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Multi-volume, multi-genre author, Mercedes Rochelle introduces us to the award-winning, third and final volume of “The Last Great Saxon Earls”, “Fatal Rivalry”: In 1066, the rivalry between two brothers brought England to its knees. When Duke William of Normandy landed at Pevensey on September 28, 1066, no one was there to resist him. King Harold Godwineson was in the north, fighting his brother Tostig and Harald Hardrada at Stamford Bridge. How could this have happened? Why would Tostig turn traitor to wreak revenge on his brother? Harold and Tostig were not always enemies; it took a massive Northumbrian uprising to tear them apart, making one an exile and the other his sworn enemy. After Edward the Confessor died and Harold took the crown, Tostig was intent on reclaiming his earldom. But he was on his own; his brother was not sympathetic. In fact, Harold allied with Tostig's enemies. What else could he do? This is a stupendous climax to the series. I absolutely love how this historical-fiction novel is structured using first-person POV. The dialogues and inner thoughts of each main character in turn carries the story forward so well. It really makes the history come alive. The scene-setting is quite well done also, especially the scenes of battles. Just like life in the Middle Ages, the action is very intense and brutal at times, but only to fit the needs of the historical events. The entire series is binge worthy! I want to read it all again. I award 4.9 stars to “Fatal Rivalry”. You can buy this book: You can follow the author: I have reviewed other books by this author: The Usurper King (The Plantagenet Legacy Book 3) By Mercedes Rochelle Tags: history, biography, fiction, medieval, European, Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, Denmark, Norway, France, Normandy, historical, biographical, Battle of Hastings Copyright © 2021 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction.
4/18/2021 10:28:32 am
Thank you for reviewing Fatal Rivalry. You've always been most supportive!
4/18/2021 06:26:21 pm
You are welcome. I love to help authors anyway I can.
Mercedes Rochelle
4/18/2021 08:50:48 pm
I live in rural New Jersey in a log home my husband and I had built ourselves. The older I get, the more I identify myself as an author. Covid has slowed life down for us as well as everyone else, and I spend most of my time writing and marketing myself. During the summer I spend a lot of time in my garden. Life is good but it's not terribly exciting!
4/19/2021 08:28:49 am
A log home. That is very cool. I dreamed of a log home in the early years of our marriage after I discovered Mother Earth News. I did a little organic gardening and companion planting.
mercedes Rochelle
4/19/2021 11:16:17 am
I'm not entirely sure how to define full-time writer. I don't sit writing for eight hours a day. Does it mean do I make a living at my writing? Hardly. Maybe after another 20 books or so. I sell Real Estate to make money, though this year things have dried up because of Covid. But my job means my schedule is flexible. Because I don't make a lot of money at my writing, I'm not inspired to become a slave to it. I try to write every day, but I go in spurts. As look as I keep the momentum going, I'm happy. Does this make me a part-time writer? My dear husband is my patron, so I am a very lucky gal.
4/19/2021 11:31:44 am
Every writer needs a wealthy patron. You are very lucky that you married yours.
Mercedes Rochelle
4/19/2021 12:04:34 pm
I've been writing historical fiction from day one, although at the time I didn't realize it was a genre. I owe that revelation to Sharon Penman, after I read The Sunne in Splendour back in the '80s. I suddenly realized that I had been a fan of the genre for years! I had been reading Dumas, Hugo, Sir Walter Scott and loving it, but I assumed it was a 19th century thing. Suddenly, I found my niche and stayed with it ever since.
4/19/2021 12:58:43 pm
Sometimes we don't realize we are in our niche at first. I was like that also, It took several years for me to realize how good I was at finding misspelled words.
Mercedes Rochelle
4/19/2021 01:53:25 pm
Ha! That makes me laugh. I'm sure you were a wiz in spelling bees!
4/19/2021 06:23:15 pm
Funny, I was never in a spelling bee. But nobody wants to play me in Scrabble.
Mercedes Rochelle
4/19/2021 08:33:37 pm
I'm in a bit of a bind. Godwine Kingmaker, book one in the series, was originally published by a small press in England. With book two I went indie. Unfortunately, Godwine is just selling well enough that I can't get my rights back. So I have my hands tied! I was very fortunate that the publisher wasn't interested in audio, or that would have been an even bigger problem. As it is, I can't use book one as incentive to sell the rest of the series; in fact, it is priced much higher than the others and I can't do anything about it. It was a valuable lesson to learn!
4/20/2021 08:08:34 am
Is it possible to rewrite GK and republish it? Do you have plans to continue the story of William the conqueror? Perhaps two volumes leading up to the Battle of Hastings era.
Mercedes Rochelle
4/20/2021 10:52:25 am
Interesting observation about rewriting the book. . I never thought of that. It sounds like it could cause more problems than solve them? Making it no longer part of the series seems to defeat the purpose of the whole thing. Not only that, but it would take a huge effort to pull myself back there. It's finished. I occasionally give thought to expanding the Canute story, but historical records are sparse enough that I'd have to make most of it up, which isn't my strength.
4/20/2021 11:24:18 am
Maybe the license the publisher has for the first book will expire at some point and you can get it back under your control. If you did a deluxe edition with pictures or more illustrations and deluxe binding could be another way around the license they have. That would be expensive of course, but another author did exactly that. Here is a copy-and-paste link:
Mercedes Rochelle
4/20/2021 12:37:16 pm
No, I have no interest in any other genres. But back to a previous question about keywords, that really bears paying attention to. And it's not terribly well understood. This is the opportunity to get found on Amazon, and it's very easy to get it wrong. Luckily, there's an app out there called Publisher Rocket, which has a one-time fee and is yours for life. I use it a lot. It lets you do a keyword search, a category search (another misunderstood Kindle feature), a competition analyzer, and a keyword search for Amazon ads.
4/20/2021 03:31:28 pm
That is a great explanation about keywords and search ability thank you. That is a bit of an arcane subject and is so very important for an author to understand. And I love the tip of using the incognito mode to be able to do the surgeon to see how the results work for you without messing up the Google ratings.
Mercedes Rochelle
4/20/2021 08:44:53 pm
Writing contests get pretty expensive so I stay away from them for the most part. I had noticed that indie authors were posting so many rewards that the significance started to get lost in the shuffle. Like anything else, they are starting to look like too much of a good thing. I wonder if it matters more to the authors than to the readers? I do favor the "Brag Medallion" award and have been honored with their inclusion in four of my books (including this one). And I have been very lucky to be included in the "Discover Diamonds" award by Helen Hollick. I haven't entered any others for a long time.
4/20/2021 09:30:25 pm
Congratulations on the BRAG awards. That is very nice.
mercedes rochelle
4/20/2021 11:01:25 pm
Thanks for the heads-up about the Bogus writing contests. It's always good to keep up with that stuff.
4/21/2021 08:14:05 am
You are welcome. The longer the contract is for a contest the greater need for careful reading and maybe a lawyerly inspection.
mercedes hayes
4/21/2021 11:44:23 am
I have to tell you a secret. I see romance books as formulaic, and they tend to bore me. Every romance has to have a conflict and resolution, yawn, and there are only so many ways to do that. I resist throwing in a romance just for the sake of it, though that seems to be what people expect. Some stories just don't have romance as a critical aspect.
4/21/2021 01:07:13 pm
I have to agree with you. Sometimes the conflict a romance story feels artificial or contrived. There is no denying that. Other times the conflict feels like an integral part of the story.
Mercedes Rochelle
4/21/2021 01:30:58 pm
That was an interesting link, thanks!
4/21/2021 03:19:46 pm
I am glad you enjoyed that blog/podcast. Joanna is another of my favorite bloggers and she consistently put out great information and has great guests.
Mercedes Rochelle
4/21/2021 04:16:31 pm
To answer your last question first, I went with Amazon because it was soooo easy to use. Everyone has a bit of a learning curve depending on where they start, technology-wise. I am pretty far along; I design my own covers, I understand the different formats, I know how to use MS Word (except for the page numbering... gets me every time!). So uploading a book through KDP was pretty easy for me, aside from the nudging and fussing over details. From book one the process has been pretty much the same. And yes, I heartily agree with buying your own ISBN numbers. Again, it's a matter of control. You don't know what you are going to do five years down the road, and when I decided to go wide I was grateful that I already had my ISBNs in place. As far as using my own imprint, it was only a matter of going to my local township and registering the name. A no-brainer! The money still goes to my social security number. And I think it looks better than Create Space or whatever Amazon is using these days.
4/21/2021 05:31:45 pm
I think almost every author starts with Amazon, unless that author is set against Amazon. The biggest seller of books is Amazon, the last I heard.
Mercedes Rochelle
4/21/2021 05:50:43 pm
These days Twitter is my main social media strategy. I use Buffer to plan 10 posts ahead and separate them 10-15 minutes apart, depending on the time of day. I can't stand when people post a huge chunk like 20 at a time. Too much! After 10 posts or so I'll do one of my own (you know, Buy My Book!). It seems to work; I've been steadily increasing my following organically without getting in anybody's face. I used to use Facebook but got discouraged on learning that most of my posts don't get seen. What's the point?
4/21/2021 07:08:15 pm
That is a good strategy for Twitter. I am a firm believer in spreading out posts. I schedule my posts also, I have 5 or 6 tweets that I send out every hour from 8 to 8. Each hour is different tweets or different pictures on the same tweets. I don't want to bore anyone.
4/21/2021 07:30:52 pm
I keep reading about how important it is to have a mailing list, so I always do a drawing at my public events and of course a contact form on my web page. It is slow going, and every month or so I send something out—nothing formal, just whatever giveaway I'm offering at the moment and an excerpt from my blog (with a link). I haven't quite gotten to 300 yet, and my open rate is about 10%, so I have a long way to go! I do subscribe to a couple of authors for ideas, They are all flashier than I am! But I admit I don't particularly care what they are doing, and I feel that no one cares what I am doing either, unless I am announcing events. That will come in time, I trust.
4/22/2021 07:25:40 am
There are a couple of reasons to have a mailing list. First, for the author that wants to go wide, having an independent store to sell their books is important and reduces the dependence upon third-party sellers. Plus, the author keeps more of the profit if the author actually distributes the book also. Second, if the author had desires of being traditionally published, then a large mailing list is very important to many publishers. The publisher sees that list as a large number of guaranteed sales.
Mercedes Rochelle
4/22/2021 11:25:37 am
Well, everyone has their own methods of course. Selling one's own book is not a bad idea; I might try that. I guess because I am lukewarm on the receiving end of mailings, I assume everyone else is, too! I use PHP list to collect my names and manage the database. For $5.00 per month, you can't beat the price! It's a little on the primitive (basic) side and not terribly easy to customize, but it does the job. I just don't see myself making a big push with the mailing list, probably because of lack of interest on my part. You can't do everything!
4/22/2021 04:29:07 pm
Quite true. Everyone works it the best they can. Every choice has a consequence. No one can do it all.
Mercedes rochelle
4/22/2021 05:50:00 pm
That's easy..
4/22/2021 06:51:24 pm
Thank you for those links. I am sure it will help another author or two. That is a lot of books going out. I hope you got a bunch of reviews. Marketing is the hardest nut for authors to crack. There is no one right way, there are around a hundred because there are so many different kinds of marketing that can be done.
mercedes rochelle
4/22/2021 10:43:26 pm
I'll take a look at Highly Regarded Blogs. Didn't know about that, thanks.
4/23/2021 08:11:31 am
I have tried to curate all of the major topics writers might be interested in. Let me know if there is a topic I should keep my eyes open for.
mercedes rochelle
4/23/2021 02:14:57 pm
Yesterday I just learned about a new scam directed at audiobook Narrators. I was shocked! Apparently scammers record narrators' voices and through AI rework them to publish books written by bots. It got a lot of mileage when Audible was paying dividends for Free Promo Codes. Not so much anymore.
4/23/2021 03:07:03 pm
Stealing not just money from the narrators but their voice also. It's always something. Using AI to narrate a book is pretty new and getting better all the time. Joanna Penn has written more than one blog about that. She suggested that at some point, an author could rent a voice, celebrity or not, to narrate their book. The Bitcoin technology would ensure that all players got a fractional share of the book sale. I am sure that same technology will be able to tell if an AI narrated book is a scam or not, eventually. It's not widespread enough as yet.
Mercedes Rochelle
4/23/2021 05:57:42 pm
Even in my pleasure reading I stick to historical fiction. There's so much to learn! When I am on the treadmill I love to read Matthew Harffy and Steven McKay; I love it when I forget I'm exercising. There are too many favorites to list, but I often go back to my 19th century authors. While I am gardening and taking a walk I listen to audio books. Right now I am listening to The Three Musketeers!
4/23/2021 07:09:40 pm
You are pretty much completely immersed in historical fiction. That explains a lot why your book feels so organic when I read it.
Mercedes Rochelle
4/23/2021 07:33:57 pm
I was a big reader of the Little House on the Prairie series (though I didn't like the TV show!) and I adored Albert Payson Terhune, who wrote Lad a Dog and that whole series about his collies. I didn't know where New Jersey was (home of his famous Sunnybank farm); ironically, I live there now and I still don't know where the farm is! I also loved Walter Farley and his black stallion series. Animal stories, anyone! The day I read Black Beauty, I told my mother I wanted to be a writer and she pooh-poohed me. I laugh to think of it now. She certainly wasn't much help!
4/24/2021 08:55:16 am
The first book I read about an animal was Jack London's Call of the Wild. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I also read white fang and felt a little let down. I don't recall reading another animal book for a long time.
4/24/2021 01:39:10 pm
Barrel helm! Did you join the group? I was active then!
4/24/2021 01:55:17 pm
I did not join the group. Not enough time.
4/24/2021 05:23:33 pm
Connecting with the characters is such a challenge! It seems easiest to do it in first person, because you are standing in that character's shoes. But of course not all stories can be written in first person. If a lot of the action happens outside of the character's experience, third person omniscient is usually demanded (a different kind of challenge). Third person limited is the biggest challenge to me. Yes, you can kind of say what that person feels. Action outside of the character's knowledge has to be depicted somehow. How does one connect in third person? Give the character a lot of behavioral quirks, I suppose. Let that person demonstrate care, consideration, love, is always a good thing. Give that person loyalty and honor. People want to relate to that. Otherwise, it's a great risk to the author. Writing about a character who is a jerk (like Richard II) comes with penalties! (and lower ratings).
4/24/2021 08:43:29 pm
Good description of ways to help a reader connect with a character. Writing in different POVs has different challenges with each one. One of the more interesting quirks is the unreliable narrator. Readers normally expect the narrator to be honest or truthful. But judging by the title that is not always the case. I think that would be very useful for any kind of a mystery story, perhaps a cozy murder. What do you think, am I on the right track?
4/24/2021 09:00:45 pm
Interesting about the unreliable narrator. In Fatal Rivalry, I hope I came across that way with Tostig. He certainly had blinders on at times, and didn't realize nobody agreed with his "take" on things. Same with Harold. He didn't have a whole lot of empathy, and was puzzled at times when his wife felt sorry for his less fortunate siblings.
4/25/2021 08:16:27 am
Good point that both brothers lacked perspective. They represent a lot of us. We 'know' we are right most of the time because we think that there are a lot of people who think like we do. Harold and Tostig were concerned about their wealth and doing as little as necessary to hang on to it. They were more concerned about appearances much of the time.
4/25/2021 11:27:47 am
I try to avoid dialogue tags, relying on giving the speaker action instead, so the reader knows who is speaking (I wish they smoked cigarettes in the middle ages. That is the best!) I don't even get pipes! The occasion "he said" "she said" is good to break things up. It's so hard to resist being redundant! How many drinks can a character take? (although we do drink a lot, anyway, don't we?)
4/25/2021 11:54:39 am
I agree with you about dialogue tags. Action beats give yet one more opportunity to show don't tell. Many authors use ABs to great effect. Personally, I prefer action beats, they lend more color and texture to a story. The common dialogue tags, he said-she said disappear into the background for me. They don't really register for me. What does register is when aa writer starts to use other words in place of the stodgy he said-she said, those replacements can get pretty extreme and silly at times.
4/25/2021 12:04:27 pm
I do love a good villain. Of course, not every story has one. My main purpose in writing this book was to redeem poor Tostig, who is everyone's favorite traitor. That may have been impossible: he did some unforgiveable things, to say the least. But he did have his reasons, and from his point of view, they were understandable.
4/25/2021 03:10:53 pm
The villains are very juicy! I have heard of famous actors who vie to play the antagonist rather than the protagonist for that very reason.
4/25/2021 03:55:37 pm
I'm cursed with a short attention span. I'm up and down, up and down while I write (perhaps the next thought is percolating). I work well in spurts, so I need to give myself a good stretch of time to fit in a good session.
4/25/2021 08:17:33 pm
So many authors struggle with the events and timeline of their book. You have it much easier in that regard, so writing in a straight line makes a lot of sense. However, the other fiction writers get to choose their characters, attitudes and interactions. You are somewhat hampered in that respect.
4/25/2021 09:01:46 pm
In my early days, with the help of a generous boyfriend, I tried writing full time. It was terrible! I felt like I was in prison, and because I wasn't bringing in any income I didn't want to spend any money. I got a dog to break up the day (lots of frisbee throwing) but that didn't help. So now, I work my writing into my day in a way that doesn't feel forced. That's one advantage of being an indie: no deadlines. Also, I've learned to write standing up so I set myself up a second "work station" with my laptop. It stretches my legs and seems to help my mental process; the moving around keeps me stimulated.
4/26/2021 07:25:45 am
Trying to write while feeling trapped must have been hard. A certain way of smothering the muse. I love dogs myself. There is a big difference between dogs and cats, dogs think you are god and cats think you are staff.
4/26/2021 11:01:50 am
I'm happy to say I would leave Fatal Rivalry as it is. I was especially moved when hearing it on audiobook! Aside from the human (sibling) interaction, which is universal, I don't see it relating to today. It's just too far into the past. And of course that was never my intention anyway. I hope the reader comes to a better understanding of how stresses and perceived wrongs can blow out of proportion, and turn a man into a villain—at least to history.
4/26/2021 11:58:09 am
Family relationships require more care than others. There is no doubt about that. My little brother is 10 years behind me. I moved out of the house when I was seventeen, after high school graduation. We never connected because of all the teen angst and activities I was going through. We are at best casual acquaintances.
4/26/2021 12:36:05 pm
I am just starting my fourth book in THE PLANTAGENT LEGACY. Book three, The Usurper King which was just published this month, is about Henry IV and the troublesome first three years of his reign. He dealt with three major rebellions! My current book continues his reign, where he faces yet another rebellion and condemns the Archbishop of York to death. This is quite a scandal, and contributes to his devastating illness which strikes him the very night of the execution. He is truly The Accursed King.
4/26/2021 01:13:43 pm
I didn't know that about ACD. When I hit a lull in my reading I might look up his other books. I was introduced to his stories about Sherlock Holmes when I was a pre-teen. I loved the stories! I watched a lot of the early B&W movies with Nigel Rathbone starring as SH also. I have no doubt I would enjoy the other books also.
4/26/2021 01:45:07 pm
Thanks once again for hosting me, Mark! It was a lot of fun and I always enjoy chatting with you. Happy reading! Leave a Reply. |
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