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Multi-volume author, MK Schultz introduces us to his latest in his science fiction series, “Equilibrium”: Experience Kassius Kanex like never before in the epic conclusion. In anticipation of the arrival of an evil that could rob Kassius Kanex of his power, he must go off-grid, in search of the only hope there is to defeat it. With the help of his larger-than-life, best friend Rock, the engineers, his faithful pod keepers, a secret-keeping crow and a time-travel-enabling octopus, Kassius Kanex must expand his organization to levels even he did not dream to be possible. Can the world survive the evil long enough for Kassius to find the only thing powerful enough to stop it? The whole of humanity depends on one thing: EQUILIBRIUM. This has been an interesting and exciting journey in this series! The plots and subplots weave around each other quite well. Some of the events depicting the incarnate evil are somewhat horrific and bloody. Be warned. This style of writing reminds me of the golden age of science fiction and brings back fond memories of some great stories. The ending was very shocking also. I enjoyed the story a lot. The ending leaves room for the series to continue, I hope it does. You can buy this book: You can follow the author: I reviewed the first book here: I reviewed the second book here: Tags: science fiction, action, adventure, time travel, suspense, dystopian Copyright © 2021 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction
9/13/2021 10:45:32 am
First of all, let me start off by saying that is great working with you again Mark.
9/13/2021 11:01:11 am
You are welcome. It has been a pleasure to partner with you polishing your books. I am one lucky proofreader, I enjoy reading and proofreading so many different books. Your books were no exception. I enjoyed the story a lot. The gruesome parts were a little gory, but necessary to the story as you explained to me.
9/13/2021 11:36:47 am
Right you are Mark, the gruesome parts are not for everyone. I have always warned readers to buckle up before reading my books, but something a bit more protective than a seatbelt is needed before entering the unchartered waters of Equilibrium.
9/13/2021 11:55:12 am
Many writers are not as lucky as you. Sometimes an editor will recommend removing a character or two, because they dilute the action.
9/13/2021 12:26:49 pm
You are right about boats. Having an old one helps a little with the cost problem. No matter the boat, there is something so serene in being out in the water.
9/13/2021 12:56:58 pm
Nothing wrong with boring, Mark. We are all at different places in our journey.
9/13/2021 02:12:21 pm
In my adolescent years, I loved Dr. Seuss for its imaginative and humorous qualities. In my teens, I enjoyed classics like Golding's Lord of the Flies, Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea and Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby for the literary genius, although I was unaware to it at that time. I also took quite a liking to The Bible, particularly the book of Revelation for its mysteriousness and amazing use of authority brought to life through the use of incredible imagery.
9/13/2021 04:29:14 pm
Interesting books you recall. I remember reading Lord of the Flies and it scared me. I was bullied a lot in junior high and high school in the very small town I grew up in. I felt like I was almost living the LOTF quite a few times.
9/13/2021 06:34:51 pm
I am sorry that you were bullied a lot. I was fortunate to only experience a small amount of bullying, probably due to my larger frame. It helped to keep bullies second guessing in their picking me to mess with I assume. One time however, a bully snatched my Walkman and headphones from me in the hall in seventh grade. I recall feeling so angry that I wanted to explode and although I didn't know how to deal with it at first, I quickly decided to mouth off defiantly. I looked at the bully as he walked away with my Walkman and said, "Go ahead, keep it. It's not mine anyways, it's my sister's boyfriend's. He will get it back." I even threw in a name for added effect. The bully then chose to catch up to me after a few minutes, to give it back to me, with his crew watching closely. I found this fascinating.
9/13/2021 06:53:39 pm
I was the second smallest kid in my class. I was an easy target.
9/14/2021 11:35:54 am
I do have a small group of friends and family who support me by buying my books. It is a great feeling to receive their support. Reviews on the other hand are much more difficult to come by. It's tough because you don't want to pester people.
9/14/2021 12:15:55 pm
You have good family and friends. Some expect to get the book for free.
9/14/2021 04:31:19 pm
I am hoping to do more in person events in the future. My first book signing was on Feb.29th, 2020, just prior to covid shut downs. Just recently, four book stores have been accepting my books for display in their stores. Details can be found on my website and there is more to come, so stay tuned.
9/14/2021 07:33:11 pm
Congratulations on the placements of your books. With lock downs being loosened the opportunities for local promotions will increase.
9/14/2021 06:21:01 pm
Those are fantastic suggestions, all of which have been on hold for some time now due to covid. But now that things are getting a little closer to normal, the potential is much greater.
9/14/2021 06:30:11 pm
I should have been more clear with that question. Is that a first draft you are talking about or from start to published?
9/14/2021 06:44:02 pm
To further clarify, I think I can comfortably write the first draft of a novel in 9 to 12 months. I wrote Equilibrium in 10 months and it is my longest book to date, sitting at 104,000 words.
9/14/2021 07:40:35 pm
That is one powerful muse you have! It has you wrapped around it's tentacle or maybe it's the other way around. LOL.
9/14/2021 09:06:30 pm
I think you hit upon another service you could provide to authors here Mark. Meet the Wordrefiner AKA The Plot Kick Starter. "A reverse-harem rom-com set in Niagara Falls, with shape-shifter?" Brilliant. LOL.
9/15/2021 09:02:19 am
I must be right! You didn't say I was wrong. So, a new website called the Plot Psychic might be in order. ;-)
9/15/2021 11:05:01 am
LOL to your first sentence.
9/15/2021 11:46:06 am
Glad you enjoyed my joke.
9/15/2021 12:20:17 pm
I agree with your thoughts on promotion and marketing. It is super time consuming, but slow and steady with consistency is key. I enjoy marketing, especially when it produces interest or results.
9/15/2021 01:14:43 pm
Speaking of marketing, I noticed you haven't set up your author page on Amazon, it appears. That is a missed opportunity for free promotion. I have seen some authors link their blogs and their website to the author page.
9/15/2021 03:22:51 pm
I had no idea about the Amazon Author Page. I just set one up now. Thanks!
9/15/2021 03:51:43 pm
I am glad you got that freebie. You should check other platforms where your book is selling for a similar opportunity.
9/15/2021 04:02:21 pm
I have just gotten my books into some bookstores and have yet to contact libraries but I do plan to. I will check out the link you provided. Thank you.
9/15/2021 04:51:51 pm
That type of narration is very popular. Many authors, in all genres use it.
9/15/2021 07:03:58 pm
Ideas come to me at different times. During my commutes to work, I sometimes get hit. When that happens, I either take a hands free voice note with my phone or I pull over and enter it manually. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night from a dream and feel compelled to record it. Finally, most times ideas come during my writing sessions and this is from the muse. Come to think of it, maybe that bastard is in my car and my dreams as well. LOL.
9/15/2021 07:09:41 pm
The muse can drop a great idea at anytime, it seems. I know one author who swears her muse lives in a different time zone because she gets a download almost every night at 2:30 in the morning. She keeps a pad and pen on her nightstand.
9/15/2021 08:33:50 pm
LOL, all of what you said is gold!
9/16/2021 06:42:04 am
Reviews are difficult to get, no doubt about that. It is too easy to read a great book and jump to the next one without a thought about leaving a review.
9/16/2021 08:31:50 am
To date, I haven't experienced significant results from any marketing I have tried. I have tried a lot and I will keep on trying because I just know there are readers out there who would like my books but simply don't yet know they exist.
9/16/2021 10:01:00 am
Yes, don't give up. There are readers who will love your stories. They just haven't met you and your books yet.
9/16/2021 10:19:59 am
According to the publisher of my books, iUniverse, my books are listed on over 2,500 online retailers. Do you believe this to be true? I have it in writing from them.
9/16/2021 11:02:32 am
That is certainly going wide! 2,500 websites is a big number!
9/16/2021 11:18:00 am
Yes Mark, Kassius and I definitely share the love of outdoor cooking, among other things.
9/16/2021 12:53:13 pm
That would be a fun evening with those famous people.
9/16/2021 02:10:23 pm
I wrote my first book in Google Docs on my phone with a wireless keyboard. I did this for flexibility purposes. I found it satisfying to be able to have access to my writing at all times. In the early stages of writing book one, I recall being at work or in a meeting and just opening up my book in docs to assure myself that it existed and that it would grow into something special one day. Others would assume, no doubt, that I was just checking emails or texts. I wasn't.
9/16/2021 02:54:20 pm
That is quite the setup you have.
9/16/2021 03:14:05 pm
My wireless keyboard has a separate numeric key pad and I also use a wireless mouse. At my work, I have two monitors and it is very useful for multi-tasking. I would like to get a multiple monitor setup at home eventually. The cool part about a laptop is you can hook it up to any tv or monitor with HMDI and then you can tell it to not turn off when you close the lid. That way you don't have to be distracted by the small screen and you can then sit back and work from your large screen TV or projector on the couch if you want, with your wireless keyboard on your lap.
9/16/2021 04:18:22 pm
I quit using a mouse years ago. I was concerned about carpal tunnel. I have been using a trackball for a long time. All the manipulation is done with fingers, no hand or arm movements. I need just enough room for the device to sit and I am good to go.
9/16/2021 08:05:52 pm
I never considered using a trackball before. Interesting.
9/17/2021 09:07:16 am
I do enjoy the trackball a lot more than a mouse. I also find it easier than the built-in trackpad on my laptop. I now have two trackballs, one remains in my laptop bag along with a small voltage protector and a spare power cord. So My setup can remain on my desk, I simply drop the laptop in my bag and go mobile.
9/17/2021 09:31:20 am
I love efficiency!
9/17/2021 10:56:31 am
Those sound like good books. Many years ago I read the Art of War, I don't recall who translated it. But not the same thing, I imagine.
9/17/2021 11:45:13 am
The War of Art is great for any artist to read. It is super motivational.
Mark Schultz
9/17/2021 12:33:30 pm
With all of those separate elements included I still think of your series as primarily science fiction, funny in some spots and scary in others.
9/17/2021 03:42:04 pm
Short answer. I think I am a both a plot and character-driven writer.
9/17/2021 04:31:23 pm
I was guessing you would say character driven. There I go again, thinking in an either/or box.
9/19/2021 11:20:53 am
My website is
9/19/2021 12:07:50 pm
We did our websites differently, I started with a free website with Weebly. I bought my Domain soon as I could. I also upgraded my account to get Weebly out off the URL.
9/19/2021 12:38:25 pm
If I could meet Kassius Kanex, I would ask him to take me on some jumps to the future and also the past. It would be a blast to go back to the 80s to experience that again. If I could hang out with my character Rock Wayfinder, I would just want to go to his bar and drink beer with him and talk.
9/19/2021 02:38:29 pm
I would enjoy hanging out with Rock. His brews sound wonderful. I do like a good craft beer. I would like to learn more of his backstory.
9/19/2021 03:03:59 pm
There is a short back story of Rock in The Fishing Trip, explaining how he got inducted into The Organization. He beer is legendary and it is fitting that it is the official beer of The Organization. I had a lot of fun writing this character.
9/19/2021 03:58:20 pm
Rock is a fun character, no doubt.
9/19/2021 04:31:43 pm
For my first book, the inspiration was drawn from my life. Then I added one part exaggeration and two parts sci-fi and voila!
9/19/2021 05:32:07 pm
That's a great line. Though I thought I saw vodka in the first read. The print is pretty small on my phone.
9/19/2021 06:27:47 pm
When I first completed the manuscript for Kassius Kanex, I queried over 80 publishers and literary agents to no avail. After all of this, my best friend showed me a TV series on Netflix called The OA that he had watched, which he was convinced had been stolen from my book. The strange thing was, it had a large octopus in it that seemed to be capable of some of what my Aquarius was. My friend claimed that it was stolen from me but there will be no way for me to ever be certain of this for sure. It did seem weird though, when he showed me a scene from it that was made after my book queries. It got me thinking and wondering for sure. Did someone reject my query and then steal my character?
9/20/2021 09:26:06 am
Stealing an idea like that is very hard to prove. But it is rather disturbing, I would be unsettled and full of questions also.
9/20/2021 12:23:34 pm
So far my process has been the following:
9/20/2021 12:47:28 pm
After all of those steps you are pretty well ready to publish.
9/20/2021 03:13:13 pm
Likewise Mark. I always appreciate and value your input and insight. It has been fun as always. Until next time to be sure. I look forward to working with you again. Until then, cheers and take care.
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Who am I?An avid reader, typobuster, and the Hyper-Speller. I am a husband, father, and grandfather. Archives
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"I'm very pleased with all your efforts. Twitter promotion and proofreading were beyond what I expected with a book review. Your suggestions throughout the process of refining both books helped me immensely. I look forward to working with you again." A.E.H Veenman “Dial QR for Murder” and “Prepped for the Kill”