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A tale of Divine Destiny by Albert T. FranklinDebut fantasy author, Albert T. Franklin introduces us to his deep fantasy story, “Searching For Zen": In a world where Earth intertwines with realms of fantasy and science fiction, a humble boy is bestowed with a divine destiny, thrusting him into a journey of self-discovery and perilous adventure. Our story begins on Earth, but an Earth with a past steeped in fantasy, myths, and legends. From humble beginnings, a boy is given a divine destiny, a chance to make his mark on human civilization, but he must embark upon a life-changing journey. Our hero struggles to understand what he has been given and what to do with it, losing himself in doubt and loneliness as he confronts the dark side of humanity. Coming of age, Zen finds strength in himself, builds a family from a motley collection of strangers, and discovers love. His newfound friends help him open up, learn to trust others, and eventually understand his reason for fighting. The trials he faces throughout his quest amplify as his power increases, and he even sparks the ire of those in the spirit realm, who doubt any human can wield such power successfully. As Zen grapples with the weight of his purpose and the sacrifices it demands, he learns that the true power lies not in his abilities alone, but in the bonds of love, friendship, and the resilience of the human spirit A classic trope in fantasy, the quest, is explored with care and thought. I enjoyed the story quite a bit, but occasionally a character would break out in very modern speech forms and that jolted me out of the story a few times. I recovered quickly. Spiritual beings, guides and semi-gods brought an interesting dimension I don't see very often in fantasy stories and I enjoyed that. I need to look harder for stories in that vein. There was also a nice variety of non-human creatures that added a pleasant flavor. No spoilers from me but some of the minor characters are very evil and some are not. 4.6 stars from me. I am hard to please. You can buy this book: You can connect with the author: Copyright ©2024 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction
4/8/2024 08:00:25 am
You are welcome, Albert, I enjoyed your story.
Frank tether
4/9/2024 05:06:10 am
Im a huge Jets,mets,knicks, Rangers fan which of course means im cursed lol.
4/9/2024 09:13:29 am
Many are fans of one team or another.
4/9/2024 08:14:37 pm
Well I run two businesses so i would say part time writer. It woul dbe cool if i could be just popular enough so i could do it for a living but im nowhere near that at the moment.
4/9/2024 08:33:29 pm
Your book is better than the average first book. So, you have a promising literary future. Your next books will be better than the previous ones. The learning curve is steep for beginning authors.
4/9/2024 08:46:09 pm
I love Sci Fi the best but i also love reading biographies i think Walter Isaacson is awesome! His books just flow so nicely and tell the story of someone life in a way i think is masterful.
4/9/2024 09:03:11 pm
Romance is the most popular genre on amazon. It has many subsets and committed fans. They know what they like and expect the goods to be delivered. With your wife's help, I am sure you will do well. Personally, I think writing in multiple genres and having more than one WIP is a good idea.
4/10/2024 08:31:11 am
I have always wanted to tell stories and did in school and entered some contests and some teachers told me I should go to college for it. However, I doubled up the last two years in high school and got out a year earlier. I got a job for a year then inherited a small amount of money and traveled as much of the world as I could into the early 30s.
4/10/2024 08:43:58 am
Congratulations on making your goal! Half of a century is a notable accomplishment.
4/10/2024 01:07:54 pm
Ray Bradbury was the first person overall as I found him very young and he still to this day is my favorite author.
4/10/2024 01:19:05 pm
Bradbury was one of my early favorite authors also, along with Asimov, Herbert, Anderson and others. Sci-Fi is my favorite genre followed closely by fantasy and historical fiction. The LOTR was my introduction to fantasy, I read the trilogy three times before graduating from high school.
4/10/2024 04:28:33 pm
I broke up with someone and so I decided to drive across Canada alone in a crappy car with like 300 dollars to my name. I listen to Beck's Sea Change album for the first 20 hours but then felt the need to break out of the mindset.
4/10/2024 04:34:14 pm
That sounds like something I might have done in my younger years. That kind of pain can cause a lot of reflection.
4/10/2024 07:20:09 pm
Yes, I have once and have no idea what is really was. I was living in northern NY by the Canadian border when I and two other people driving down a lonely highway saw a light streak across the sky, we thought it was a falling star, but it turned and headed toward us then shot straight up.
4/10/2024 07:35:25 pm
My sisters tell me we saw a UFO when we were children, they swear I was there. I have no recollection of the event.
4/11/2024 07:48:14 am
@doverandpopplin is her twitter handle her name is Valisha Arnold and she did a great job on the cover, I think.
4/11/2024 08:40:04 am
Thanks for sharing about the cover designer. It is beautiful.
4/11/2024 10:57:51 am
LOL well that is a long story, the book actually was finished and going thru last edits when the editor finally came up with the name. I didnt like it at first but it grew one me.
4/11/2024 12:05:11 pm
I like the title, it is a good fit. The subtitle works well also.
Albert T. Franklin
4/11/2024 01:32:52 pm
I had originally come up with Zen so I could remember the story's main character's name. I feel I really struggle coming up with names, what I ended up doing on this story was looking into names from other cultures so I could make sure I could be as inclusive as I could be.
4/11/2024 01:39:25 pm
You are not alone, many authors struggle with names in all genres. There are many websites devoted to names in many different time periods and nations. There are also websites dedicated to names in various genres. You mentioned that you are writing science fiction at this time, here is a website that generates names for that genre: Copy and paste time.
4/11/2024 07:04:26 pm
No, I started out with Zen, but I have written a few short stories since and was thinking about releasing them as a collection type of thing.
4/11/2024 07:11:37 pm
There are a lot of people who write short stories for publications or for contests. There is competition. There are good literary magazines of all genres looking for material to publish and it can be difficult to locate them without some work.
4/11/2024 07:53:20 pm
Thank you, I will read that. There are definitely lots to be wary of in this industry for sure.
4/12/2024 09:01:56 am
That is an amazing result of that campaign. If only 10% leave a review that should be quite a boost on amazon. Congratulations!
4/12/2024 01:06:45 pm
I am completely against AI in writing but it's coming and I'm sure in the not-too-distant future the writing world will be mostly AI stuff especially movies and TV, I think.
4/12/2024 03:28:54 pm
AI is everywhere or nearly so. There are authors who are using AI for writing and covers. The covers have a strange look to them and AI struggles with limbs and extremities, especially fingers. I have seen arms that are too long and too few or too many fingers on different covers. The writing seems uninspired and kind of flat.
4/13/2024 08:56:54 am
I have gotten some poor reviews. I read them to see if I can learn something but if nothing else, I just let it go.
4/13/2024 09:13:19 am
That is wise on your part. Sometimes there is something to be gleaned from poor reviews, especially if more than one reviewer mentions the same thing. It is important to remember that each person reads a book that is different from what the author wrote. Because the reader brings their personal life and frame of reference to the story.
4/13/2024 12:41:45 pm
I freely gave permission to the ones who put my book on Amazon to give a copy to this website, but they sent the wrong one 🙄. They messed up a lot of things.
4/13/2024 12:46:01 pm
Getting that version off the internet sounds like it's going to be trouble. I hope you can find a way to accomplish it.
4/14/2024 06:38:35 am
Yes, I have actually done a lot of public speaking, a job I had required it and since I was good at it they put me in front of all sorts of people. The biggest I ever spoke in front of was 6500 which is not big for some but was fun.
4/14/2024 11:34:04 am
Wonderful. I agree with you, public speaking is exhilarating! Yes, it makes me nervous but when I understand that I am the expert on my topic and the audience wants to hear my message, then my nervousness is transformed into excitement. My delivery is elevated to a higher level.
4/14/2024 12:01:06 pm
There has only been one, it's V A Dawn (the same person who did my cover) she wrote her book in 2016, I think, and that really got me thinking I would love to do that. She was the one who really inspired me to just go do it and I'm glad I did.
4/14/2024 01:52:24 pm
Quite a few authors claim a teacher inspired them, even in the elementary school years.
4/14/2024 03:34:09 pm
It is an amazing gift to have someone help you open your world. Hopefully we can both pay that forward.
4/14/2024 03:47:27 pm
The industry has been in serious turmoil for more than two decades now. The traditional publishing industry has been in serious contraction during this time. Traditional publishers of all sizes have disappeared or have been swallowed up by a competitor. There are only five big traditional publishers remaining, I think.
4/14/2024 04:41:58 pm
I had some talks with a traditional publisher, but they needed to put my book off till late 2024 and I just didn't want to wait so I tried the indie publishing route. I did it mainly because I had a personal goal to have it out before I turned 50 but that was on me.
4/14/2024 04:53:24 pm
You identified one of the major stumbling blocks for authors, the calendar. For most publishers, a book that an author has slaved over and poured heart and soul into is more like a box of cereal on the grocery store shelf than a work of art. The publisher has one thought uppermost in their mind, can I make enough money to keep the lights on?
4/14/2024 06:14:39 pm
Yeah, I would love for them all to be sales, but I'll take what I can get. lol
4/14/2024 06:24:50 pm
The first time for everything presents a considerable learning curve for everyone.
4/14/2024 07:07:32 pm
Thank you this has been a lot of fun and looking forward to coming back with my next novel
9/2/2024 01:25:32 pm
Welcome back to the Word Refiner channel.
9/2/2024 01:29:08 pm
Yes, I own a company and we clean up houses that are empty for banks to get back on the market. We had some crazy expriences when it comes to this. It hard to explain them in a sort setting but on a few occasions things happened that freaked us out
9/2/2024 03:17:16 pm
Those sorts of things are unforgettable. They can be quite scary.
9/2/2024 09:57:09 pm
Well, I’m still learning the industry so I’m not sure I’m qualified to answer this just yet.
9/3/2024 08:24:56 am
There are many ways scammers try to separate an author from their money. Some masquerade as agents, publishers, promoters or editors. Others offer bogus contests. Here is a copy-and-paste link concerning that or hit the search box below:
9/3/2024 01:12:45 pm
those are great things to watch out for, I still learning about a lot of this stuff seems like their a lot of sharks out there for sure,
9/3/2024 05:06:04 pm
Science fiction is my favorite genre for personal reading a little bit above fantasy that I love also.
9/3/2024 11:00:00 pm
I have to say at a young age it was Carl Sagan Contact that really made me think alot about looking at religion and science and the message in that book I think really helped me have a better take on those two subjects.
9/4/2024 08:24:49 am
I enjoyed the movie "Contact" quite a bit. I didn't read the book. I might have read "Frost and Fire" but I don't recall it specifically. Besides reading lots of science fiction I also watched "The Twilight Zone" and "The Outer Limits" on TV.
9/4/2024 08:42:57 pm
I watched both of those shows when i was a kid and loved them! also Dr Who with Tom Baker was the best!
9/5/2024 09:10:52 am
Dr. Who was a lot of fun! I didn't get to watch it a lot, so I never latched onto a favorite doctor.
9/5/2024 12:07:29 pm
I think for the most part I have always read like a writer just thinking of why someone did this or that. How they moved the story along for better or worse. How things come together or work out as some like you to see it from a miles away and others want you to guess. To me all that is part of the fun.
9/5/2024 12:13:10 pm
A number of writers have told me they have a difficult time immersing themselves into the writer's magic. I think a lot of writers are like you in that they can enjoy the story on one level and enjoy the plotting and such on a deeper level.
9/5/2024 12:28:13 pm
That is a good question, I have loved random people I have no idea who they had read and left a review, and I am like yes that exactly what I was going for. I think it’s because of reviews, I realized my story is more a coming-of-age story set in a fantasy setting than other way around if that makes sense.
9/5/2024 02:39:15 pm
Your answer is very similar to what other authors have said. They want to know what was most impactful for the reader.
9/5/2024 07:13:16 pm
Yes, the company that helped me release the book was saying the book is religious which I don't think it is, so after they stop promoting the book I had someone else change my key words recently but thank you for the advice.
9/5/2024 07:22:07 pm
You have to ignore the bad reviews if they are unfounded besides personal taste. No one has ever written a book loved by all. Every book has an audience, those that will love the book. The converse is true, every book has people who will not like the book. I have told many authors a bad review validates the good reviews. The bad review proves the good reviews are not just from your mom and her bridge club.
9/5/2024 08:44:25 pm
interesting , no I had never thought of it, maybe if I write a bunch and something takes off a bit other then that i guess they areout into the ether. But something i'll think about now
9/6/2024 08:13:58 am
No matter how many books you write, I encourage you to include your published work or works in your estate plan. A decade or two after your death someone might want to make a movie. Do consult a lawyer experienced with these things.
9/6/2024 10:30:41 am
That a great point, I will keep that in mind. I have never thought of it.
9/6/2024 01:11:19 pm
That's a good answer and it is similar to many of the answers I have received from other authors.
9/6/2024 03:54:27 pm
Have you ever done NaNoWriMo, National November Writing Month? - No I never heard of this what is it?
9/6/2024 05:36:28 pm
You can tell from the title it is a national contest in November for writing. It is a simple contest really, your only competition is yourself. If you write 50,000 first-draft words during the 30 days of November, you are a winner. That is less than 2,000 words a day.
9/6/2024 08:29:36 pm
Ah, interesting I had not heard of it but will keep that in mind i have been working on another new story.
9/7/2024 08:07:39 am
While writing the first draft is a solitary adventure, joining others, virtually, doing the same thing could be fun. Let me how it goes for you if you do it.
9/7/2024 12:51:56 pm
Good question, I always first just get the bones of the story down and then after that will go back and add and try to flesh out the story to fill it all in.
9/7/2024 12:55:37 pm
A lot of authors write in a similar fashion. You have lots of company.
9/7/2024 04:08:55 pm
HEY, i forgot to mention that in honor of this interview I was doing free ebook copies on amazon if you want to check out the story.
9/7/2024 04:07:23 pm
Things that happen or said to me or I said and done are in all my stories but I try to add them with enough shadows that someone wouldnt be able to pick it right out but its all in there
9/7/2024 05:54:29 pm
Free books are nice! That is kind of you.
9/8/2024 12:24:01 am
I think there is a lot of ways to do that but I really feel each one has to have a moment and that doesnt have to be long but memorable
9/8/2024 07:54:58 am
That is just like life. We all get a moment in the spotlight and then it moves on. We still contribute to a larger story.
9/8/2024 03:05:24 pm
In this book, it was the antagonist, and he was so fun to write, I look forward to him being a bigger part of the story in the follow up books.
9/8/2024 03:11:23 pm
I think many authors enjoy writing the antagonist more than the protag. This also seems to happen in the movies, some actors relish playing a bad person. Perhaps because they can let go of normal inhibitions.
9/8/2024 09:58:49 pm
I’m still learning here and trying to pick up tricks of the trade as I go. I really feel both are very important, but I know some books can just meander at whatever pace for the details of the story but to me if the story feels like it moving I think that keeps most readers more engaged but maybe just my opinion
9/9/2024 08:59:35 am
I agree with you. A book that has a very loose plot and meanders through the story can get boring quickly. Literary fiction can function like that. So much detail and little action. I have read a couple of those books and find I love a well-turned phrase. I learn new words also. There are people who like that genre. It is not in my top 10 favorite genres to read.
9/9/2024 12:28:58 pm
I try to write at night as that seems to be the best time for me. Early evening but sometimes if I have time and the mood hits i try strike when iron is hot.
9/9/2024 02:18:07 pm
Many authors write in the evening because of their day job.
9/9/2024 06:56:58 pm
yes of course but for now im ok with leaving it as is maybe small additions when second book in series comes out.
9/10/2024 09:24:00 am
Those projects sound interesting. I can't wait to read them.
9/10/2024 10:43:12 am
Thank you I enjoyed it and look forward to next time
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