this balance of powers, it falls to three individuals to find the truth of the conspiracies swirling through their governments and to stave off a disastrous war. What they find in the process will change the course of humanity forever. What an elegant meal, Carlos serves up in this story. This galaxy-spanning saga delivers a very satisfying six-course meal. There is military action, multiple planets of diverse kind, a touch of romance between enemies, and a hard look at the nature of mankind. I have always promised no spoilers, and this will be no exception; but it will be quite difficult to keep that promise. I don’t think I have ever picked inner dialogue as my favorite aspect of a book. This time, yes. I loved the action and the scene-setting was marvelous, not too much, just the right amount. I enjoyed the dialogue also, the characters stayed true to form. The ending was fabulous! It caught me by surprise. It has been several decades since reading Asimov’s Foundation trilogy, I was reminded of that epic story while reading this tale. I award The Void Within 4.9 stars! You can buy this book: You can follow the author: Tags: space opera, military science fiction, metaphysical science fiction, FTL, faster than light, transhumanism Copyright © 2019 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction
4/13/2019 08:33:59 am
I'm glad you enjoyed the book, and thank you for the kind words! I am especially pleased that you enjoyed the inner dialogue; that is something i enjoy in books but that seems to be going a bit out of fashion.
4/13/2019 11:43:22 am
A lot of books have inner dialogue, but not many are considering issues of death and destruction on a planet-wide scale. I particularly enjoyed having the four points of view.
4/13/2019 02:03:12 pm
I don't mind at all! I was born and raised in California, living first in LA and then in Bakersfield, where I went to college. I earned in a Master's in English, and now I teach composition at a community college in Bishop, CA. My path wasn't that straightforward though. I dropped out of college after 3 years and spent 4 years travelling and exploring, trying to better understand myself and my place in the world. This is when I began climbing, a practice that guided me around the world, back into college, and is now a major part of my life still. Before I returned to college, I worked as a climbing guide, and I mostly worked with kids, taking them outside.
4/13/2019 03:53:04 pm
Rock climbing has been a big part of your life. You have some great pictures of climbs on your Instagram. You must have climbed some famous places. Have you climbed Smith Rocks in Oregon? I am not a climber, I have heard that it's one of the best climbs in Oregon, or maybe the best that is closer to Portland.
4/13/2019 06:41:28 pm
I have never had a chance to climb at Smith Rock, but it is a famous place. I have had the chance to climb all over the US, from here in California to Colorado to Texas, as well as internationally. I have been to Australia, Argentina, Canada, South Africa, and Thailand to climb. In fact, this summer will be my fourth summer in a row going to South Africa and there is where I wrote my novel last year!
4/13/2019 06:48:07 pm
You have travelled a lot! How exciting. You wrote your novel in South Africa, very cool. I am assuming you are referring to the first draft. We will talk more about that later.
4/13/2019 10:51:23 pm
I have been lucky to travel quite a bit. Both of my parents of from South America, Argentina and Brazil, so I was able to visit there pretty young. They both instilled a love of travel in me pretty much from the beginning.
4/14/2019 11:09:39 am
I think your cover succeeds quite well.
4/14/2019 12:30:14 pm
For the title, I wanted something sufficiently dramatic and vague so as to be interesting but not very informative. This might come from my experience as a student if literature, where titles can often lay the melodrama on pretty thick. I am thinking of titles like In the Skin of a Lion, Out Stealing Horses, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and Infinite Jest. I also wanted something philosophical on nature, and perhaps some of the more important questions in philosophy, certainly in Eastern traditions, have to do with the substance of the self. Finally, I wanted something that could be toyed with subsequent novels in the trilogy. Right now, the working title of the sequel is a The Void Beyond.
4/14/2019 01:52:36 pm
You did well with the title. Some of those ideas went through my mind as I read. 4/14/2019 03:19:42 pm
You know, I have not entered any contests. When I wrote the book, I did not having ambitions beyond just sharing it with friends and family. The decisions to self-publish and seek a wider audience came much later, after I had completed the first draft. As such, I have not won any awards. When the semester is over and I have some more free time, however, I may start looking for some to enter. I am flattered you think the book is good enough for that! I did once when "Best Graduate Level Paper" for the Humanities when I was in grad school.
4/14/2019 04:50:20 pm
Contests and short stories are a good way to hone your craft. Because they usually have a number of restrictions in the rules.
4/14/2019 05:13:50 pm
I did consider a more traditional publisher, but in the end I pretty much decided to just self-publish right away. There are a few reasons for this. The first is that I find the idea of doing things on my own appealing. Maybe it has to do with climbing, a very individualistic pursuit, or maybe I listened to too much Wu-Tang Clan and was influenced by their DIY ethic, selling records on the streets. You see this kind of approach in other artistic disciplines, especially artisanal ones, where outlets like YouTube and Etsy have put the modes of production and, especially, marketing back into the hands of the artists themselves. This goes back to my training in literature; for hundreds of years, the gates of publishing were lorded over by a rather elite few. This meant that narratives falling outside the mainstream were less likely to be disseminated to wider audiences. This began to fall apart in the last few decades with the rise of post-colonial literature and with the internet. While this anyone-has-a-platform way has some serious drawbacks that society is still learning to deal with, I think it is overall a net positive, and I wanted to be a part of that process in my own, small way. Also, I wrote this book in a way that goes a bit against the grain of what is currently popular in scifi right now. When I was reading to prepare myself to write the novel, I noticed that science fiction had gone the way of movies: a lot of sex and violence. I consider myself a pacifist of sorts (hence my love of Star Trek, especially TNG), and I wanted to offer a different kind of story. Where many stories are fast paced, I wanted mine to be slower and build. While many stories center around action and violence, I wanted mine to revolve around the intellect and thoughts of my characters. While many stories emphasize a kind of rugged individualism, I wanted mine to privilege cooperation. And while the anti-hero is popular, I wanted my characters to be admirable. As such, I did not think a traditional publisher would find my style very marketable.
4/14/2019 06:10:20 pm
That was well said. I agree with you on so many of those points. Enemies agreeing to cooperate for the greater good is a neglected theme. Simply because your book goes against the grain I think it might help start a resurgence of those themes.
4/14/2019 11:03:36 pm
As I was doing research about publishing options, I realized that there is an entire industry that has grown around indie writers. One thing I saw that really bothers me is that there sees to be people out there who are intent on making money off the dreams of aspiring writers without actually offering any useful service. You see this in inflated prices and exaggerated claims from some companies. For me, the commodification of art is already fraught with issues, and adding to that the hopes and dreams of individuals, all for the sake of profit, is pretty low. That said, I have seen that there are also many people out that that offer real services for reasonable prices!
4/15/2019 11:15:20 am
There are a lot of bad apples in the barrel. No doubt about that. Besides taking all an author's money they frequently tie up the intellectual property rights forever. There are lots of different ways for an author to make money from their book. Movies, plays, audio books, foreign sales. There are a lot of countries who are hungry for English books and audio books. 4/15/2019 04:39:28 pm
For other writing I have done, my friends and family most definitely show up as elements in characters. And my own experiences generally make the basis for the stories I write. In this novel, both make appearances, but they are much less pronounced. I would say that the characters are more derived from other fictional characters than from real people in my life or myself.
4/15/2019 05:30:13 pm
I think you have hit upon something there. So many of us don't face our emotions completely or honestly. We play peekaboo, we hide, and we fear what may lie below the surface. Emotions have so many layers at times they can be very confusing and offer such rich opportunities for the author.
4/15/2019 07:21:29 pm
I tend to enjoy writing the protagonists more than antagonists. Personally, I have trouble identifying with "evil" characters, and so I do not take much pleasure in writing about them. That said, the sequel to this novel, which I am currently working on, has a pretty bad antagonist, and it has been interesting to try and understand his motivations in order to be able to better write his character. We all do have parts of our natures that tend towards the less than desirable. Anyone that is prone to introspection has likely noticed this within themselves. It is just that I prefer to focus on the "better angels" of our nature in my writing.
4/15/2019 08:51:31 pm
That makes a lot of sense that you want to focus on the good side we all have. We are all a mixture of many things.
4/15/2019 10:22:44 pm
My routine is pretty simple. I like to get up early, so I wake up around 6 am. I make some coffee or tea (yerba mate is my go to, since my dad is from Argentina) and set up my computer. Then I just write, using the outline I prepared during that phase of my process. My goal is always at least 1000 words, and it usually takes me about an hour. Sometimes I manage more. And then I go on with the rest of my day!
4/16/2019 12:39:47 pm
Our routines are fairly similar. I get up around 6 also. Coffee for me. I cold-brew my coffee at home so I drink it black. Anywhere else I add amendments to cut the bitterness. 4/16/2019 02:13:53 pm
One of my goals with the book was to tie it to the world we live in as much as possible. I don't want to give anything away, but I mostly tried to do this in two ways: through the introducrions to each chapter and thematically. The introductions each come from a fictional non-fiction text that informs the reader of the history tying the time of the novel to our time now. These "texts" are generally based in philosophy or history and academic in nature. They were a ton of fun to wrote and a device I blatantly took from "Dune." Thematically, I wanted to deal with issues we see in society, such as fear as a political tool and the tension between individual rights and the public good. I also tried to put these into relief with individual morality and spirituality and the constant tension the individual finds itself in with a state. The next novel will continue this process, dealing especially with how we treat refugees and with the use of violence as a tool of statecraft.
4/16/2019 06:17:50 pm
I loved the chapter introductions! You really nailed it!
4/16/2019 07:08:20 pm
I use Word to write in and to format the paper version of my book. The reason is simple enough: it's just what I am used to. Word is what I have used most of my life, and while I know there are other programs out there specific to writers, I don't see any reason to change and learn a new program. As for formatting the e-book, I used Kindle Create, a free program offered by Amazon. It isn't perfect, but it doesn't cost me anything.
4/16/2019 07:28:44 pm
A lot of writers use Word, I do too. It is very common and widespread. Free is a very good price!
4/16/2019 09:41:03 pm
I have definitely had characters get away from me. Even in this novel, a few things happened that I didn't anticipate but that seemed more true the to characters than exactly what I had planned. Again, I don't want to give anything away. For my part, I try to be open to changes like that, as they come, but I also try to keep the original vision in mind and to achieve a synthesis.
4/16/2019 10:02:33 pm
That makes a lot of sense to me. I have heard that from so many authors. The characters almost come alive, I imagine that the sub-conscious might have something to do with that.
4/17/2019 10:03:49 am
I do my outlines all on the computer. Since I tend to write mostly on our summer travels, I try to minimize what I have to pack as much as I can. Most our luggage space goes to climbing gear.
4/17/2019 10:26:34 am
I think almost every author finds narration the easiest to write. The flip side is avoiding the dreaded information dump. It seems many authors struggle with this balance, to much and the reader may get bored, too little and there are too many unanswered questions. Either can result in the book being closed.
4/17/2019 01:18:22 pm
I think my experience in film made me a visual kind of writer, especially when I was younger. I also did photography for while, as a hobby, and I like to draw. This has made me sensitive to composition, and I think about this when I am describing a scene. I try and write my descriptions so as to match a well composed image, focusing on what details I think make a scene striking and interesting and ordering them in a way that will offer the reader a more complete and nuanced picture of what is happening. I don;t know if this makes me better or if I am successful at this, but my experiences in visual arts definitely has effected my writing. One thing I took away from theater is the idea of having a back story for each character, even if it is not relevant to the plot. Using this method has helped to understand my characters motivations and, therefore, their actions.
4/17/2019 02:10:11 pm
That is interesting to hear. I have long suspected that the visual arts could aid an author. You have just provided substantial proof of that. Photography and filmmaking both show a story without words.
4/17/2019 07:16:11 pm
That is an interesting question. Since I do a lot of outline prior to writing, I begin with a definitive place to end. When I reach that point, it's over! The subsequent drafts, however, can stretch on for quite a long time depending on how much work I feel it needs. This is an intuitive process for me. I try to take my time and not rush; I feel like trying to do too much too quickly is an easy way to get so wrapped up in editing and revising that it becomes too difficult to objectively see when the end is coming. It is definitely possible to overdo this part of the process and make your story worse. Basically, I do my best, often taking a month or so between drafts, to know when enough is enough and that the work is done. There is no formula for me on this point.
4/17/2019 08:08:57 pm
I am glad you liked that question. I like your process, If I were writing I think mine would be similar to yours.
4/17/2019 09:01:15 pm
If I hit a difficult plot point, I tend to try and step away for a while and try to think of a solution that does not mess up the rest of the book. Luckily, this has not yet been an issue, one of the virtues of planning well ahead.
4/17/2019 10:04:47 pm
There are many ways to deal with a tough spot. I have heard some authors will read the section aloud or have the computer do it for them. Sometimes engaging the extra sense of hearing helps.
4/18/2019 11:32:35 am
As I work on and think about Book Two, Book Three is definitely beginning to take a more distinct shape in my mind. I always had a vague idea of where it will go, but that idea is taking form and becoming concrete. Also, I have had a few conversations and listened to a few podcasts on politics and philosophy that I think have influenced the direction I want to go and the themes I want to explore.
4/18/2019 01:40:57 pm
That is nice that the third book is taking shape, it will be quite organic to the first two. 4/18/2019 04:27:17 pm
Oh I went to South Africa primarily to climb,but we only climb every other day and not too early in the morning, so there is plenty of tie to write.
4/18/2019 05:18:28 pm
What a wonderful and relaxing vacation.
4/18/2019 05:43:58 pm
Yeah, LOF fascinated me, and, in many ways, literature still fascinates me the same way that book originally did. I was struck by the ambiguity; there was a straight forward plot, but I just knew I was missing something. Later in life, I would equate the ambiguity of literature to the ambiguity of life, of being this weird mix of physical and mental being. I still tend to think of literature that way.
4/18/2019 07:05:17 pm
Life is full of ambiguity, no doubt about that.
4/19/2019 12:13:59 am
The honest feedback thing was tough, but I was really adamant in asking for it. So I think my friends and family did their best. I had trouble believing them, however, until I got some impartial reviews from strangers that were also fairly positive.
4/19/2019 11:11:05 am
That kind of unbiased confirmation is priceless! You learned how well you could depend on your friends and family. 4/19/2019 05:20:58 pm
I think I will ask my beta readers about my characters; it seems to me that character development is my major weakness, and that is something I want to improve upon. As such, I will want to know if the characters felt realistic, were relatable, and if they had an arc of development of their own throughout the story. I think I will also ask my readers what they thought of the dramatic tension and build up. I feel confident that I can write in a way that is easy and maybe even enjoyable to read, but I want to improve on how my stories lead the reader and create emotional responses. I think I will ask the readers the questions after they read a draft. I would rather them approach my books with an open mind. Finally, I think I will do a bit of both. It is nice having readers you know and can work with, especially in a trilogy, but I will also seek out new people. Always good to expand the audience!
4/19/2019 06:59:28 pm
I think you have a good plan starting to take shape. Perhaps ask for favorite and least favorite parts also. Maybe, for a few of the readers, give them the questions beforehand and the others after. As a test of what might work the best.
4/19/2019 09:03:40 pm
Ah, those are good suggestions. I will definitely keep them in mind!
4/19/2019 09:07:58 pm
In many ways, face to face interactions are the best. A lot of mistaken assumptions are avoided because there are so many more contextual clues available.
4/20/2019 10:13:14 am
Can I change the focus of the first question a bit? It immediately made me think of my younger self, the one that struggled to write but wanted to so badly. I think I have 3 things I wish early-20s Carlos knew:
4/20/2019 11:15:36 am
That was a good change! I think that could apply to a lot of beginning writers. Good advice!
4/20/2019 11:35:38 am
There are 2 pieces of advice I have learned from reading about other writers' processes that have been super useful. The first comes from a book on writing; unfortunately, I cannot remember the name or the author. In it, she points out that the first draft isn't supposed to be good. Rather, it's just supposed to be out of your head. The revision process is what makes it good.
4/20/2019 11:48:04 am
You nailed that! I tell authors that the first draft exists for only one reason, to be a POS that can be edited into a basket of jewels! You said it better than I did, but then, you are a writer.
4/21/2019 09:25:22 am
I think my ideal reader is the scifi fan who wants and appreciates new ways of telling stories. One thing I want to do in writing is to try and avoid falling into too many narrative archetypes; I don't want to be retelling the hero's journey over and over. There isn't anything wrong with the hero's journey or with any of the common arcs we all know and love, but I would like to try something semi-new if I can. I think of Star Trek: The Next Generation. In that show, they often take the common cliches, even the successful and popular ones, and turn them on their heads. TNG favors cooperation over individualism, science over violence, reason over emotion, and the list goes on. So I guess I write for the reader that has read enough to want something a little more like that, a little different from what we are usually offered.
4/21/2019 11:02:31 am
That is a good point about Star Trek. I think you are on the right track. I do enjoy reading a different tack on major themes.
4/21/2019 08:49:19 pm
Hmmm... my writing Kryptonite has to be self-doubt. I constantly wonder if I am any good, and I even imagine that my friends, family, and strangers are lying when they say they like my stuff. It used to affect me to the point where I didn't share what I wrote, but these days I try to not listen to that inner voice.
4/21/2019 09:19:56 pm
Everyone struggles with that inner critic; the liar, as I call it. It exists solely to induce despair and cause us to abandon creative efforts, in the extreme. That is not to say that we don't have a positive critic that helps us to improve our work and writing. Two different things and personas, if you will.
4/22/2019 09:13:32 am
At first, I wasn't a fan of Modernist of postmodern literature. The first time I read Hemingway, "The Old Man and the Sea," I was in high school and thought it was so incredibly boring. A few years later, when I was in my 20s, I re-read it and realized that the book was something special, nearly perfect in its execution. This was a distinct lesson for me; sometimes my tastes or opinions, my first impressions, can be incorrect at first and develop over time. The same thing happened when I attempted to read writers like David Foster Wallace and Pynchon. I've learned that sometimes you have to have a certain level of experience or contextual understanding to fully grasp a work. And I think that is ok. Not all writing can be made for easy consumption, especially writing that is meant to grapple with life itself.
4/22/2019 07:24:43 pm
You are correct. Our tastes change because we change. We are not static creatures. Our environment and our reactions to our environment are always in flux. So, what you are saying makes a great deal of sense. 4/22/2019 08:13:29 pm
The next two books will deal with the aftermath of the events of Book One. This will involve many of the same characters returning as well as some new ones becoming important. It would be hard to say much without giving away the first book too much, but readers can expect the same focus on culture, ethics, and technology but with some more action to accompany the thoughtful lives of the main characters and a wild ending. It will be epic!
4/22/2019 08:22:59 pm
I appreciate the bird's eye view! I don't like spoilers. I prefer to enoy a book as the author intended. I am really looking forward to reading "The Void Beyond".
4/23/2019 11:50:53 am
Thank you so much for the interesting and insightful conversation! It has been such a pleasure : ) Leave a Reply. |
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