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Journey through Childhood Trauma and Chronic Illness into Healing Multi-volume author, Elizabeth M. Clamon introduces us to her latest book Beauty Rising from Brokenness: Even though we can’t choose the adversities that come against us, we can choose how we let them affect us. We choose to let them make us better or bitter. We can choose to heal, then use these adversities to teach us, help us grow, and use us them to help others. Elizabeth shares the story of her humble beginnings and the events in her early childhood that began her brokenness. How stress affects you, even pre-birth, and how she chose not to let the brokenness define her. The questions and frustration of not knowing who her father was. How she asked and was rejected time and time again until she finally could not live with the lies any longer. When she finally confronted her mother with her need for answers the reaction was something she could not have imagined. After several major life changes and a move across the country the brokenness begins to affect her physical health. She is forced back into a stressful living environment and finally has to face the abuse and trauma she has suffered. She makes the hardest decision she could have to make. Another major move and the inability to continue living a lie, she comes close to a nervous breakdown. She has thirty plus years of anger and rage spewing on everyone and everything in her path. She finally seeks help to work through the brokenness. Years of toxic stress having taken their toll on her physical health. She shares with you the specific path to natural healing she took to regain her health. She encourages you to choose and walk your own path to healing physically. Years of stress and trauma cause her to believe all sorts of lies about who she is and why she's here. She shares with you the path to mental healing and ways she replaced the lies she was told with the truth. You will be challenged to change your thoughts in order to change your life. Depression is almost a given when you're raised in a dysfunctional family. Getting control of your emotions is possibly one of the hardest parts of healing. She shares with you the range of emotions she felt and was acting upon. She shares her experience of being raised by narcissistic parents and the struggle to heal emotionally. Finally, she meets with family again and experiences the final blow she can take. As she begins to feel the depression and despair take over again, she makes a bold choice, one that will help her finally find freedom. Free of the brokenness and able to step into her purpose, she is surprised by how sweet freedom really is. This is a powerful story of one woman’s journey from a brokenness that began in the womb and culminates in a healing journey. Elizabeth deals with so many issues in her life and shares the struggle with us along the way. First person point of view is an excellent method of sharing a story such as this. Elizabeth does a superb job of detailing so many of the obstacles she faced and the process she went through to overcome them. Her scene-setting is quite good, there is dialogue aplenty and action keeps the story moving along at a good pace. While her struggles, in all areas of her life were manifold, she never gave up seeking relief and healing, even when going in the wrong direction. I give Beauty Rising from Brokenness a score of 4.9 stars. You can buy this book: You can follow the author: I have reviewed another book by Elizabeth Clamon, "Fiercely Faithful": Tags: self-help, parenting, families, dysfunctional family, military wife, PTSD, relationships, spiritual life Copyright © 2018 Mark L Schultz except for the author's introduction
11/18/2018 06:26:35 pm
Welcome Elizabeth, I have been looking forward to chatting with you.
A little about me...being the fun loving person I am, I’m not going to give y’all the bio you can read just anywhere, I’ll give y’all the little known information. I LOVE New Orleans Saints football, so much so my nickname is Rajin’ Cajun, watch a game with me and you’ll soon learn why. I have been an entrepreneur since I was 13! I started selling Avon under my mothers name, because I was to young to sell it. I have always wanted my own business and have had many over the years. I have moved 17 times in 22 years to 6 different states and 2 states twice. I am a motorcycle enthusiasts, I love to ride, the motorcycle is my happy place. As soon as I save up enough money I’m buying myself my own motorcycle. Last but not least I never ever saw myself as a writer, I always loved math. So much so, I took 5 math classes in high school when I only had to have 3. Now here I am with 4 books and 6 more in the works!! (Some my own and some collaborations)
11/18/2018 08:31:35 pm
That is some juicy secret bio! Thank you for sharing that with us. We have a few things in common. I have also been an entrepreneur since a very young age. I started selling greeting cards door to door when I was 9. We live on a 400 acre farm at the time. My bicycle got me everywhere! I loved math as a kid also, but calculus didn't love me. That was the end of the road, I couldn't find my way around that obstacle.
My first two books, Remember the Butterfly Effect, how Stress Affects your Health and 20 Chronic Illnesses and their Natural Treatments, are self-published mini-books on Amazon. They are really collections of articles from my natural health blog. I made them into books after many request from people at my speaking engagements. I was part of a collaboration book, Voices of the 21st Century: Women Who Influence, Inspire and Make a Difference, that came out in October and went to Amazon International bestseller. I am also part of 4 other collaboration books coming out in the next couple of months. Then there is my next book, Shattered; Rising from the Pieces to Rebuild your Life, coming out summer of 2019 and I gave everyone a sneak peek into that one at the end of Beauty Rising from Brokenness.
11/19/2018 12:42:53 pm
Very good! You are doing a great job of maximizing your niche with all those things. Do you have a schedule of speaking events on your website? What kind of topics do you speak about?
I don’t have a speaking schedule on my website, I had one for a little while, but it is very difficult to keep updated. The best way to find out about my upcoming speaking events is my Facebook page I post all events and podcast, etc there. I speak about resiliency, natural health, stress management, and self-care. I do Keynotes, Workshops, and lunch and learns for companies. I’m a part-time writer, with my blogs and books. I also speak professionally and coaching. This is my business, I don’t work outside of this due to being disables by an auto accident in 2005. I prefer setting my own schedule and love the ability to be flexible based on my physical health and pain levels at any given time.
11/19/2018 01:42:45 pm
That is an interesting business, personal and professional development. It seems to be a growth industry and has been that way for a long time.
Thank you Mark. This business has been a dream of mine for many years and I’m so glad to finally be at a season in my life to pursue it.
11/19/2018 07:47:11 pm
Very interesting, I have never heard of the website, that is a cool process! I suspected the elements might be significant. You pulled all that together quite well. That's very smart to involve your Facebook fans also.
Oh my! A favorite, that’s difficult I have so many. I love books of all types and love to read. Well, I guess you could say love to learn. I read To Kill a Mockingbird in high school and loved it, it’s still one of my favorites. I recently discovered The Divergent series and even though science fiction isn’t usually my favorite I loved that series. I read a lot of Beth Moore’s books and medical books on natural health treatments. My guilty secret books are anything by Nora Roberts.
11/20/2018 11:52:13 am
Very nice. We, as bibliophiles, have much in common. I used to be strictly a fan of sci-fi and fantasy. In the last few years, my horizons have been widened tremendously. I have read hist-fic, romance, cozy murders, thrillers, action, literary fiction, and more. Now I am a fan of good writing, regardless of the genre, mostly.
My favorite book I’ve written so far has to be Beauty Rising from Brokenness, because after 50+ years I was finally able to tell my truth. It was very liberating. A book that still makes me cry would have to be Cane River, it’s a story set in Louisiana near where I was raised and is fictional, but the characters could easily have been real people. It tells a tough story of slavery pre-civil war and follows a family through post civil war and reconstruction. It is an excellent book and very well written. I loaned it out to my mother-in-law so I cant think of the author off the top of my head.
11/20/2018 03:42:08 pm
Your feelings of freedom makes sense to me, cathartic only begins to describe what you have experienced.
My writing process varies greatly depending on what I’m writing. The 2 mini-books I just gathered articles I had written for the blog and those I do a lot of research and take notes before writing. When I write a chapter for the collaboration books I’ve been part of I usually just sit down and write beginning to end, then edit. When writing Beauty Rising from Brokenness I really resisted writing it in the beginning. It seemed overwhelming to me to write an entire book, so when I began to write I just sat down and wrote the story as I remembered it. I then sent it to my sister-in-law who has a masters degree in English and has taught for years. She advised me where at add to make things clearer and things that maybe I needed to eliminate. I went through that process twice and then began to add the research areas about trauma, ACEs, etc. After I had added and refined all the information I sent it to you for editing and to my sister-in-law for one last review.
11/25/2018 05:56:37 pm
It makes a lot of sense to me, that different projects required a different type or style of writing. Your are lucky to have such a nice sister-in-law. A lot of writers will be jealous.
I am very fortunate indeed to have my husbands entire family! They are all wonderful and have always treated me like a daughter/sister.
11/26/2018 12:58:53 pm
I am glad you have discerned a workable solution to the issue of writing. I am happy it works for you so well. You are a fighter.
I don’t remember doing a lot of creative writing in school. I remember doing a lot of sentence structure, outlines, research papers and such. Like I said math was alway my thing, so I didn’t focus much on English.
11/26/2018 01:41:53 pm
My attempts at creative writing were pretty lackluster, I will freely admit. My focus was on math and science also, until I discovered fine art. That was a welcome outlet for my creative urges.
The most important thing I learned from publishing Beauty Rising from Brokenness, is how much work it is to publish and promote a book. I so desperately want this book in the hands of everyone who is broken and in need of hope and healing I did 15 podcasts, 5 blogs leading up to launch and 8 live interviews on Facebook the day of launch. I’m still promoting it every way I can like book signings, more podcasts, interviews, speaking to support groups and churches. It’s a lot of work and stress, but I feel so passionate about this message I have pushed myself way past my limits. It’s that important to me.
11/26/2018 04:16:21 pm
I am not surprised by your passion. You have healed from so much and earnestly want to share that with others.
Sure, I would be happy to share my publishers information. It is and they have been amazing through out this entire process.
11/26/2018 05:14:33 pm
Thanks for sharing that website. Your recommendation means a great deal.
I love to laugh and make others laugh! I tell people I spent so much of my life stressed and depressed that I only have time left to laugh.
11/26/2018 06:33:57 pm
It seems many writers struggle with writer's block. Your situation is a little bit different, in that you are writing something at the request of another with a specific theme. While your own books appear to flow easily.
The best money I sent to enhance my writing is twofold. The collaboration books I’ve invested in, with people who already have proven success have been a great investment. It’s always a good thing to learn from the best. The other would have to be the investment in the publishing program I talked about earlier. I’m all about learning, I love to learn, so the fact that they teach me how to do things myself is a great bonus for me.
11/26/2018 07:25:30 pm
The collaboration books sound more interesting now. I would definitely like to hear more about them. You sound like an information junkie like me. I love to learn new stuff.
My earliest experience with writing that made me realize the influence and change words could bring was in writing cards and letters. You know that old fashion thing we use to do with paper, pen, envelopes, and stamps? I use to write and receive letters and cards with my grandmother and like her they had the power to make my world a better place. I would run to the mailbox every day when I got off the school bus hoping and wishing there was a letter and when there was I was elated. I couldn’t wait to open and consume every word, then excitedly write back. We also sent cards and not just for Christmas and Birthdays, just because. I still have them all, as well as, the cards and letters my husband and I exchanged throughout all his deployments. There is still nothing as exciting as getting a handwritten letter or specially picked out card that’s just for me. My mother-in-law is also really great at picking cards and sending them just to make your day.
11/26/2018 08:50:47 pm
You just opened a long shut drawer in the old memory bank. I remember doing that when I was very young also. Writing letters and receiving them were great events. I felt so grownup at the time. Your grandma and your mother in law were wonderful people in your life, providing support when you really needed it.
Yes Mark, I was very blessed to have the grandmother I did and to still have a mother-in-law that is more mother and friend is a great gift from God. Leave a Reply. |
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