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Finding My Voice and Surviving Childhood Sexual AbuseDebut author, Shirley Aumack introduces us to her memoir about healing from child sex abuse: All She Ever Wanted Was to Believe She Was Loved When she quietly confronted her father asking him to stop sexually abusing her as a little girl, she got this tirade from her father: "No one cares what I do to you. I don't love you, no one loves you, and no one will EVER love you." How does a little girl ever heal from this? Compounding the pain of this horrific, inhumane message and the sexual abuse starting when she was eight years old was having a mother who was emotionally vacant. Shirley Aumack never received any affection from her, never heard the words, "I love you" or any such affirming messages. She never attempted to tell her mother about the abuse and never found anyone to confide in who would believe her. It is common for people who have endured such hellish abuse to overcompensate their feelings of low self-worth by excelling at everything they do. And Shirley is no exception. Throughout her life, she has excelled at everything--academically, professionally, personally as a mother, wife, friend, and in every role she has impressively had love as her guiding force. Lois Einhorn, PhD, author of Forgiveness and Child Abuse: Would YOU Forgive? writes about PLEASE BELIEVE ME: "Shirley is a gifted storyteller making the book a quick read. But her messages will stay with me for a very long time. She covers unflinchingly details of her life including her despair and devastation. But her book is not only of surviving but also of thriving. In addition to horrifying images, she includes laugh-out-loud stories. Ultimately this book is inspiring and empowering, hopeful and healing. Shirley's life serves as a testament to the preciousness of all life, the transformative power of love, the triumph of the human spirit, and the need for humor." It is an astonishing and well-written story. As difficult as the subject may be, the author does not hesitate to share the devastating experience of being raped by her father and the lifelong effects. These effects were made worse by her empty, egocentric mother. The pastor of her church failed her also for reasons we will never know. Her writing is very clear and the good and the bad are shared with appropriate humor. Her children are a testimony to her efforts to care for them much better than she was cared for by her own parents. I award 4.8 stars to “Please Believe Me”. You can buy this book: You can follow the author: Tags: child sexual abuse, emotional abuse, PTSD, healing, recovery, panic attacks, adult survivor, memoir Copyright © 2021 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction
5/10/2021 02:34:58 pm
Thank you for your significant reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads. The book was difficult to write but I am pleased that you understood my purpose for writing this book. Sexual abuse at any age stunts an individual's ability to be successful in life. It deters them from having the self confidence needed to believe in themselves. I struggled with this throughout my life but constantly forced myself to continue fighting each time my confidence waned. I never stopped fighting and I want to help others to find their strength to do the same.
5/10/2021 02:51:17 pm
You are welcome. The sad truth is that so many kids have been abused in many different ways, by the people they should have been able to trust.
5/10/2021 03:21:12 pm
I love to travel. That started after my time in Guatemala as an exchange student.. It was such a wonderful time in my life and allowed me to be "me", the real me, for the first time in my life. I lived with a new and different family. They showed me love and affection and they cared for me. I never got this at home. I was peaceful and my heart was not afraid of anything. My Guatemalan parents actually loved me and treated me like a daughter. I went on many adventures with them and learned who I really am. It had an amazing impact on me and changed my life forever. When I got home, I knew that I didn't deserve to be in "my life" and from that time forward I became the real me and truly found my own place in this world.
5/10/2021 03:31:50 pm
Travel is a huge eye-opener! I traveled around in Western Europe for a little over 2 months in the early 70s. I learned a great deal about myself by traveling solo most of the time. My experience doesn't really compare with yours.
5/10/2021 04:00:53 pm
I have already written a children's book called "Thank You For Keeping Me Safe". It still needs
5/10/2021 04:20:39 pm
That sounds like a great book! I hope you finish it soon and get it out there. Those are important life lessons. 5/10/2021 04:44:33 pm
The cover was a joint effort between the publisher,, and me, I lived on a peninsula between two rivers and the Atlantic Ocean for over 40 years. I always loved the ocean views and, on my journey to write the book and also my journey through life, I thought about the many times I would ponder my life while staring at the beautiful ocean views, The photo of the ocean really touched me and my silhouette on the cover seemed perfect to me.
5/10/2021 05:34:09 pm
I like the cover a great deal. The ocean is a favorite place of mine also.
5/10/2021 06:08:27 pm
I have never entered any writing contests.
5/11/2021 09:54:06 am
If you are going to keep writing contests can be a good way to sharpen your writing skills. Some contests offer feedback on the entries. Here is a copy-and-paste link about signs to be aware of: Beware Bogus Writing Contests! Look for These 8 Red Flags.
5/11/2021 11:07:34 am
I am not planning to write any fiction short stories or novels. However, I would like to write magazine or newspaper articles at some point about my story in order to keep the topic of sexual abuse in the public eye. And not just childhood abuse but also adult abuse victims. This abuse often halts these victims from their journey to reach their goals in life.
5/11/2021 11:49:50 am
That is a good idea. There are those who have the same goal, maybe you could do some cross-blogging with them. Your voice will certainly help keep the awareness up front.
5/11/2021 01:06:48 pm
Help first and foremost. And advice as to how to handle the situations I face and where to find help. How to know that I am looking in the correct places and getting the help I need.
5/11/2021 01:58:47 pm
I have no doubt about those qualities and attributes, In one word, Hope. Survivors of abuse and trauma need hope to keep moving forward.
5/11/2021 02:22:17 pm
Kindle Unlimited: I don't know what that is or how to put the book on Kindle Unlimited.
5/11/2021 03:01:51 pm
Kindle Unlimited is a program that allows authors to place their book into a subscription program for readers. The author is paid by how many pages have been read. The author is required to place their book only with Amazon for several months to participate in this program. Some authors do well many not so much. It is one option among many.
5/11/2021 03:18:16 pm
Yes but I knew better than to get involved.
5/11/2021 08:33:25 pm
I am very happy to hear that you didn't fall prey to their schemes. Many authors have in the past.
5/12/2021 11:27:56 am
1. Read the contract over several times very carefully and make as many notes as you need to be sure you have a full understanding of the contract.
5/12/2021 01:08:12 pm
That is great advice for an author. Contracts are forever until they reach a designated end and everything is negotiable in the contract. The shadier contracts never end and an author can lose all control of a book. 5/12/2021 03:14:05 pm
No, I did not use any ads. I do subscribe to Writers Digest but it really doesn't help much after the book is published. It doesn't help with marketing. I do not currently subscribe to any author newsletters...I never thought about that. I would be open to using one of those resources.
5/12/2021 03:42:29 pm
I subscribe to at least 20 author newsletters. There is lots of variety. Authors send out newsletters to let their fans know about writing updates, special offers and so forth. For the author it can be a secure way to sell their book and keep a greater portion of the profits. The author can also offer custom autographed copies, which can make good gifts.
5/12/2021 04:03:41 pm
You have given me some new ideas to try. Also, I live in a condominium community with about 1200 units. I have sent emails to people that I know and have had a very positive response. I also had my own business for 35 years so I had the mailing lists from that endeavor as well. I also hope to create a blog. I am also planning to have my website show places in each state where children can be treated in one place as I mentioned before.
5/12/2021 04:40:01 pm
Glad to be of service. Those are great ideas.
5/12/2021 04:56:56 pm
I hadn't thought about that besides libraries that I know or have used. That is a great idea and one that I can work on for sure!
5/12/2021 05:37:45 pm
English audio books are a big business all over the world. There are a lot of countries where English is the official language, not America ironically, and many other countries where English is taught as a second language. Many of the residents of the poorer countries can access the internet only through a cell phone. So, an audio book is an ideal way to deliver a story to millions. There are a lot of blogs about audio books, use the search box below again. There is at least one blog about doing it yourself.
5/12/2021 09:07:50 pm
My absolute favorite genre is autobiographies and next is biographies. We learn about people after they have been successful. Many people think these people were born successful. However, everyone has a back story. And almost all successful people have an amazing story with many twists and turns and many obstacles that have been overcome. Real life stories are the best! The truth is almost always better than fiction.
5/13/2021 08:47:20 am
I love biographies also, but my top two favorites are science fiction and fantasy. I will almost always pick that up first for pleasure reading.
5/13/2021 01:00:41 pm
It's been a long time since my childhood! I don't have any books that jump out to me. However, I do remember that I loved the Nancy Drew stories a great deal. In addition, I spent most of my free time reading as a child. I was always at the town library. Reading was a true escape and a joy for me. Also I always read alone in my room or at the library so I was away from everyone.
5/13/2021 01:38:17 pm
Childhood is in the far distant past for us both.
5/13/2021 07:14:15 pm
This may sound like a surprising always gives me a feeling of accomplishment. I set a goal and I accomplished it. In the name of my website you see the number 610. That is the day, June 6th, that I held the published book in my hands for the first time. I set a goal and I achieved it.
5/13/2021 08:02:42 pm
Thanks for explaining about your website, I had meant to ask you. That was a wonderful day for you! Did you do something special to celebrate?
5/13/2021 08:28:39 pm
Neither. Ironically I asked my husband your question and he immediately answered "neither" as I said here! He knows me well. I change the text by adding, subtracting or changing words to make it clearer and stronger. but the thoughts, my thoughts, are already there.
5/14/2021 06:29:40 am
Wonderful. So many authors are over-writers, quite a few are under-writers also. Some authors write only one draft and edit it forever, others write and save multiple drafts as a record of their work.
5/14/2021 09:47:10 am
Think. Think long and hard.
5/14/2021 03:57:19 pm
That makes a lot of sense. Dealing with real people is different from fictional characters. Real people have feelings and their memories of events might differ from yours and other people who were involved or at least witnesses to a shared event. If sensitivities are bruised it can be difficult going to write a complete recounting of certain events. Of course, there is the getting-their-permission thing also to include them in the book. I can see where that could lead to a lot of work.
5/14/2021 09:07:29 pm
I don't write in any kind of straight line. I write in sections. As you know the book is not in date order. I talk about my father and mother's families, for example, from beginning to end. Then on to the next chapter.
5/15/2021 08:01:38 am
A lot of books are written with flashbacks, jumping around in the linear timeline whether fiction or non-fiction. It's not too bad when there is only one plotline. With several plotlines in progress it can be downright confusing at times. If the chapters are short, that can be helpful for the reader to keep track of the different plots.
5/15/2021 03:04:17 pm
I don't believe that I experienced writer's block in writing my book.
5/15/2021 03:19:28 pm
Your book flows quite well. The work you put into it is proven.
5/15/2021 03:51:34 pm
There is something I wish I had made clearer in the book. The fact that after I tried to commit suicide when I was 13 by putting a plastic bag over my head and realized that my parents would never be there for me I began to suppress my memories of the child abuse. I should have made this clearer to the reader but it happened over a period of years so it was difficult to put it into the book in that context. By the time I was 15 I had done a pretty good job of that. I had decided that I had to live with them until I went away to college but they had never been and would never be there for me. I was brave enough and mature enough to be able to take on the mantle of growing up on my shoulders with no regrets. I had my grandmother to lean on as the only adult in my life that I could count on for anything and I stayed away from my parents as much as I could and never again counted on them. And then I went away to Guatemala and lived in a "normal" family and found my boyfriend before I went to Guatemala and who was there when I returned who would become my husband and the rock of my life along with my grandmother. As I said in the dedication of my book, they made me the me I am today.
5/15/2021 05:15:25 pm
That was a moment full of despair. Your suicide attempt was not very surprising.
5/15/2021 08:15:24 pm
My story convinced me to be an author. No other author convinced me to write the book. I wanted to tell my story to help others, both survivors and those who need to understand the lasting effects of sexual abuse at any age.
5/15/2021 08:27:36 pm
I am not familiar with Angela's Ashes. I went looking for it on Amazon and oddly enough I couldn't find the book. I found study guides in multiple languages, and summary books, but not the book itself. It must be an amazing book.
5/15/2021 10:00:40 pm
I have shaken hands with Barack Obama but did not speak to him.
5/16/2021 08:02:07 am
Many have shaken hands with famous authors, not many have shaken hands with a president. Wow.
5/18/2021 05:17:15 pm
I believe I could say both. Whatever works!
5/18/2021 08:45:17 pm
Flying (writing) by the seat of your pants is the classic definition of a pantser. I liken that to the tightrope walker who has no safety net. Many do it quite well.
5/18/2021 10:09:12 pm
First of all, it is weird to know that people now know so much about my life...and not just the sexual abuse parts. Basically, it is all out there. But, I am so proud of the book. After all these years of wanting to write it but not being able to because of the time constraints of my business and personal life it is so wonderful to have it out there. So many people I know have read it and have had amazing things to say because I was able to hide my insecurities and depression and anxiety from everyone but my wonderful husband. That was not easy over the years. When I think of myself I think of my difficult life at times and not only my childhood. The amount of times I have been lost in me without others knowing that. Which is why I have always wanted to help people, I wanted them to feel strong inside of them. To help them be the best they could be, to help them make good decisions in their lives and to help them feel proud of themselves. To feel empowered. And I know that I did that many times. And to know that I could help myself feel those things inside myself as well. And to know that the hard times will pass. They always do. I am also finally, after all the years that I have been alive, feeling that people really do love me. They are not perfect and neither am I but their love is real and I can count on that love. I told you that Mother's Day is the worst day of the year for me. Well, not anymore. I have finally, this year, realized that I am the Mom and Grandma now and that I am the one who is loved!
5/19/2021 07:57:10 am
That is a powerful testimony to the healing you have received. Especially the feelings about Mother's day. That is an important step up the staircase of freedom.
5/19/2021 08:10:06 am
Thank you for asking me to be part of your work. I have truly enjoyed my journey with you. And know that I will continue to be part of the writing community! All my best to you...
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