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The potter tells us the story of Selinunte 628 B.C. Debut Amazon author, Rocco Spano introduces us to his delightful historical fiction tale, “Lu Bummularu”: The peculiarity of the book lies in the fact that each chapter is introduced with a poem, which is a nice peculiarity and makes an impact on the reader due to its short nature. A way that splits between short story, poem and novel. Another striking feature are the illustrations inserted throughout the story. The story is set in the happy and glorious period of ancient Greece in 628 B.C. in Selinunte and speaks about an object made by the young craftsman Obelius. An object handed down until the 1960s. Bummulu comes from the Greek word 'bombùlion' meaning vase. It would therefore be the story of the creation of a simple container to keep water and wine cool and the adventure of life in Selinunte. It is a sea voyage from Greece to Sicily, where Obelius with his family and other Megareans set up a new colony under the name of Selinos. This name is due to the smell of celery when arriving there. A fictional tale that describes the dream of realising a new agricultural-commercial polis through the union of everyone's strength to help the community. A book that revives the beauty of ancient Greece in Sicily. The story begins from Megara Nisea, Greece, with some misadventures during the journey and the landing at the spot pointed out by the oracle. Obelius goes on talking about the construction of Selinunte after three groups of men have explored the area. The hero continues talking about his adventure in Greece and the Olympic Games, life in Selinunte, his family's work and a dire foreboding What does this book give you? The story is in a variety of exciting genres, from fiction to history - making reading fun and you feel relaxed. This book is good for people with not a lot of time to sit down and read. You can read a chapter a day and I think that’s the best way. If you are an avid reader you can read it all in one go, because the historical content is told with simplicity, abundance of detail, which captivates you and transports you emotionally. Why not for students, they will learn ancient Greek history in Sicily and Sicilian traditions. Learning a foreign language is always a challenge. Being constantly exposed to the language one aims to master is the best way to speed up the learning process. It’s not just by listening to a language that you get to learn it. Reading has also been proven to be a very effective way to learn a foreign language as it helps everyone to become familiar with the proper grammar use, the rhythms, forms and rules of the language. The story is fluid, continuous and filled with a variety of helpful vocabulary combined with a grammatical richness. The best way to learn a new language is by reading, and in this book you will find yourself turning page after page to get to the end of this captivating story that will engage your mind and help you improve your English language. This book for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, this story will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress while reading. What does this book give you? · This story Is an exciting genres, from fiction to history-making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary · Controlled language at your level, to help you progress confidently and improve your speaking ability · Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration. I love historical fiction and I enjoyed this book quite a bit. It differs from many other books because it has simple illustrations and short poetry that precedes each chapter. Another thing that sets this book apart from many other historical fiction books is that the story is a vehicle to share detailed information about life during a glorious part of ancient Greek history. The author does a marvelous job of pulling off this trick. The story is pleasant to read and the details of daily life, commerce and customs are quite interesting. I enjoyed this book a great deal and give it 4.7 stars. You can buy this book: You can follow the author: Tags: Italy, Italian, Sicily, Sicilian, pottery, history Copyright © 2024 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction.
Rocco Spanò
4/23/2024 03:24:21 am
Why selinunte? because not everyone knows that Selinunte is the largest and best preserved Greek territory.
4/23/2024 07:54:43 am
Hello Rocco. Welcome to the Word Refiner channel. Thank you for hiring me to promote your book. I enjoyed the story.
4/23/2024 09:45:04 am
Sorry, I live in Sicily. Selinunte is not far from my town, Mazara del Vallo.
4/23/2024 09:50:32 am
Happy birthday, Rocco. My birthday is in September.
4/23/2024 10:17:15 am
I used to teach English, and I retired in 2019. During the pandemic, I started writing this historical novel and "Lu Bummularu" tells the story of Selinunte 628 B.C. This is my first one and it is in English, Spanish and Italian. I am working on my second historical novel. I like going around on holiday, so I am not a full-time writer. I like gardening also.
4/23/2024 12:16:50 pm
Congratulations on your retirement! Gardening and traveling are wonderful activities to pursue.
4/23/2024 01:55:49 pm
When I used to teach English, I read all the short stories in English before my students so that I could ask them questions afterwards. Now, I read all genres of books except horror, but historical novels are my favorite genre. Reading helps us stay young longer, at least mentally. This happens because reading stimulates our mind.
4/23/2024 01:59:14 pm
A good teacher asks the students questions to help them develop their critical thinking skills. It's not always easy to wait for them to answer.
Rocco Spanò
4/23/2024 04:32:29 pm
Many peoples of the Mediterranean Sea conquered Sicily and made it great with smaller or larger contributions. Sicily, an island located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, has always been a land known for its port of entry and commercial exchange.This Is what I wrote at the beginning of my book. I like writing because I love my Sicily and its history fascinates me. I am passionate about writing to let people know about our traditions, habits and customs.Writing did not change my life.
4/23/2024 05:03:06 pm
Sicily has a fascinating history that goes back a long way, I have no doubt. I love learning about the histories of different peoples around the world. As people and citizens of Earth, we are far more alike than we are different, excluding the language barrier.
Rocco Spanò
4/24/2024 06:28:13 am
Yes.My past work influenced me on my writing.
4/24/2024 08:14:49 am
I like your story. That is an unusual inspiration to write, in one way. Many authors know who inspired them to write, frequently a family member or a teacher is the original source.
4/24/2024 09:22:03 am
I have never seen a UFO or UAP, unidentified aerial phenomena.
Rocco Spanò
4/24/2024 09:46:15 am
I am sorry for your wife, but It is a pity you cannot visit Sicily. During my honeymoon my wife and I were in New York for a month.
4/24/2024 04:31:15 pm
Thank you, Rocco. My wife and I visited New York City about 20 years ago. It was a fun trip.
4/24/2024 09:58:36 am
I haven't seen a UFO either. Though my sisters have told me that we saw one as a child, but I have no memory of that.
Rocco Spanò
4/24/2024 10:12:13 am
My oldest daughter designed the cover but I do not know how many drafts the cover went through.
4/24/2024 11:06:52 am
You have a talented daughter.
Rocco Spanò
4/24/2024 02:42:52 pm
On the top there Is the temple of Hera in Selinunte and in the center there is the potter, the main character.
4/24/2024 03:32:09 pm
That is a big archaeological park. Many structures that survived the ravages of time and multiple wars.
Rocco Spanò
4/24/2024 04:10:18 pm
Not at all, It was my dream to write a story with a simple boy who tells a great story rich in cultural traditions.
4/24/2024 04:29:41 pm
Okay. You certainly achieved that goal.
4/25/2024 11:05:34 am
Yes, my second historical novel is ready but only in Italian, so before I publish it, I would like to translate it into English. It Is set in Mazara, my town, in 1492. Guess what it is about.
4/25/2024 11:09:58 am
Wonderful. Writing and publishing more books is important for sales in the long run.
4/25/2024 12:36:21 pm
My book will not be about Columbus. During that period, Sicily was controlled by the king of Spain. The book is set during the Spanish Catholic Inquisition.
4/25/2024 12:50:22 pm
I forgot about the Inquisition. What a terrible time in the history of humanity and Christianity. So misguided and so human.
4/25/2024 01:39:02 pm
No, I did not use Al and I will not use for the future. As you can see my words are simple and not elaborate.
4/25/2024 01:45:45 pm
This is a relatively new question in my list of questions. Your answer mirrors that of all of the authors I have asked so far. I think one or two have said it was handy in their research but that was the extent of usage.
Rocco Spanò
4/25/2024 02:33:23 pm
No, never, even my first Italian edition in 2022.
4/25/2024 03:00:02 pm
Count yourself lucky, many authors have had that unfortunate experience! Frequently, it's easy to tell the person hasn't even read the book. Normal people will notice that and discount anything the troll says. The important thing is not to engage or talk with the troll.
4/25/2024 05:31:12 pm
Yes, I know negative review Is not the end of the world.
4/25/2024 05:18:36 pm
You started working at an early age. My first real job was picking strawberries for a commercial farm in the neighboring town. I was 11 or 12.
Rocco Spanò
4/25/2024 05:36:41 pm
Only a school colleague Is a writer.
4/25/2024 07:07:11 pm
Sometimes the writing bug runs in a family and sometimes it doesn't.
Rocco Spanò
4/26/2024 05:41:35 am
No, there is not anyone.
4/26/2024 09:21:08 am
You may yet be an inspiration for someone.
4/26/2024 10:46:12 am
I like pasta, pizza and wine.
4/26/2024 10:57:26 am
I like those foods also. Actually, I like almost every food I have come across. There are only a few foods I don't like.
Rocco Spanò
4/26/2024 11:54:46 am
I do not know how my book compares to a book published by a major publisher.
4/26/2024 12:24:39 pm
It is a good idea to keep an eye on the books in your genre to see what others are doing. Fashion and presentation changes frequently to catch the attention of the readers.
Rocco Spanò
4/26/2024 12:48:14 pm
Sorry, I don't know about practices in publishing.
4/26/2024 02:08:36 pm
There are many different scams aimed at authors. There are people who promise the moon, take a lot of money and deliver nothing. Whether it be covers, promotion and reviews, or publishing. There are also people who pretend to be agents or employees of big-name publishers, movie production companies and videos such as Netflix. There are also people who run contests and take as much out of a person's wallet as they can.
4/26/2024 02:41:29 pm
War Horse. Also my students liked It very much.
4/26/2024 06:07:37 pm
It looks like a nice book. I am sure I would enjoy it also.
4/27/2024 09:35:17 am
My favorite book was Cuore by Edmondo de Amicis.
4/27/2024 09:40:06 am
I am a lifelong reader also. I learned to read before the first grade. A retired schoolteacher lived behind us and I sat on the white, picket fence while she opened the universe to me. I love reading still.
Rocco Spanò
4/27/2024 09:46:29 am
I think it Is a simple question.
4/27/2024 12:03:38 pm
That is a good question. It's similar to what many other authors have chosen.
4/27/2024 01:13:19 pm
Writing has a healing component for me. Because when I start writing I feel relaxed.
4/27/2024 02:35:13 pm
Quite a few authors have a similar response, they have a good feeling when they have had a good writing session.
Rocco Spanò
4/27/2024 02:49:57 pm
I would like to answer with a smile.
4/27/2024 07:02:40 pm
That was easy. Maybe the next one will be a little bit harder.
Rocco Spanò
4/28/2024 09:00:33 am
it is important for writers to tap into the emotions of the characters because it
4/28/2024 10:44:22 am
The idea that characters are not only one way needs to be true for readers to understand them. People are multi-dimensional and have depth with many layers. Characters should also. Even an antagonist should be the same way. A good antagonist thinks he is the good guy in the story unless the antagonist is quite insane.
Rocco Spanò
4/28/2024 12:04:11 pm
No, never. I did not know about It.
4/28/2024 12:51:50 pm
Some authors get together virtually and encourage each other to make the goal of a 50,000-word first draft by the end of November. They share their daily progress and work hard to win. Every writer is competing against themself, not other writers.
Rocco Spanò
4/28/2024 04:07:53 pm
Sorry, I do not like reality show.
4/29/2024 09:26:00 am
I understand your feelings about reality shows, most of them are too weird for me and I avoid them also. I love talking about books and that is why we are here.
Rocco Spanò
4/29/2024 09:51:03 am
I am just a writer.
4/29/2024 10:11:10 am
Like many other authors.
Rocco Spanò
4/29/2024 10:48:26 am
Think you, Mark. It was a pleasure to work with you. You are a big book promoter.
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