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The Martian Diaries: Vol. 3 Gateway To Mars (The Martian Diaries: An Alternate History and Time Travel Adventure, Continuing The War Of The Worlds)Multi-volume, science-fiction author, H. E. Wilburson introduces us to the latest volume in the Martian Diaries series, "Gateway to Mars": The War Of The Worlds Continues On The Moon And Mars! Time is running out for planet Earth. Marseria, the insidious Martian plague, has been infecting our planet for over twenty years and has resisted every human effort to eradicate it. With all life on Earth facing extinction, the only solution left is to directly access a specific piece of Martian technology. But, according to diaries left behind by Ogilvy the astronomer, the Martians have hidden it at the lake on the moon. In 1945, three rockets converted from Martian cylinders take off on the vital lunar mission, and amongst the crew is Ogilvy's nephew, Jack Stent. Will the astronauts locate the Martian shadow-weapon, thought to hold the desperately needed cure for Marseria? Can it really be used to instigate another timeline on Earth so that mankind can survive? The stakes are high and so is the risk of contact and conflict with Martians. Nearly two hundred years later, at a scientific colony on Mars, a shocking discovery is made about Jack Stent, and Ogilvy's Martian diaries are once again pivotal to human survival and the continuation of life on Earth. Gateway To Mars is the third volume of The Martian Diaries series that continues the classic H.G. Wells Mars novel in a compelling, unmissable action adventure. If you're a fan of The War Of The Worlds you won't want to miss this story of survival, despair and hope, that brings the original tale full circle. Get your copy today! I have read/listened to the first two books and this series' conclusion is shocking and satisfying on multiple levels. I won't give any spoilers, but each section of the book is well done and left me breathless. The alternate history timeline is an exciting way to move through the story and is quite relatable. If you like science fiction you will love this story and the time travel angle is not overdone in the least. This story is a worthy extension of the work of H. G. Wells, the father of science fiction and gets 5 stars from me. You can buy this book at your choice of platforms: You can follow the author: Here is the link for my review of the first book in the series: Here is the link for my review of the second book in the series: Tags: sci-fi, science fiction, time travel, alternate history, historical, aliens, Mars, invasion, England, Wales, Copyright © 2022 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction
11/28/2022 05:27:04 am
I'm glad you enjoyed this third book in my continuation of The War Of The Worlds, and that you feel it's a worthy extension of H.G Wells' classic novel.
11/28/2022 08:09:35 am
I love the series you have created to continue the classic "War of the Worlds". The first section of this book surprised me quite a bit. It was very dark and quite well done. The plotting of the rest of the book was a lot of fun, especially the alternate history timeline.
Hello Mark, that's an interesting question and to be honest, I consider myself an extremely reluctant writer. I have had to write full time in order to have any chance of completing the project, which has meant living modestly on a tight budget, keeping the same car going and having no holidays to speak of.
11/28/2022 12:45:04 pm
That kind of passion does require many sacrifices, without a doubt. Your audio books are quite good. I was reminded of when I was a boy and I listened to old-time theater on the radio. I loved the images that were conjured in my mind by the words and sounds coming from my crystal radio.
It's wonderful that you have the gift of being able to see words effortlessly. That's something that is a challenge for me. I'm an auditory person and I prefer to hear words.
11/29/2022 09:16:04 am
Thank you. No question, I am definitely a visually oriented person.
Thanks for the crowdfunding suggestion. It's something that I'm planning to do once I have new book covers made next year. Hardback books, special editions and other merchandise are part of my forward planning.
11/29/2022 02:21:39 pm
You are welcome.
The audiobook versions of volumes 1 and 2 of The Martian Diaries were each awarded 5 stars by Readers Favorite. The audio of volume 2, Lake On The Moon, was a bronze medal winner in the Readers Choice Awards 2020. Later in 2020 I was invited to submit both volumes to the Los Angeles Science Fiction Film Festival (Audio Drama category) and was thrilled to receive Gold awards for Best Writer, Best Audio Drama and Best Sound Mix, a Silver award for Best Soundtrack and The Asimov Gold Award. I've been too busy recently to think about other contests, but it's definitely in my future plans.
Mary Scholl
1/6/2023 06:36:25 am
Good job! Looking forward to rekindling my love of sci-fi
11/29/2022 05:21:04 pm
Congratulations on those awards! They were well earned. All of that work was worth it.
I have chosen not to put my books in Kindle Unlimited because I wanted to make them available to a wide range of platforms, rather than be exclusive to Amazon. However, Amazon does have an advantage over other platforms by offering a book series page. This means I can use one universal Amazon link for my whole series and people can read about my continuation of The War Of The Worlds all on one page. Unfortunately the reviews for each individual book do not accumulate collectively on the series page, which has to be reviewed as a separate entity. I am actively promoting The Martian Diaries series page at the moment to increase my Amazon visibility, and asking reviewers to also leave a comment on the whole series.
11/30/2022 12:01:16 pm
I think going wide is a wise option. It never ends well when you put all of your eggs into one basket. Several years ago, Amazon started cracking down on paid reviews, review mills and authors swapping reviews. Many innocent reviewers got caught up by the algorithms and lost all of the reviews they had placed; some were even banned from Amazon. Quite a few authors saw their entire catalog disappear from Amazon. Some were able to navigate a lengthy reinstatement process and some weren't. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
I don't know how different my books would be if published by a major publisher, except I would hope for an increased awareness of The Martian Diaries. I would like to think I could keep control of the content and have it pretty much as it is. A new publisher would probably want fresh covers, which I'm planning for 2023. Although my existing covers were professionally designed, I want new artwork that features Martian tripods, to make it obvious that that my books are linked to The War Of The Worlds, even before people read the book description.
12/2/2022 08:19:20 am
So many authors have lamented about the changes the publisher required in their book. One friend and client had several volumes written in a series that was well received. She submitted the fifth book to several publishers. One responded positively and wanted her to rewrite the story taking it out of the series. She declined.
12/2/2022 08:21:08 am
To me, the most unethical practice revolves around audiobooks, which are apparently big business at the moment, and my thoughts here are about fiction audiobooks.
12/2/2022 09:18:16 am
I have known for a long time that audiobooks are expensive to produce. But I didn't know that Amazon was compensating authors so little. The platform should still be paying royalties to the author whether the product was paid for or not by the consumer. Books and audiobooks are merely another product in the eyes of Amazon and other sales platforms.
Being on a limited budget it was cheaper to build my own recording studio using second-hand equipment, rather than rent one, in order to produce The Martian Diaries. I certainly kept eBay busy with all the equipment I required! I had a lot of technical issues and ended up feeling like a computer engineer, but eventually I found out why an Apple Mac Pro 'early 3.1' was the best and only machine for the job, after countless hours learning Logic Pro 9. Thankfully my initial gut feeling about having my own studio was right, and I have paid just once to have 365-day access to my own equipment, at any time, day or night.
12/2/2022 12:53:48 pm
Very good, you have the equipment and a dedicated space, so your only limits are your choice.
In order to breathe in my studio, I had to install 4” ducting directly through the wall. It had to be done in such a way as to allow the air in but keep noise from outside to a minimum.
12/3/2022 02:44:12 pm
We all need fresh air to breathe. When I retired from construction, 5 or 6 years ago, I was a sheet metal worker and an HVAC technician. I had to ensure that a certain amount of fresh air was constantly available to the occupants.
I like all three books in The Martian Diaries, not because I am the author, but because they were specifically written to entertain fans of The War Of The Worlds. Yes, there have been other sequels to H.G Wells' iconic book, and likely others will come along, but I wanted to explore why there are no Martians on our Mars today.
12/4/2022 08:18:51 am
Rediscovering forgotten details in a story is a delightful experience. I have experienced it many times in the past but not recently because I haven't reread anything in quite a long time. My TBR pile is lengthy.
A friend gave good advice about reviews once: although no one likes to get bad ones, a review is a review—move on!
12/5/2022 09:26:26 am
I tell authors that a bad review proves that the good reviews are written by someone other than your mother and her cats. Readers are smart enough to recognize a troll review also.
You may have answered a question for me in this interview, about why part one of Gateway To Mars was so draining to write: it never once occurred to me that it was the nature of the storyline itself.
12/5/2022 02:53:48 pm
Dying from dehydration and starvation is very painful and puts the sufferer in a strange mental state. You must have studied quite a bit about those topics because Jack's experience was so vivid for me.
2/5/2024 08:14:14 am
Hi Mark, it's good to have this opportunity to talk with you again. I'm looking forward to hearing how Grizz gets on with his search for the review of book 3 Gateway To Mars.
2/5/2024 08:39:17 am
It's good to have you back, H.E. Thank you for scheduling another promotion for your books. I always enjoy talking books with you. You are pretty unique among all of the authors I have spoken with over the last several years. You are the only author I know of that composes the music for your audiobooks. In fact, correct me if I am wrong, I think you consider the audiobooks to be primary and the visual books are secondary.
Thanks Mark,
2/5/2024 12:57:20 pm
I favor reading over listening quite a bit, so I am very grateful for the in-print books. Though I have enjoyed listening to your audiobooks. With the music and sound effects I was taken back to my childhood when I had a rocket-shaped crystal radio that I listened to old-time radio dramas with. That was great fun! After decades of blocking out audible distractions while I read a book it's hard now to keep my focus on a voice. I have to speed the playback up 1.4 or 1.5 times the normal rate. Thanks to technology, I can do that without losing any appreciable quality in the story.
The War Of The Worlds has been published with a number of different tripod designs over the years, since the first publication as a magazine serialization in 1897. H.G. Wells himself acknowledged the interpretation of the Martian fighting machines in illustrations by Brazilian artist Alvim Correa for the first edition in 1898. Wells said, “Alvim Correa did more for my work with his brush, than I with my pen.”
2/5/2024 06:12:37 pm
I think Mr. Wells would be pleased with your interpretation of the death-dealing tripods. They do look alien and are quite frightful. Well done.
This is an important question. Using big data that has been gathered over decades, AI is already able to see patterns within it that humans can not. I believe that as AI develops exponentially, humans could be superceded by a home-grown alien presence, created by people who are curious to see the extent of their own ambitions and technology. I have made this theme part of the plot in my third book, Gateway To Mars. Whether they be mad scientists, or cute and cuddly, their contributions add to the process and there will come a point of ambiguity about which intelligence is artificially manipulating the other. Actually, my latest work-in-progress considers this very point.
2/6/2024 09:29:23 am
You are so right. Committing to finish a book is a long and arduous process that requires a firm hold on the goal.
That's interesting stuff, Mark -- is that your own WIP? When I was younger, nuclear war was the worst thing that could happen. These days anything is possible, even the idea of surviving the attack – which is bonkers. The carbon from Dad's car, taking us to the beach years ago, is still in the air, and hasn't dissipated or gone anywhere. The plastic tube we used for toothpaste, then threw away yesterday, will last for several centuries after we're gone. The complexity of climate models need ever more powerful machines to predict the weather, and warn us in good time whether our houses will still be standing after extreme weather episodes. Trouble is coming and people will rely more and more on artificial intelligence to get us out of it, but that's the slippery slope.
2/6/2024 01:13:29 pm
No, H. E., I am not a writer. Though I have learned much about the art of writing from hanging out with writers for so many years, I do not sense a story within me that is crying to get out. Those are merely my thoughts.
First, I'd like to go back to our earlier conversation about AI. What I find incredible is the word 'hope', and how we all use it from time to time. Hope only exists if we accept miracles can happen, and that there is a spiritual world, or God. You, as that little boy under the desk were safe from what so easily could have happened during the Cuban Missile crisis. It was a 'happy ending' for many, and long may that continue.
2/7/2024 09:02:10 am
I agree with you about hope. True hope is dependent upon where the hope is placed. So often, people hope for a favorable outcome from certain circumstances, circumstances that they have little to no control over. The only thing people can control is their reaction to circumstances.
I think I should answer both questions as one. I prefer to write first thing in the morning when my mind is clear. I can easily do three or four hours that feels like 10 minutes once I'm in the zone.
2/7/2024 04:09:31 pm
I think I am more of a morning person like you. I feel I get my best work done then.
I am not a natural writer and I have worked an awful lot on all three books over the last eight years and recently the Ogilvy diary. I think the key word to your question is 'published' and I would not have taken that step if I didn't think my work was ready. I am personally satisfied with the way my books have turned out and I'm always happy to hear from pre-publication readers who pick up on the odd typo. There have been one or two in the past.
2/8/2024 08:44:40 am
I don't think that writing is easy for anyone if you include all of the editing and rewriting necessary to produce a story that is easy to read. That is what it takes to put a book out that people will want to read. It takes a long time to build momentum for a book to become a best seller. Unless you have buckets of money to throw around to create that kind of buzz.
The best person to answer these questions in depth is Anita Dow because she has worked closely with me in publishing this series. Here's what she says:
2/8/2024 05:53:20 pm
Thank you, Anita, for sharing those details. I think many other authors will find the information useful. You created a great plan and worked it through.
We are familiar with Dave Chesson and David Gaughran and in fact David G has an excellent blog post on the best paid and free book promotion sites – every one road-tested by himself. Find it here
2/9/2024 12:49:15 pm
Thank you for sharing those links.
Our world seems like a very different place since Covid 19. It feels uncertain and unpredictable especially with the increasing use of AI tools such as ChatGPT.
2/10/2024 01:13:59 pm
The existential threat of AI permeates fiction, movies and now it is in the forefront of our culture. For more than a century, many of the predictions in science fiction have come true, starting with the book, From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne, published in 1865! He was a genius. We are not truly threatened by AI at this time. The state of artificial general intelligence has not been reached or is even close. But that doesn't mean that barrier won't be crossed, only time will tell. There are many bad actors on the world stage and some of them will use AI for nefarious purposes.
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Who am I?An avid reader, typobuster, and the Hyper-Speller. I am a husband, father, and grandfather. Archives
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