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Multi-volume, science fiction horror author Craig Crawford introduces us to his third volume in the Project Threshold series, “Team Riker: Division A”: In Alaska, all manner of entities and monsters cross into our world from other dimensions and Hannah Riker and her team are the gatekeepers. Riker has a personal score to settle, hunting the monster that slaughtered her parents when she was a girl. Neville, Toddy and Melissa McCoy have her back as they follow in the wake of beings dispensing justice and marking their victims. They intervene on a resort where people disappear even during daylight, fend off a tribe of furry humanoids claiming ownership of a valley, and they stumble upon an ancient, unkillable entity bent on the destruction of humanity. I love these stories, these case files! The book is fashioned as a collection of case files for a particular team. Each book is for a different team. These teams are part of a secret government program to protect the Earth from aliens and the supernatural. Anything unexplainable and unconventional. The stories don't usually have a happy ending but sometimes they do. The author has a wonderful knack for telling an exciting story without using a lot of words. Descriptions are just enough; action is clearly described also. The dialogues carry the story along so well, the characters are cleverly delineated with economical wording. You are going to love these fascinating and action-filled stories! 4.8 stars from me. You can buy this book: You can connect with the author: I reviewed the first book in this series here: I reviewed the second book in the series here: I have reviewed the fourth book in this series: Tags: aliens, demons, ghost, paranormal, supernatural, science fiction, urban fantasy, horror Copyright © 2023 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction
12/11/2023 06:53:39 pm
Hi Mark,
12/11/2023 07:23:02 pm
Welcome back to the Word Refiner channel, Craig. The only live interview for authors on the internet. I have been awaiting the opportunity to chat with you again.
12/11/2023 08:24:17 pm
First question: I learned just how much goes into publishing a book. This has been a process starting with the first story. Which turned into 19 stories and working with a press. That changed over time and through a circuitous route took about two years of time to land with RedCape Publishing. After that I got to see a lot of the inside of publishing concerning timing, covers, editing--you name it. There are a ton of moving parts.
12/12/2023 08:57:54 am
Quite a journey! Thanks for sharing it from a bird's-eye view. You have shared in greater detail about some of those events in the previous interviews.
12/12/2023 09:18:26 am
Honestly, my dad. He had to overcome a lot more hell than I've ever gone through growing up and he still turned out to be a decent human being and father. Wasn't perfect, but that's a silly notion. He did the best he could with what he had and raising me he instilled the idea that I could succeed no matter what.
12/12/2023 01:02:57 pm
Dad is a good choice for many authors. Yes, our dads aren't perfect and neither are their kids. ;-)
12/12/2023 01:46:15 pm
Hahaha....nope, my Dad's kid ain't perfect by a longshot.
12/12/2023 03:48:44 pm
Reading is just like that for me. I don't know what is coming most of the time. Nearly everything surprises me, and a few things shock me. I get deeply immersed in stores also. I want to read all of the books. but it won't be in this lifetime.
12/12/2023 04:16:41 pm
For Project Threshold the military angle was difficult. I have never served in the military and I don't know a lot about that environment. I wanted to at least base P/T around that style of organization. So, it required some serious research into all kinds of things. I also wanted to get to know weapons, vehicles and current tech--I wanted to do justice to the military and not just hand in a Hollywood angle on it. I ended up spending an hour one night researching helicopter crashes for Talise's first story because I didn't really think they exploded on impact (like in every action movie on the planet) or why would the military even use them :) But it meant a lot of research time on it. If I'd had a resource to reach out too at the time, I would have had someone beta read them first.
12/12/2023 06:20:56 pm
I served in the air force for 8 years and I can say you did a credible job with the military angle.
12/12/2023 06:40:17 pm
Thanks for the confirmation on the military. Even though Project Threshold is its own entity, they have a lot of people inside who were military and they recruit from within the military branches and I wanted to portray an organization who represent the best of the military: dedicated, selfless and watching out for the rest of us.
12/13/2023 08:14:36 am
You are welcome.
12/13/2023 08:28:42 am
I mowed lawns...think I was junior high--so 13-14? We helped Dad with the mowing growing up so it was an easy go to. I thought about a paper route, but I did not like the idea of having to go collect fees in person :)
12/13/2023 10:40:53 am
Mowing lawns is a classic job like washing cars for a teenager.
12/13/2023 11:13:26 am
In 2009 I got the opportunity to workshop one of my fantasy novels with a now defunct group called the Wolf Pirate Project. I had submitted my novel to them from a Writer's Market Guide I used to buy every year. I thought I was submitting for publication but they were more of an educational group, helping writers, creating curriculum for teachers and a variety of projects. I got paired with an editor named May--the group convinced actual editors to donate time in order to help authors out.
12/13/2023 03:26:49 pm
Great advice! I concur completely. Many authors get carried away with descriptions. More than once I have come across a detailed description of how a character leaves a building, gets in a car and drives away. No! No! NO! Never describe common actions unless they are critical to the plot. Never describe how a person answers or ends a call. Another thing I caution against is using brand names of real products, unless it is a critical plot point. It's a pickup, not a Chevy Silverado. You will irritate those that hate that brand, and the brand lovers won't care that much. Let the readers fill in the details whenever possible, it will keep them more engaged in your story.
12/13/2023 05:29:02 pm
Yes--I've read paragraphs that ran almost an entire page and I dread wading into those--most of the time it is an info dump or not directly related to the story. Each sentence and paragraph should be making your reader want to move to the next line and turn the page.
12/13/2023 07:16:10 pm
Writing well takes time. An author has to read and write a lot to learn what works and doesn't work for them. In most cases, detailed advice from another writer will only be so much help. Each writer has to try, fail and try again. It is a true truth that we learn more from our failures than our successes.
12/13/2023 09:37:49 pm
I think all writers emulate their favorite authors. I can't imagine not. Reading is a great way to see how the icons do it. And I agree--failure is probably one of the best ways to learn if you can get to the idea that it's not a bad thing but useful, and necessary in order to succeed.
D A Wysong
12/17/2023 12:19:37 pm
What author do you admire most and do you think your writing style is like any authors out currently or historically?
12/17/2023 01:50:23 pm
Sorry I missed your question! I must have scrolled too fast.
12/14/2023 08:02:53 am
That is a great line from Kipling. I agree with you a balance must be found.
12/14/2023 03:55:25 pm
Who else to read my books....hmmm....Chris Carter for one. People keep comparing Project Threshold to a different version of the X-Files so I'd like for him to read and see what he thinks. And also Joss Whedon--he is so excellent at creating characters for TV and the big screen, I'd love to get some feedback from him on adding depth to characters in a couple of sentences.
12/14/2023 05:40:58 pm
I like strong, female characters. Most of the women I know are more sensitive and intuitive than many men. I am learning to pay attention to that very quiet voice of intuition. I think women can endure different types of pain better than some men also.
12/14/2023 08:20:59 pm
I think women are every bit as capable but they approach things in different ways. For the combat elements, men tend to be bigger and stronger physically so my female combatants tend to fight more strategically--they're not going to trade blows but come in sideways and take advantage of the weak points--quick ways to take an opponent down. I know enough about leverage to understand how to take someone down without throwing a punch. And really, the human body, for all its strengths, has lots of fragile elements and places to it that a smaller, but quicker opponent can take advantage of ;)
12/14/2023 08:59:02 pm
What is your favorite part of being a writer? ☺️
12/15/2023 07:57:54 am
Thanks for dropping in to join the chat. Excellent question, Rekha. I am going to add that to my list of questions.
12/15/2023 08:12:17 am
Attacking from an oblique angle is the basis for a lot of martial arts worldwide. Finding a weakness and exploiting it is an important ingredient of victory.
12/15/2023 08:07:05 pm
Anytime , okay, I understand , you are awesome ☺️ 12/14/2023 09:20:40 pm
Hi Rekha--honestly, the best part of writing is the magic that happens. It starts with the idea--I get a story premise and then things start coming: the characters, often the current version of the end and little snippets of plot. As I start writing the rest fills in: the story, the dialogue, the twists. The entire process is inexplicable but so cool. Mostly because I don't fully get how it all works even though it does. Story creation is . . . magic and I love being in the process.
Rekha Chadha, Author
12/15/2023 08:03:01 pm
That's really cool and awesome, I am happy for you 🤗
12/16/2023 08:31:22 am
Thanks again for dropping in. 12/15/2023 08:31:50 am
On the muse yes--it is like I'm making mental room for her to come in through the door. And, not sure why I refer to my muse as female (maybe Greek propaganda) but mine definitely has a female feel to her :)
12/15/2023 11:27:36 am
I am not surprised that feeling unwell is an impediment to writing. The inspirational aspect is very important to the writing process.
12/15/2023 12:34:04 pm
It is interesting on the beer front because I have two friends who started the same way--they started with the darker and heavier beers but have progressed to IPA's. So far, I am still in the dark beer phase--not sure if I'll shift to IPA's or not :)
12/15/2023 03:07:04 pm
Serials have been popular for hundreds of years. It is an honored form in many cultures also. There is also a dark side as of the date of this blog. Take a careful look before committing to a contract. Copy-and-paste time or hit the search bar below: The Predatory Contracts of Serial Reading/Writing Apps
12/15/2023 03:48:26 pm
Thanks for the heads up--I'm sharing it on Twitter too. It's sad but authors have to watch out for a variety of scams and false promises from groups and organizations promising to help us out. I found an intellectual property rights lawyer in town who has helped me with contracts and trademarking, not to mention answering numerous questions as they come up. Project Threshold originally ran by another name until I looked into trademarking it. My lawyer did the diligence to look into the name and discovered there was another author using the first title (I did look early on but did not find this other person and their usage), though very different books and steered me toward coming up with a new name.
12/15/2023 06:16:24 pm
I am glad to hear you have a lawyer familiar with entertainment law. Intellectual property law is almost as convoluted as the English language.
12/15/2023 07:46:20 pm
I am not a lawyer and I either can't always make sense of legal-ese or miss things so I don't trust myself to represent myself in most contracts. The short story game--those are pretty simple and I have no issues with those but anything longer, yeah, I want someone looking it over for me.
12/16/2023 08:29:31 am
It's good to know your limitations. Legal contracts are very specialized writing and full of weasel words. Unless a contract was written for you by your lawyer, don't expect it to be in your favor.
12/16/2023 11:35:51 am
While I'm dealing in the world of speculative and "monster" I still wanted to give it a real feel to it. I had to read up on lore and cryptids and mythology to flesh out some of these aspects. I did some research on things like mermaids for my one story. Did you know whales actually lived on land and walked on legs but evolved to sea life? Of course it took 50 million years worth of evolution to make it happen, but it's tidbits of information like that which open the door for things like . . . mermaids. ;)
12/16/2023 03:10:54 pm
I didn't realize that you did so much research. It paid off because your stories ring with authenticity. Just enough little details keep the story anchored in reality. Well done.
12/16/2023 05:02:42 pm
For styles of writing I do prefer minimalist. Ive tried more in depth but it just feels like a waste of words. I don't think I can get beyond my own style, for good or ill.
12/16/2023 07:31:48 pm
When I started promoting books, I was not a fan of romance at all. I knew a romance book would hit my desk sooner or later. The first romance book was pretty good. I have read quite a few by this time and discovered that I enjoy the genre. Like any other genre, a well-written book is an even greater pleasure to read.
12/16/2023 09:54:56 pm
I'm a big fan of Jack Osborne and some of his shows for ghost hunting and cryptid hunting. I'd love to go on that :) Jack leans pretty heavily toward the existence of the paranormal but he does try to debunk a bit. So I think it would be a hoot to meet him and go hunting with him in either arena. I'm well versed on my cryptids and the paranormal, and have had some experiences of my own.
12/17/2023 07:52:59 am
That could be very exciting. I think I saw a show about ghost hunters in general a long time ago. Beyond strange lighting, I recall very little else except they seemed disappointed to not find what they were looking for.
12/17/2023 11:46:01 am
I think most of those shows put on for the ratings but Jack Obscourne seems genuinely interested in the paranormal. I'm sure he has to make things more dramatic for the cameras too, but he seems like I cool guy worth hanging out with.
12/17/2023 12:35:13 pm
Spooky stuff! Pretty reliable reports since multiple witnesses in different areas at different times. Something was certainly going on!
12/17/2023 02:09:54 pm
Most definitely for all plus art. I think movies and books let me escape into other people's worlds which relaxes and stimulates my own creativity. Music and art (in all its forms) pique my creative curiosity and open those doors.
12/17/2023 06:54:33 pm
You seem to have a great relationship with your muse. Your Muse is far more flexible than the muse of some other authors I have talked with. When Author reported to me that her Muse regularly almost nightly, would show up at about 2:30 in the morning. She kept a pencil and a padded paper on her nightstand so that she could write everything down. Her muse was telling her. Sometimes she could read her notes in the morning.
12/17/2023 07:26:34 pm
Muse's are quirky entities and I think you have to give in and let them decide how and when they're going to help you out. Fight with them and they can get stubborn, argue and they'll just give you a look telling you they know they're right. I let mine be in charge ;)
12/18/2023 09:01:02 am
I find it rather intriguing that so many stories are common among diverse cultures. It makes me wonder about the veracity of the many different reports.
12/18/2023 10:18:49 am
Similar. I started discovering there are these shared mythologies and reports of similar creatures across the world. In the case of Nessie, it turns out there are lakes across the 36th parallel where people see similar kinds of creatures. Not sure what they are seeing but they are seeing something anomalous.
12/18/2023 11:32:54 am
Steven King is an amazing and prolific author. I read part of an interview with him and he stated he didn't like scary stuff because it scared him. That caught my attention because he writes scary books. He went on to say he knew a book was scary enough when it frightened him a lot. Pretty darn funny if you ask me.
12/18/2023 11:53:57 am
Books serve multiple purposes for authors. First, I can't imagine a person wanting to write without having a long history of reading. For me, it really does go hand in hand. I was inspired to write because of books I'd read.
12/18/2023 12:56:23 pm
That makes a lot of sense!
12/18/2023 02:10:16 pm
Honestly, I think the only time I start picking a book apart is when it's losing my interest. I still want to read for entertainment, fun and to be pulled out of the really real world for a while and if the author does that for me, then I'm content.
12/18/2023 06:50:43 pm
That is wonderful! More than once I have heard that an author has lost some of the thrill of reading. Entering a new world and different reality is a pleasure. It is fun to escape for a few minutes.
12/18/2023 08:21:19 pm
Thanks Mark. I've had a great time, once again. I love discussing this mysterious process called writing and I appreciate you quizzing me down and your support for my stories!
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