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Multi-volume Poet, Wendy Slater introduces us to her 14th volume of poetry Into the Hearth (The Traduka Wisdom series): After a 20-year hiatus from writing poetry, Wendy composed 20 volumes of spiritual poetry which began during a trip to Scotland in 2001. This series of spiritual poetry awakens one to the Truth within as we walk the Path, the journey, and wake from the slumber of separation from parts of self and step into full union with self and divinity. The resulting self-forgiveness allows one to step forward in wholeness without the false archetype of perfection. When blame and self-judgment are transformed, healed, and cease to be, we have reawakened without the myth, the mythos, of separation. We are One. Poetry is mysterious to me. Poetry hides and teases, it cajoles and flirts. All the time promising hidden delights, if I am willing to look for it. Wendy’s work is no different, it looks straight at me, staring into my eyes and my heart; then with a quick kiss and wink, it leads me in a direction I was not prepared for. I have enjoyed this book a great deal, I find myself drawn to it again and again. I find something new each time. I award Into The Hearth 5 stars! You can buy this book: You can follow Wendy: Copyright © 2018 Mark L Schultz except for the author's introduction
5/15/2018 09:30:55 am
Mark, thank you for such a thoughtful review. I love your words describing poetry in general as "mysterious" but "promising hidden delights" if you look for it. Furthermore, Mark, you see the straightforward quality in my writing as well as the layers. Honestly, I have written poetry that is mysterious to me. When I write whether on paper or in my mind (before I can find paper to write the words on) the words spill out and sometimes I am not sure where the words are taking me sometimes. Writing poetry for me can be a bit like surfing a wave where I am moving with the movement of the ocean, even the spontaneity of the sometimes unexpected movement of the waves. There is a union and joy in the spontaneity. Sometimes it is rough seas and others times it calm waters under a speckled starry sky.
5/15/2018 10:27:59 am
I did not expect that, Wendy. I have seen comments from authors of prose that a story is going in a different direction than the author originally intended. Sometimes certain characters take on a life of their own and drive actions and the plot in an unplanned direction.
5/15/2018 10:47:44 am
After a twenty-year hiatus from writing poetry, I composed 20 volumes of spiritually inspired poetry which began in 2001 during a mystical sojourn to Scotland. All the volumes of poetry are part of my poetry series, the Traduka Wisdom Poetry Series. To answer your question: the previous volumes are written and unedited on my bookshelf.
5/15/2018 12:09:43 pm
Do you think the previous books will ever be published or is it like the statement I have seen, and forgotten the attribution, The first part should be discarded before publication? I have also heard multiple editors say that a first book should be written as well as possible and never published. What do you think of that?
5/15/2018 12:17:40 pm
Thanks for asking, Mark. Yes, they will definitely all be published!
5/15/2018 12:41:49 pm
What drew you to Scotland, is that something you can talk about? Have you written other forms or styles of poetry? Have you entered poetry competitions? Have you written any prose? 5/15/2018 02:36:09 pm
I was drawn to Scotland for a couple of reasons. One is that my mother was born in London and grew up in England. While her father’s root went back for generations in England, her mother, my nanna, was born and raised in Scotland. So, part of it was returning to my roots.
5/15/2018 03:00:16 pm
It is an interesting experience to connect with roots, with the history of ancestors. Visiting those places can be very special.
5/15/2018 03:44:47 pm
I don't have a favorite poetic form for reading. I have favorite poets who wrote/write in a different styles from each other like Emily Dickinson and Anne Sexton. But I can focus on a single poem sometimes by a poet like I did with "r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r " by e.e.cummings while I was editing my most recent book of poetry, "The Ocher of Abundance". I don't generally read a lot of e.e. Cummings, but I wanted to deeply contemplate how poetry does not have to subscribe to any specific grammar, style, etc. and that poem is like a cryptic Zen Koan. My favorite poem is by Adrienne Rich and titled "Integrity". I first read the poem when I was about 17. I can't count the number of times I have read the poem. I visit the poem at least 3-4 a year.
5/15/2018 05:31:02 pm
Now, I know what a zen koan is, or rather what the name represents. The sound of one hand clapping reminds me of the whooshing sound as a deadline flies by. Just kidding, an old and feeble joke.
Jarrod Riker
5/15/2018 09:23:08 pm
I met wendy several years ago. She has introduced me to different types of poetry. I have this volume of poetry, she so graciously gifted me, and immediately fell in love with it. Wendy is a true inspiration and master of the craft
5/15/2018 09:29:17 pm
Hi Jarrod, it's very nice of you to drop in. Thanks for the kind words about Wendy, personal testimony is powerful.
Jarrod Riker
5/16/2018 02:21:01 pm
Mark , I enjoy all types of forms of poetry 5/16/2018 10:14:34 am
Thanks, Jake, for dropping by! Thanks for sharing and your support!
Jarrod Riker
5/16/2018 02:39:39 pm
You’re very welcome my dear friend ✍️
5/16/2018 02:29:45 pm
Thank you for sharing about your poetry, I like haiku also. Do you have one for Wendy?
Jarrod Riker
5/17/2018 07:05:47 pm
Mark , Wendy is correct connectivity is key to writing poetry. All tho I am still a novice to writing, we do learn from others and try to be own inspiration for thoses that admire the ambition
5/17/2018 07:24:33 pm
Thank you for sharing that poem. I like it. When did you first feel an attraction to that form of writing?
Jarrod Riker
5/17/2018 07:45:07 pm
Tk you Mark for comment
MJ LaBeff
5/15/2018 11:28:39 pm
I’m a huge fan of Wendy’s poetry. Into the Hearth has this meditative quality and really forced me to be still and just reflect. I keep the book on my nightstand as a constant reminder of life’s delicate balance and fragile existence. I’ll open any page and read, savoring the words and appreciating the gift of today with a sigh of relief. Wendy’s words bring peace to a world where we’re programmed to achieve more and more, taking little time to rejoice in what we’ve accomplished and failing to listen to what’s calling us to our greatest potential.
5/16/2018 12:16:09 am
Thank you, MJ, for sharing about Wendy's poetry. That is a powerful witness to the impact her poetry has had in your life. I am sure she will appreciate it a great deal.
5/16/2018 10:18:25 am
Thanks, MJ, for making time to drop by, taking time in your day, and for sharing your words about my poetry. It is so meaningful to hear and to know how the poetry has touched you.
5/16/2018 07:32:06 am
So lovely to see Jake and MJ's comments, Mark. Everyone is so busy and I want to thank them for making time and stopping by.
5/16/2018 12:00:48 pm
It's wonderful to see others join our conversation.
5/16/2018 01:55:13 pm
The first time I understood I was a mystic and named it was probably 3 months ago. Truly. I realized when I was writing the back cover description for "The Ocher of Abundance" and when I described my poetry as 'wisdom and method". There is a healing that comes through the poetry to other's when they read. I am actually describing a very complex concept in most of the poetry which is what Tibetan Buddhist's term as "vivid luminosity". It resides within us and is place that defies description with our vocabulary as it is beyond the constraints of here and now. In simple terms, it is alive or vivid stillness. 5/16/2018 07:37:52 am
Wendy Slater isn't afraid to bear her emotional scars and there's a sensuality to her writing; she wants to touch souls with her words.
5/16/2018 10:26:14 am
Kevin, thanks for sharing your comment and making time in your day to drop by. Interesting comment about the emotional scars. It made me think and say to myself "yes, well, we all have emotional scars and it is knowing that there is no shame in bearing the scars." Of course, that doesn't mean exploiting a scar, rather, just being able to be human and walk through scars --sometimes with grace, sometimes with confusion and sometimes with a complete lack of grace! However the walking through (of emotional scars) and healing happens, it all leads to release of shame and blame, and a deepening ( spiritual) wisdom begins to awaken and blossom.
5/16/2018 12:00:59 pm
I'm a huge fan of Wendy's poetry too, Mark!! So great of you to showcase her work! She deserves it! A true talent!! :)
5/16/2018 12:03:48 pm
Thank you for your kind words, Sherrie. This is fun to make all these connections with people who admire Wendy's talent.
5/16/2018 04:24:18 pm
I write fiction mostly, Mark. But I've dabbled in poetry, too. If I could ask Wendy anything over coffee, it would be, "What is the meaning of life?" lol!! I have a feeling she knows the answer!! ;) 5/16/2018 03:11:40 pm
Thanks, Sheri, for bopping on in. I really appreciate seeing your words.
5/16/2018 04:33:09 pm
My pleasure, Wendy!! Thank YOU for your beautiful words!! :)
5/16/2018 05:10:16 pm
Sherri, "What is the meaning of life?" What a great question! I look forward to her answer.
5/20/2018 04:31:28 pm
Thanks, Mark!! Sorry, I've been down with a cold!! :( I've been working on a few projects lately, actually, exploring different options. There are so many alternatives out there for authors today. We're lucky! But for now #amwriting & #amediting!! As always! I don't think that ever stops! 5/16/2018 12:17:56 pm
What an engaging conversation! I am delighted to share my thoughts about Wendy's poetry, which reminds me of T. S. Eliot and when I had to read him out of compulsion to pass Poetry exam, I didn't like him. Time flew by and I learnt to appreciate all forms of poetry. Inspiration hit me to meet some challenges of writing poetry and now I like to be called a poet first though I have been a high school teacher all my life.
5/16/2018 01:14:49 pm
Thank you, Balroop, for stopping by and sharing with us. I am glad you have written poetry.
5/16/2018 03:17:37 pm
Thank you, Balroop. I, so, know what you mean about high school and your T.S. Eliot experience. I had an experience like that in high school with Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner". It too was on my English exam. And I recall wondering something along the lines of "So, there is an albatross. I don't care what it symbolizes...nor do I remember..." . I reread that poem a couple of years ago, and saw the extraordinary beauty and epic quality in the poem.
5/16/2018 02:08:26 pm
The Invocation for Peace is thoughtful and respectful. I like it.
5/17/2018 11:04:45 am
Hmmm. I left a comment to this yesterday, but it is either here somewhere and am not seeing it or I forgot to hit submit! I was writing before high school. I had a poem published in grade 6 in school anthology. I still have the poem anthology book. It clearly was mystical poetry, although I had no idea I was writing mystical poetry.
5/17/2018 11:36:51 am
That is rather exciting, you can look at your poem from the sixth grade and see the nascent mystic. Hindsight is interesting much of the time. 5/17/2018 03:26:28 pm
Connection to divinity; an awareness of something beyond the here; the awareness that there is so much more to his world than humans--I think are necessary for mystical or beloved poetry.
5/17/2018 04:12:51 pm
Do you think someone can be a poet without reading poetry?
5/17/2018 04:30:14 pm
5/17/2018 06:04:50 pm
That is very cool. Hardwired for poetry. I believe I am hardwired for reading prose of almost any kind. I am also a fact gatherer and hoarder of nearly useless information.
5/18/2018 11:37:21 am
Hi Mark, I thought I posted my answer this morning, but I don't see it. So let me try to answer again. I have never heard of that word "synesthesia". Thank you for adding a new word to my vocabulary!! Yes, that is exactly what I experience! Although sorta on a deeper letter, I see a cloud, then a color , then an animal , then feel the tone, pulse and texture...just an arbitrary ex.
5/18/2018 01:00:25 pm
I am so glad I could help you understand what you experience. Not many people experience reality like you do. A few years ago, "60 Minutes" did two or three articles about this topic. I am sure you would find an extensive article on Wikipedia also. 5/18/2018 01:59:25 pm
I will definitely try to find the 60 minutes episodes. Thank you for mentioning that.
5/18/2018 02:23:31 pm
It sounds like you find more in your own poetry also. There are so many creative publishing houses, I have a short list of indie publishers, and others offering help to authors, on my Twitter home page. If you don't find a suitable publisher, try using hashtags such as #poetry and #publishing, or some other variation.
5/18/2018 03:24:36 pm
Mark, That's so kind about all the suggestions about hashtags and publishers. Thank you. I used only do B&W photography, did my own developing and printing in the darkroom. Those chemicals are pretty intense. I only do digital photography now. But my heart will always be the classic B&W photographers.
5/18/2018 03:38:09 pm
You are welcome, Wendy. I am glad to be of help.
Wendy E. Slater
5/18/2018 04:29:40 pm
That is so interesting that your dad was a professional photographer. Lucky you, that you got to work in his dark room. I still miss the photography darkroom. What type of professional photography did he do? Journalism? advertising? art?
5/18/2018 04:58:20 pm
My father's specialty was architectural and industrial photography, he processed his own b&w films and prints up to 8x10, he sent the rest and all color out for processing. 5/19/2018 08:21:34 am
I have read and continue to re-read Wendy E. Slater’s poetry for several years now and have been inspired consistently by her excellent poetry! Looking forward to very new book as it becomes available from her poetry collection. Wisdom comes in many forms, but the intricate affect and gleanings from deep truthful, timeless wisdom is often lost to many. However, Wendy’s poetry has successfully impacted me! Her profound insight into the divers workings of the heart, soul and mind has more than aided me on my journey! I truly have been healed, educated and enlightened by her spiritual poetry. I breathe better, live better and love even better as a result of ingesting her poetry. Most importantly I am wholistically more intack to do so. Cannot wait for her next volume! Thank you for the chance to share my experiences on a public forum. And most of all thanks Miss Slater!
5/19/2018 11:01:09 am
Mark, hi,
5/19/2018 03:10:43 pm
I bet there are a lot of beginning poets who would love to learn from you. Putting more books out is certainly a good start. 5/20/2018 11:41:38 am
I honestly don't have an answer to who I would like to meet and who I would want to be mentored by. There are poets no longer alive I would like to meet like Adrienne Rich, Anne Sexton, Maya Angelou. And I would probably welcome being mentored by the same people.
5/19/2018 03:06:56 pm
Thanks for dropping in, Henry. We are both happy that you are doing better and your life is improved.
5/20/2018 10:15:25 am
Hello Mark, No, I am not a poet, nor a writer. My offering to others is through my Oracle work. I understand that the cover photos on your poetry books are part of your own collection of aesthetic photos from your spiritual sojourns! Are the rest of your books in your 20 volume collection also going to be from your excellent photography? And if so how exciting they will be to view! 5/21/2018 05:57:34 am
Hi Henry, I can't seem to find a place to answer a comment you made so I have copied and pasted here.
5/19/2018 11:02:30 am
Henry, thanks for dropping by the blog and your generous and kind comments about my poetry! I appreciate you dropping in and commenting.
5/20/2018 11:39:32 am
I think my last questions may have gotten lost in the shuffle.
5/20/2018 11:45:21 am
Hi Mark, your post did get lost in the shuffle, but had just seen the original post and responded when your recent message just popped up.
5/20/2018 04:21:39 pm
Do you have a favorite motivational phrase or faith statement that keeps you going?
5/21/2018 05:53:07 am
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind"-Gandhi--that is what comes to mind right now. But many of the quotes I find inspirational I post above my poetry excerpts on twitter. I also love "Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark" by Tagore.
5/21/2018 10:39:55 am
You do post some nice quotes on your tweets for your poetry. I look forward to seeing more of your poetry and photographs.
5/21/2018 01:23:07 pm
Hi Mark, I look forward to sharing more of my photography and poetry.
5/21/2018 01:55:36 pm
Your experience has proven to be so valuable, thank you for sharing it with the community. Your comments are very insightful. 5/21/2018 02:45:52 pm
Actually I was just trying to dig up (yesterday) in my e-mails a blog tour list I received about 3 years ago. I just saw it about a week ago, and of course, yesterday I couldn't find it. I know it's in the email folder somewhere, and I am certain I will find it soon. I certainly had no time for a blog tour before. Now I do, and I would like to do a blog tour.
5/21/2018 03:37:56 pm
I am glad this has been fun, that is a primary objective, and to promote your book.
5/21/2018 04:33:02 pm
I don't know what myths writers fall for. Honestly.
5/21/2018 09:38:03 pm
Thank you, Wendy, this has been fun. Perhaps we can do it again, later. Leave a Reply. |
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