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Amazon debut author, Mariah Shannon introduces us to her first book, “Stop That Foolishness & Eat: Tale of a Black Anorexic”: For decades, the African American community has viewed eating disorders as a problem that we just don't have. But I am here to tell you that it's just not so. Starving in both body and spirit, my issues gobbled me up, one pound at a time. I share my journey from the internal depths of hell in my mind to health and sanity. Let's not pretend that our communities are immune to mental health problems. I hope to help you, the reader, or someone you know to conquer this soul-sucking disease and rise like a phoenix from the ashes of self-loathing. This story has been ignored for much too long. Mental illness doesn't care about skin color. Anorexia and bulimia are not lifestyles they are mental illnesses. Thank you, Mariah, for explaining this clearly and unequivocally. I shed several tears while reading about the abuse endured by the author as a child. Almost everyone knows someone who might be suffering silently but visibly from a disorder of one kind or another. Don't ignore or enable this person. They need help. I give 4.8 stars to Stop That Foolishness & Eat. You can buy this book: Copyright © 2023 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction.
Mariah Shannon
11/27/2023 02:41:36 pm
I appreciate the review!
11/27/2023 04:24:49 pm
You are welcome. Your book moved me in a mighty way.
Mariah Shannon
11/27/2023 05:57:41 pm
I am currently part-time writing but would love to be full-time.
11/27/2023 06:08:30 pm
The only authors that haven't expressed the same idea are writing full-time. That is the dream of nearly every author.
Mariah Shannon
11/27/2023 06:29:26 pm
Writing has allowed me to create worlds I wish I lived in, have a confessional on paper yet entertain too. I feel sheer ecstasy when I hear someone say my book was good or helped someone.
11/27/2023 06:56:12 pm
That has to be a great feeling! Many authors have used similar descriptions.
Mariah Shannon
11/27/2023 07:01:50 pm
It has. I based a short story off some women I worked with. There’s lots of good material to be found with coworkers. :o)
11/27/2023 07:54:41 pm
Co-workers, friends, strangers, family members all can provide inspiration for stories without even knowing they are doing so.
Mariah Shannon
11/27/2023 08:49:00 pm
Roughly 4 drafts. That’s my average. I find editing & rewriting harder than writing. But it’s fun to see the stories take shape in the process.
11/28/2023 09:04:12 am
More authors than not have echoed a similar sentiment. They are happy to get the story out of their head. For a few, it is a necessity to quiet the voices in their head.
Mariah Shannon
11/28/2023 09:20:43 am
I designed the cover myself & my husband is a wizard with graphic design. He brought it to life.
11/28/2023 11:27:27 am
I love the cover! It is stark and conveys the idea of the book very graphically.
Mariah Shannon
11/28/2023 11:49:52 am
I’d say about 3. My poor husband was quite patient with me & that cover.
11/28/2023 01:46:25 pm
Only 3? Many authors go through more cover drafts than that. He did well.
Mariah Shannon
11/28/2023 01:50:21 pm
It wasn’t that hard to come up with the title because I just took what I heard all the time in the throes of an episode.
11/28/2023 03:51:49 pm
I didn't think of that in both cases. The title does sound like something a non-understanding parent would say. I had to shorten the title for my website so I would have enough room for my tweets when using the link.
Mariah Shannon
11/28/2023 04:50:19 pm
Not at all. This is a true story and the names are real. I only used their first names in the memoir to protect identities.
11/28/2023 05:59:39 pm
A bold move on your part to use real names, wiser than wise to only use first names. Brilliant! I love it.
Mariah Shannon
11/28/2023 09:59:23 pm
Ha ha. The people would probably have names that match their personalities; like Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker.
11/29/2023 08:20:09 am
Pretty funny!
Mariah Shannon
11/29/2023 10:42:51 am
Sometimes the characters name themselves. Or I choose a name from someone I knew who had an impact on my life.
11/29/2023 12:44:35 pm
I have heard from other authors that characters sometimes take control of a story or refuse to follow the author's plot idea. This is the first time I have heard of a character providing their name. I love it!
Mariah Shannon
11/29/2023 02:29:19 pm
Yes, I’m well aware of AI. I think it’s a helpful tool for business writing but I like to rely on my own knowledge & creativity for my books.
11/29/2023 04:19:45 pm
Artificial Intelligence has many authors and writers worried about being displaced in one way or another. The results so far are rather indifferent and forgettable. What AI creates seems rather dull and lifeless. Knowing that AI has been trained on many thousands of published books makes me concerned because so many books have spelling errors in them. For nearly 10 years, I have read 40 to 60 books each year. I have found spelling errors in all of them except one. Each year, I find one book with no immediate spelling errors, errors that jump off the page into my face. Because the English language is so complex, those errors will likely be compounded by AI. I guess it's job security for me.
Mariah Shannon
11/29/2023 04:40:09 pm
I am not much of a public speaker but love to give advice on up-and-coming writers. Here’s some: write & write some more. Then have fun editing.
11/29/2023 06:51:03 pm
Good advice! I will add read a lot also.
Mariah Shannon
11/29/2023 08:04:33 pm
I won a contest with a popular women’s magazine in 2010 for a true essay. The essay was turned into a short film & directed by an actress. It was big fun!
11/30/2023 08:00:26 am
Congratulations. That must have been an amazing story!
Mariah Shannon
11/30/2023 10:47:02 am
My book is still pretty new; having been released this summer. I just haven’t gotten around to putting it on Kindle Unlimited. It will probably be soon though!
11/30/2023 12:40:09 pm
A lot of readers love their Kindle. Unlimited reading for a monthly fee is very attractive for high-volume readers! Authors get a fraction of a penny for each page that is read. For the authors, more books mean more pages read.
Mariah Shannon
11/30/2023 12:53:35 pm
I went through the query process & frankly, I am not a fan. It’s like gambling. And if a publisher acquires your book, they believe they have the right to make changes. Sorry, but my books are like my babies. I like to call the shots.
11/30/2023 03:12:17 pm
You are right. It is like gambling against a player with loaded dice.
Mariah Shannon
11/30/2023 11:44:17 pm
It was a mixture of both. It was hard to get a response & I had a couple want to change things if I wanted them to publish it. That’s why Kindle Publishing is a Godsend. Authors have complete creative control.
12/1/2023 08:57:33 am
You are preaching to the choir. Keep it up.
Mariah Shannon
12/1/2023 11:37:49 am
No, sir. This was well before those resources were available. I read books on how to compose an intriguing query letter. I’m not saying I will never go the traditional query route ever again but self-publishing works best for me at this point in my writing journey.
12/1/2023 02:35:30 pm
Query letters are a topic of much debate. Wording is important but following submission guidelines are more critical for success. I think that agents and submittees are frequently buried by proposals. Being able to eliminate some of the slush right off the bat makes their job easier. Everyone thinks they are overworked and underpaid.
Mariah Shannon
12/1/2023 03:10:35 pm
I would definitely consider it in the future. I noticed that more & more of those are popping up.
12/1/2023 05:37:26 pm
There are a lot of them no doubt. Some consider hybrid publishers are no better than vanity publishers. I disagree because hybrids offer their services on an ala carte basis. You can pick what you want and that is all you pay for. Some of them allow you to keep full control of your intellectual property, aka book, also. They don't require that you grant them a license to publish your book and I think that means you don't own your book until the license expires or certain conditions are met.
Mariah Shannon
12/1/2023 05:42:57 pm
I used Kindle Publishing (self-published) for this book because I was impatient with the query process & I wanted 100% creative control.
12/1/2023 07:23:51 pm
That makes sense to me.
Mariah Shannon
12/1/2023 08:19:52 pm
I think my books are better in some ways. They are the real deal with nothing changed to suit the publisher. They may not sell like hotcakes like traditional books but the original heart & soul is present.
12/2/2023 08:49:21 am
Authentic. That is Merriam-Webster's word of the year. They are talking about your book among others. No artificial intelligence included. Solely human sourced.
Mariah Shannon
12/2/2023 11:28:07 am
Good question. I think the most unethical practice is publishing books that aren’t the best solely for a buck. I won’t say which books I think publishers did this with to make a franchise with because it’s impolite.
12/2/2023 01:56:30 pm
Some things are better left unsaid.
Mariah Shannon
12/2/2023 02:15:16 pm
It had been rolling around in my head for years. Then I had a period of unemployment that allowed me to really hunker down & write so I got to work. I felt my story especially needed to be told because of the lack of visibility black anorexics get. Eating disorders have mainly been hailed as a WASP girl disease. But that just isn’t so. We are even starting to see more males with eating disorders too.
12/2/2023 04:20:11 pm
I am sure that your book will help many people in the future. Many are afflicted with mental illness of one kind or another.
12/2/2023 04:37:31 pm
Absolutely. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. It’s a beautiful, painful story that made me want to become an author. I first read it at 13 & revisit it from time to time. I suggest everyone reading it at least once.
12/2/2023 07:32:34 pm
That has to be a very special book. How cool that it propelled you to become a writer. I love it.
12/3/2023 07:33:40 am
Shel Silverstein rings a bell for me. I had a small book of his poetry. I didn't read the other two though I have heard of them.
Mariah Shannon
12/3/2023 01:29:11 pm
I have no problem with bad reviews if they’re sincere. Books are like dating: there’s always someone who won’t like you. However, I had someone give a bad review out of revenge & it mortified me.
12/3/2023 02:28:37 pm
I have told many authors that a bad review should be celebrated, it proves that the good reviews are not just family members. A spite review is sad and hurts. It signals a change in the relationship if there ever was a relationship.
Mariah Shannon
12/3/2023 03:36:53 pm
I do. All rights go to my family.
12/3/2023 05:14:51 pm
That is excellent. Many authors haven't thought about that. Some books only gain fame after the author has passed on.
Mariah Shannon
12/3/2023 06:47:29 pm
Because you don’t want the characters to literally do something out of character…unless it’s a huge plot twist.
12/3/2023 08:33:25 pm
Some readers get mad when a character steps out of their perceived boundaries. They feel betrayed or hoodwinked.
Mariah Shannon
12/4/2023 09:11:50 am
I haven’t in a while, but I intend to do something for the next NaNoWriMo.
12/4/2023 09:14:59 am
A lot of authors use NaNoWriMo to jumpstart a novel or book. Many writers partner with other writers to form virtual support groups.
Mariah Shannon
12/4/2023 11:43:21 am
I prefer to fly alone. I am a lone wolf when it comes to writing. I don’t over or under write. I think I am somewhere in the middle.
12/4/2023 01:01:57 pm
Writing a first draft is such a solitary process. No one can help you get it out of your head. Once it is external, then the rewriting process can begin and sometimes that will include alpha readers, beta readers, and editing and finally proofreading. I am not surprised that you are a writer that prefers to be alone.
Mariah Shannon
12/4/2023 02:19:06 pm
Definitely my descriptions. I am a serious adjective junkie. Ha ha.
12/4/2023 03:26:37 pm
You are not alone; many authors use multiple adjectives. Each one fits a noun so well we should use them all! Something like that has to go through the head of some authors. Descriptions are important to a story to provide context and set a scene. Without good descriptions it would be like reading a movie script without seeing the movie.
Mariah Shannon
12/4/2023 03:36:47 pm
I sure have. I used some of my character traits for a novella I wrote. I am not sure people would recognize me in her. I also based a short story I wrote on 3 women I worked with who had the same issue. The protagonist is a compilation of them.
12/4/2023 06:04:23 pm
That was a good choice. I think it wise to make certain that the character is not recognizable to anyone.
Mariah Shannon
12/4/2023 08:04:31 pm
I would probably tell him or her if the representation is positive. :o)
12/4/2023 08:12:21 pm
That should make most people happy.
Mariah Shannon
12/4/2023 08:14:59 pm
Thank you so much for reading my book & having me. This was fun.
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