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Multi-volume, multi-genre author Stanley C. Straub introduces us to his latest book, The Trail in the Woods: Something or someone has encapsulated an entire valley on Earth. The valley is called "The Valley of the Gods" and is given a perfect environment for people to live in. The valley is like a Garden of Eden and designed as an ideal place for an experiment. People hiking on a trail towards the valley have disappeared over the years and never been heard from again. Even searchers have disappeared that looked for the missing people. Something evil lives on the trail and controls the valley. Two childhood friends set out on a courageous adventure to hike the abandoned overgrown trail to see if they can find out what has happened to the people. The two hikers have to use machetes to get through the thick brush on the trail. While on the trail, they are captured and are taken to the valley to live. In the valley, they meet people with gills and come face to face with the one who runs the valley, The Tribulator, a Charles Manson type who thinks he is God. It's a fight for survival for the two hikers as they fight the evil forces controlling the valley. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance as the hikers battle for their lives. I have to say I enjoyed this story quite a bit! Stanley takes us on another wild ride, where so many things are not what they seem. I will not provide any spoilers here, you will have to read the story for yourself. I will say that Stanley is good at his scene setting; action and POV are pretty well done also. Even with a large supporting cast the protagonists are nicely defined. There are lots of changes in store for the hikers, and their world view will be shaken, just like yours. I award The Trail in the Woods a score of 4.3 stars. You can buy this book: You can follow the author: Tags: sci-fi, military, aliens, god, colonization Copyright © 2018 Mark L Schultz except for the author's introduction
9/1/2018 07:50:52 pm
Thank you for the great review. I really enjoyed writing the book and I'm glad that you liked it. I just hope that readers will like the book as well. I like surprise endings and this one probably nailed it. A friend of mine read the book and said the ending is what made the book to him. Again, a great review and I want to thank you for catching the mistakes that you did. I'm sure the book will read much better now. Thanks, Stan
9/1/2018 10:17:05 pm
I am glad you enjoyed my review. I hope it encourages others to buy and read your book. I enjoyed reading personally.
9/2/2018 01:15:32 am
Thank you Mark for the kind words. I also hope that your review and this interview encourages others to buy and read my book. I really enjoyed writing it and I hope that people will enjoy reading it. I like surprise endings because I think it makes the book more memorable. The demon to god plot was a twist I wanted to show in the book. Too many people believe one thing and won't open their minds to any other view. I believe that writers should have an open mind and be able to visualize all points of view even if it means going against their beliefs. What gave me the inspiration to put that plot in the book? Nothing other than a vivid imagination and being able to visualize it in my mind. I did two drafts and a ton of editing. I did more editing on this book than any I've ever written. (And, even by doing all of that editing, you were still able to catch some mistakes that I missed.) Almost all of the mistakes were not minor, but by correcting them, which I've already done, the book reads better without interruptions. It took me a quite a bit of researching to make sure that what I wrote was correct. It probably took me a year to do the research, write the book, and edit it. Online research is a fantastic tool and it really helped me in writing the book. One of the hardest parts was the religion aspects and the medical terms. I enjoy doing the research and making sure that the book is fundamentally correct. I believe that research is a necessary part of writing, even fiction. If it isn't correct and believable then it makes the story less believable. I spent a tremendous amount of time researching medical terms when I wrote my first book, The Killer Within. I enjoy it but it does take a lot of time.
9/2/2018 10:02:40 am
I think your research paid off. It raised the believability factor by quite a bit, especially in "The Killer Within". The open point of view concept was pretty well done also.
9/2/2018 11:37:15 am
Mark, thank you again for all of the thought provoking questions. I appreciate the time and effort that you're doing and hope that people will enjoy the questions and answers.
9/2/2018 04:22:27 pm
I figured the fog was your idea, having it electrically charged was interesting. It's fun to make things up, no doubt about that. 9/2/2018 04:45:39 pm
Is it important to tap into the emotions of the characters? Yes, I believe it is. I do it to get a true emotional experience of what my characters may be feeling. I feel that way I can better express their emotions. By tapping into their emotions, I think I get a closer feeling of what they are going through.
9/2/2018 05:52:14 pm
That is a great quote from Stephen King, it makes sense to me.
9/2/2018 07:19:25 pm
Do you think a strong ego is an asset or liability for a writer and why? I think that a strong ego actually helps a writer. However, it can get in the way unless you back off and realize that what you write is not about or for you. It's for your readers. Every once in awhile a writer should stop and look at what they are doing and reevaluate their ego and lay it where it belongs, in the hands of their readers.
9/2/2018 07:38:32 pm
Great answers!
9/3/2018 12:05:08 am
Have I ever had writer's block? The short answer is "no". I've never had an episode of writer's block. I can just sit down at the keyboard and the words flow. I've never had an occasion where I sat down, looked at the keyboard, and couldn't come up with anything to write. Maybe I'm lucky, but I'm glad that I've never experienced it and I hope that I never do. I guess I beat writer's block by just starting to write. Writer's block could happen if a writer sits down and thinks too much instead of just typing or writing away. When you just sit and stare at the keyboard, it's like waking up in the middle of the night and starting to think about writing or something else. It's hard to get back to sleep. Same thing with writing. If you just sit and think, then it's hard to get back to writing.
9/3/2018 12:19:14 am
Very cute, Stan. The name Jane Melody has a certain ring to it.
9/3/2018 01:00:14 am
I think you have a valid observation regarding romance books being written only by woman. I think the majority, if not all, are written by a woman or a man using a pseudonym. To me, it just seems more appealing to have a woman's name on the cover of a romance book. I believe that most romance readers are women. So, if a man's name was on the cover of a romance book, I don't think it would sell as well.
9/3/2018 12:56:01 pm
I think the idea of keeping notes is a good one. Keeping that original note page updated is a very good idea. I bet it helps you to stay on track with the original vision. Is this similar to the idea of plotting out a book in advance?
9/4/2018 12:43:48 am
Is having a note page similar to plotting out a book in advance?
9/4/2018 09:46:11 am
So, you sound like you are mostly a pantster when it comes to writing. If I were a writer, I would probably do a lot of plotting.
9/4/2018 01:00:27 pm
Do I write my books in a linear fashion?
9/4/2018 01:45:51 pm
Excellent. You are a lucky man! Keep doing what you are doing, because it works for you!
9/4/2018 02:57:48 pm
Do I have a favorite sub-genre of sci-fi?
9/4/2018 05:12:17 pm
Very interesting! We have many of the same tastes in literature. I had never read a romance story until a few years ago. There are some good writers in the romance field!
9/5/2018 12:58:55 am
What are the most unethical practies in publishing?
9/5/2018 09:58:01 am
Those are pretty hard on any author. I must surmise that there are enough authors that fall for the scam or these literary predators would go out of business.
9/5/2018 12:35:37 pm
What do I think about the merger between CreateSpace and KDP?
9/5/2018 02:01:15 pm
That's interesting to know you have worked both sides of that fence. I can't think of any real reason for an e-publisher to not be responsive, since the author does most of the work.
9/5/2018 02:33:33 pm
Thank you for the recommendation. I'll definitely check out @PublishDrive. Also, thank you for your comment on my book cover. It was fun designing it and it probably helps that I have an artistic mind. I've done photography in the past and I've done oil painting.
9/5/2018 03:22:57 pm
Thank you, Stan, I did not expect such a high compliment. I was thinking you might have gone on a retreat or bought a marketing course. I am honored greatly by your comment.
9/5/2018 03:37:08 pm
Do I have a hidden message in my writing?
9/5/2018 04:29:26 pm
I bet that was a nice cup of coffee, in a gold-plated cup! Obviously, quite a bit short of the reality you hoped for when you started writing. How did you deal with that? What did you tell yourself when you realize the size of that first check?
9/5/2018 04:57:46 pm
When I have a concept for a new book, do I do a lot of research first?
9/5/2018 07:16:15 pm
You might be thinking too big about influence, each person who enjoys your writing has been impacted by you. One of the many things I like about your books is the respect you show your characters. You treat them well. Your writing is positive also, it lifts up rather than tearing down. You have good stuff going on without even realizing it, perhaps. Keep it up.
9/5/2018 09:26:44 pm
Mark, thank you for your kind words. I never really thought about my writing influencing people.
9/5/2018 11:28:24 pm
It does take a lot of work. A long time ago, it was much easier, because writing was very hard with a just a typewriter; I think a larger percentage of the population read books also.
9/6/2018 12:15:35 am
Which of my books is my favorite and why?
9/6/2018 12:17:27 pm
I enjoyed "The Killer Within" quite a bit. Which of all of your books has sold the best so far, ball park estimate? The Tribulator character reveal was rather shocking in more ways than one.
9/6/2018 01:58:07 pm
Does writing have a spiritual or healing effect for me?
9/6/2018 03:12:26 pm
I cannot imagine losing the one you love after 52 years. Devastating certainly describes that situation. I think I would be affected the same way. The only thing that might keep me going is our kids and grandkids.
9/6/2018 04:46:47 pm
Thank you Mark! My new wife is a blessing. She lost her husband after over 53 years of marriage. We'll have been married 5 years on 21 December 2018 She's a sweetheart and we are so fortunate to have found each other.
9/6/2018 05:43:10 pm
Blessings are certainly multiplied when shared by two people! I am happy for you both!
9/6/2018 05:58:03 pm
"That book is almost as old as you are". (Shhh) Thank you for the kind words about being happy for us both.
9/6/2018 08:29:20 pm
Writing a book in less than a year is pretty good. It won't take too long to build up quite a library. That will put you ahead of a lot of authors that take years to write one book.
9/6/2018 09:07:19 pm
Have I read any fictional books that changed my perception of that style of writing?
9/6/2018 09:53:07 pm
You do have a unique style, influences are just that, influences. Your writing is your own, no one can tell the story you can.
9/6/2018 10:51:44 pm
Is it hard or easy to connect with your muse, why do you think it is that way?
9/7/2018 11:37:36 am
Compared to what I've heard on Twitter, you are a very lucky man, to have such a cooperative muse. So many moan about their muse being MIA.
9/7/2018 12:18:28 pm
You mentioned that you do your writing in the morning time. Do you ever get ideas during other times of the day? Do ideas ever wake you up in the middle of the night?
9/7/2018 12:46:34 pm
I bought that book not very long ago, I haven't had the chance to read it yet. Why did you buy it? What were you hoping to get out of it? How much of it have you read?
9/7/2018 05:40:05 pm
I bought that book (Stephen King "On Writing") not very long ago, I haven't had the chance to read it yet. Why did you buy it? What were you hoping to get out of it? How much of it have you read?
9/7/2018 07:22:39 pm
Let me know your thoughts when you finish it. I am interested.
9/7/2018 07:45:34 pm
Do you proofread and edit your own books or use a professional?
9/7/2018 08:51:36 pm
I certainly understand about being careful with your money. I am also. I would be honored to work with you on a future book.
9/7/2018 09:16:09 pm
Have you tried a promotional price of $0.99 or giving a book away for free?
9/7/2018 11:30:20 pm
Quite a few authors use a free book giveaway on their website, to build a mailing list for a future newsletter.
9/8/2018 10:53:08 am
Is there a favorite novel that you wish your name was on?
9/8/2018 12:04:37 pm
Stephen King is a prolific writer. He is credited with writing 50 some books. Have you read very many of his books? Of the books you have read, do you have a favorite?
9/8/2018 01:16:32 pm
Stephen King is a prolific writer. He is credited with writing 50 some books. Have you read very many of his books? Of the books you have read, do you have a favorite? 9/8/2018 12:04:34 pm
If somebody wanted to get an autographed copy, is that possible? How might they go about it?
9/8/2018 12:54:19 pm
Hi Patricia,
9/8/2018 01:46:36 pm
Hi Patricia, thanks for dropping in. That is a pretty good answer Stan provided.Is that what you were looking for?
9/8/2018 01:33:51 pm
I love that quote "Life is short. Enjoy it to the fullest. You only get one chance unless God or Science Fiction intervenes." I am sure a wise person said that. ;-)
9/8/2018 01:47:54 pm
Thank you for recommending The Copy Editor's Handbook. I'll have to get that one and use it.
9/8/2018 05:40:42 pm
The Copy Editor's Handbook covers a lot of ground, it has a good index and I turn to it first for my questions.
9/8/2018 06:06:12 pm
Have you ever gone on an organized writer's retreat?
9/8/2018 06:21:55 pm
I think you are onto something there, spending time with your wife pays good dividends; I have discovered the same thing. We are home-bodies most of the time also.
9/8/2018 08:35:48 pm
Thank you for the Willamette Writers suggestion. I have not heard of them and will check them out.
9/8/2018 09:10:56 pm
Good information and great answers again. We are a lot alike in many ways, it seems.
9/8/2018 09:40:13 pm
It does seem like we have a lot in common. I didn't realize until doing this interview that we are a lot alike. Coincidence or ???
9/9/2018 04:52:40 pm
Writer's Digest sure has a lot of stuff for writers, imagine that! ;-) It looks like some really great content. Do they still have a magazine? I seem to recall seeing it on a news stand a long time ago. I wondered how much the Amazon course was, The course is active right now, but I couldn't find a price. I bet it's not free. It does sound like a good course.
9/9/2018 08:02:04 pm
What are the easiest parts of writing for you and the hardest? 9/9/2018 07:51:18 pm
Hi Mark,
9/9/2018 08:56:24 pm
I ask that question about a message because I frequently see one in a book, sometimes it is obvious to the point of being painful. I when I don't discern a moral or message I wonder if I missed it.
9/9/2018 09:19:25 pm
What type of environment is best for me?
9/10/2018 12:50:36 pm
It sounds like you have a system that really works for you. I need quiet also when I am proofreading. When I am reading, quiet is not nearly as important. If I am deep into a book, I don't even hear most noises. I usually have the radio on and It gives me something to concentrate against.
9/10/2018 01:17:29 pm
You have been working on your website. What is the link? Who did you build it with and why did you choose them?
9/10/2018 03:41:06 pm
Your website does look nice. I downloaded the children's book and will read it later, it looks cute.
9/10/2018 04:04:21 pm
Thank you for checking out my Website.
9/10/2018 05:35:04 pm
I love that you have a clear vision of what you want to do. You have priorities and the will to work on them.
9/10/2018 06:11:50 pm
Mark, I'd like to thank you for the really great interview. I've gotten as much out of it as I've put into it. Great thought-provoking questions. I'd like to also thank Patricia for asking a question. Every question has been appreciated. I hope that everyone gets as much out of the interview as I have.
9/10/2018 08:21:30 pm
Thank you, Stan, for the fine compliments. Thank you also for sharing your poetry. I like what I see. You may have another field to be published in.
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