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At the Edge of the Jordan: What Waits for Us After This Life and Why It Matters by Leah Chrest5/28/2022 Debut author, Leah Chrest introduces us to her fiction story about the afterlife: What waits for us when we die? How can the truth of heaven revolutionize our faith? In this unique work, Leah Chrest, a lifelong Christian, draws from both hundreds of near-death experiences and the Bible to create a captivating tale of faith and personal transformation. Based on the NDEs of Nancy Rynes, Rev. Howard Storm, Dr. Eben Alexander, Mary C. Neal, George Ritchie, and dozens more, Aislinn's story will answer your heart's deepest questions and inspire you to live a more peaceful, inspired, faith-filled life. Journey with Aislinn, a young woman who is no stranger to grief, having lost her sister and grandparents in the span of just a few years. On her honeymoon, Aislinn drowns in a freak surfing accident. Her soul leaves her body and enters heaven, where she meets with Jesus and has the innermost questions of her soul answered:
If you have always wondered about near-death experiences, this well-researched narrative account will warm your heart and inspire you to live with deeper purpose and meaning. A fascinating story with tantalizing glimpses of what heaven and hell might be like. It’s an emotional rollercoaster at times with the death of loved ones and suffering being part of the story. Those darker moments are balanced with healings and connecting again with family members. I found the footnotes to be interesting and they add a welcome depth to the story. I enjoyed them as an information junkie. However, you can enjoy the story quite well without reading any of the footnotes. The story easily stands on its own. I give “At the Edge of the Jordan” 4.8 stars. You can buy this book: You can follow the author: Copyright © 2022 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction
5/29/2022 03:31:15 pm
Hi Mark! Thank you for your review. It is an honor to be talking with you this week. I just got back from the mountains. My boys, father, and I went backpacking to Annapolis Rock in Meyersville, MD for the night. I'm tired, but it was such a great way to spend the last day and a half (unplugged and in nature). I should be pretty quick to reply the rest of the week though, now that I'm home. :)
5/29/2022 05:10:17 pm
Welcome aboard. I bet that was an awesome backpacking trip. I am sure you are glad to be back... I was going to say 'to work' but you are likely on summer break now or soon will be.
Wow! Yes, you certainly are a talented proofreader/promoter and you have the perfect personality for such a job. I love how the internet/social media has provided so many beautiful opportunities for folks to break free of the "9 - 5" job/corporate world. It seems that now, more than ever, if you know where to look and have the determination to find it, it is possible to create a life where you can find deep personal fulfillment and joy. :) Just this weekend we met a woman who works the Appalachian Trail during the summer and then spends the rest of the year adventuring! Well, I guess that leads me to:
5/29/2022 06:37:04 pm
We have a fair amount in common. I didn't like English and grammar at all. I enjoyed reading, of course, but was very poor at analysis of the material beyond a basic level. My attempts at creative writing were miserable. I think the teacher passed me along out of sympathy.
5/29/2022 08:44:26 pm
Yes, we both do have a couple interesting twists and turns in our story, and some of those twists are similar in nature! Your background is very interesting--have you ever reviewed a book where an element of your prior career is featured?
5/29/2022 09:01:34 pm
My first career was in retail. I worked on and off the sales floor for about twenty years. My second career was in construction, mostly commercial and a little bit of residential. In the middle of my second career, I also served eight years in the Air National Guard where I gained three skillsets: General Purpose Vehicle Mechanic, Aerospace Ground Equipment Mechanic and I worked in supply as a Receiving Clerk.
5/29/2022 09:31:22 pm
The cover is my own creation. The white dress is something my grandmother sewed for my mom years ago...white symbolizes the purity of the soul once it drops the "ego" shell in death. "Crossing the Jordan" is a Judeo-Christian symbol of death. Thus, in the picture, the woman is touching the edge of the "river," just as an NDE experiencer glimpses what waits on the other side of this life.
5/29/2022 09:45:27 pm
Wow! That's a lot of life experiences to draw from. The technical knowledge esp. must be helpful.
5/30/2022 07:39:58 am
Thanks for explaining about the cover. It turned out quite well.
5/30/2022 08:41:08 am
Yes, a cover definitely matters! The title is also important--a catchy title on the library's new book shelf will grab my attention and at least get me to read the summary. What's your favorite cover/title combo of a book that you've reviewed?
5/30/2022 10:21:49 am
I have reviewed more than 300 books, now. I have read thousands in my life. I currently read 50 to 60 books a year. I cannot recall a cover that stood out in my mind beyond the most recent few books I have read.
5/30/2022 11:54:12 am
The short answer? No, no, and no. But I suppose that's not entirely true.
5/30/2022 01:07:48 pm
Your YouTube channel could easily be considered public speaking, you are in front of a camera and microphone. The audience is just on the other side. You also have led classes in different venues. As you corrected yourself, the answers are yes and yes.
5/30/2022 03:17:26 pm
Congrats on speaking in that large a setting! You have me beat! I stuttered a bit and talked way too fast/stumbled over my words as a child and even through young adulthood. Meditation slowed my mental processing down/increased my focus enough so that it's easier to speak clearly now. However, I was always inspired by James Earle Jones and his story of becoming one of the most iconic voices of the 20th century, even with his speech struggles early on. What did you speak about at your church?
5/30/2022 04:25:29 pm
I think I spoke about Passover, that or Yom Kippur. It was at least 20 years ago, if not longer.
5/30/2022 04:52:08 pm
Oh, not at all too much information! Thank you! I may take a couple months to piece through it all, but I will be sure to use it. :)
5/30/2022 06:16:00 pm
The last I heard is that during the time period a book is on KU it cannot be available anywhere else.
5/30/2022 07:15:19 pm
Ah, well, maybe I will stick with self-publishing for "It's Okay to Be Okay" as well! You brought a lot of things to light that I wasn't aware of, though it's not surprising. Money/ego-driven success is unfortunately a huge motivator for so many, including publishers.
5/31/2022 07:56:59 am
As humans, we are a conflicting mess of desires some of which many of us are not very cognizant of in ourselves or others. One of those desires that a person can pretty much count on for almost all people is the desire to succeed. Not everyone measures that in the same way, so that can be an interesting twist in human nature.
5/31/2022 08:57:38 am
The eastern elements aren't in every NDE (most experiences are far too brief--the soul moves towards "the light" and back with little else to it), but when the topic comes up (one life or many), I could only find one example in favor of 1 life. All others came back with us having many lives, including many experiencers who were strong in the Judeo-Christian background prior to their near-death episode.
5/31/2022 01:01:56 pm
Tolkien and Lewis are at the top of my list of favorite authors. I have no doubt that you know they were fast friends.
5/31/2022 02:11:25 pm
I love Lewis' sci-fi series as well--esp. Out of the Silent Planet! I didn't know the main character was supposed to be Tolkien thought!
5/31/2022 03:07:37 pm
John was a professor of languages at Oxford, so Clive made the protagonist a professor of languages also.
5/31/2022 04:57:23 pm
How could I miss that bit about the protagonist being a linguist! Thanks for pointing that out!
5/31/2022 06:00:23 pm
You are welcome. I was surprised when I discovered that myself.
6/1/2022 09:05:04 am
Great question! Although both are important, in my heart I lean more towards flow. I was that kid who didn't understand why there had to be a big conflict in movies. Why can't we just sing "Can't Wait to Be King", frolic around the Pride Lands, make friends with the hyenas and then receive the kingship when Mufasa peacefully hands over the reins? Yet, that movie wouldn't at all reflect the truth of life on this Earth (and having a villain that is over-exaggerated makes touches on the reality a little easier for kids, I get it).
6/1/2022 10:22:28 am
There is a natural flow to life and some of that is replicated in a story. Our lives are messy, and that messiness is reflected in the characters' lives in the story. The protagonist has the messiest life of all, except for the antagonist, the hero is always frustrating him also. Actually, a well-written antagonist usually has the point of view of being the hero, if he was writing the story. Tha antagonist should have redeeming characteristics also, like the hero. There are few fully evil antagonists.
6/1/2022 02:48:36 pm
True--perhaps that is part of what bothered me about some children's movies--the antagonist was too purely evil to be believable. :) But, again, easier for kids to take perhaps? Adult antagonists are typically more complex. :)
6/1/2022 04:01:40 pm
Yes, the antagonist in a story for children is usually just as you say. I find most of the characters to be flat and uncomplicated. It might be better that way for children's fare. Their world is uncomplicated if we adults are doing it right. We want our kids to have fun and enjoy their childhood. We know all too well that it won't be long enough.
6/2/2022 08:56:07 am
Those are some fun "muse" stories. I think that's when the "spirit" comes to inspire--when we are able to disconnect from our rational brain and instead tap into our intuition (spirit within) and creative side. For me, running definitely does that, as does (perhaps quite obviously) meditation.
6/2/2022 09:25:11 am
More than one author mentioned running enabled them to connect with their muse easier. My knees wouldn't allow me to run but they were okay with race-walking. I have done that off and on for years. I am easing back into it now. Leaf raking was a great activity for my intuitive side to express itself. Raking leaves is slow, methodical and doesn't require a lot of higher-level brain activity.
6/2/2022 10:51:22 am
Wonderful advice, thank you! I think walking can accomplish the same effect as running with regards to settling the mind...there are less endorphins so sometimes it just takes a bit longer to work for me. :) Honestly, being in nature doing just about anything (except maybe pelting small mammals with rocks) is great for inspiration!
6/2/2022 11:54:48 am
There are different levels of walking exertion, from strolling through fast walking into speed walking also known as Olympic-style race walking. At the upper end the walker can burn as many calories as a jogger with less pain and damage to the body.
6/2/2022 06:15:36 pm
Walking of any kind (and perhaps yoga?) is truly the best exercise. :) And yes, definitely easier on the joints!
6/2/2022 06:25:17 pm
That makes a lot of sense and is actually a system for almost any kind of writing.
6/3/2022 08:50:31 am
Thank you for your kind words!
6/3/2022 09:30:28 am
You are welcome. Your personal experience enabled you to write a powerful and difficult section of the book. I have no doubt that without your personal experience to bolster your imagination the scenes would have turned out differently.
6/3/2022 01:46:53 pm easy set of questions!
6/3/2022 02:50:17 pm
I try to change it up a lot. A mix of serious and easy, with a touch of fluff for a little bit of fun.
6/3/2022 08:55:03 pm
Hopefully you get some sci-fi and fantasy in the mix of your proofreading. :) Impressive that you can proofread with the TV on! Brett watched quite a bit of TV and I could write a little bit with most sports games on in the background but struggled with anything else.
6/3/2022 09:32:39 pm
I am proofing a historical fiction fantasy right now, about Vikings in the 9th century British Isles. I am loving it. I finished the first pass today, three more to go.
6/4/2022 08:44:31 am
The Viking story sounds really interesting! Definitely my kind of book. After sci-fi and high fantasy, I think historical fiction ranks a close 3rd for me in the fiction department. :)
6/4/2022 10:33:43 am
Your experience mirrors that of many authors. Apparently, there are some tricks that can help with increasing success with an ad campaign for Amazon, Facebook, Bookbub and other platforms. I have links to a lot of blogs talking about these topics. Put the name of the platform you are interested in and the word 'ads' in the search box below. You will get quite a few results to learn from.
6/4/2022 04:56:11 pm
Thank you! I love that you have that blog collection. :) I have a solid year of writing and advertising support right there alone. I really appreciate the leg work that you put in to help us young authors.
6/4/2022 07:35:33 pm
Thank you. You have made my day! I started that as a way to help authors. To make it easier for authors and writers to find useful information. I will keep adding to the Highly Rated Blogs page as long as I am above room temperature.
6/4/2022 07:53:37 pm
You'll know when the time is right for a new puppy. :) We are a two cat family considering a's a big commitment for me...the boys are all in, I'm on the fence!
6/4/2022 08:52:21 pm
We have had many dogs and cats over the years. I have noticed a big difference between the two animals. Cats think you are staff, dogs think you are god.
6/5/2022 08:01:01 pm
I did read a lot of NDE books. However, the majority of the 500 or so experiences I read were from This is the site that Dr. Long created to use for his research...anyone who has had an NDE and wants to share it writes a description of their experience and takes a VERY long survey, all for the good of the research. Unlike the published books, the experiences are raw and editing by publishing companies. :) The experiences are absolutely fascinating to read!
6/5/2022 09:25:50 pm
I am not surprised that there is a website for NDE. I would have been shocked if there wasn't one. Having the raw reports to read would be fascinating. Those surveys provide the grist for the statistics, I imagine.
6/6/2022 08:51:15 am
I love the idea of changing the background or font to "trick" the mind! I'll have to try that. That'll be great for my blog revisions, since it's tougher to get a paper copy of those.
6/6/2022 09:31:47 am
I learned about the power of words shortly after when I learned to read. Probably in the third grade it became very apparent to me. Words, on the page, could take me anywhere and I could do anything. The real world held little attraction for me compared to the worlds in words.
6/6/2022 10:34:50 am
Thank you, Mark! You were WONDERFUL to work for. Thank you for all the advice and wisdom.
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Who am I?An avid reader, typobuster, and the Hyper-Speller. I am a husband, father, and grandfather. Archives
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"I'm very pleased with all your efforts. Twitter promotion and proofreading were beyond what I expected with a book review. Your suggestions throughout the process of refining both books helped me immensely. I look forward to working with you again." A.E.H Veenman “Dial QR for Murder” and “Prepped for the Kill”