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Illustrated and written by V. A. Dawn Debut Amazon author, V. A. Dawn introduces us to “The Inn on the Isle”: Welcome to Rodentia, a fantastical Victorianesque world where forest creatures wear the most flattering fashion of the day while traveling by dragonfly carriage. Join Dover and Popplin as they embark upon a grand adventure filled with intrigue and laughter. What happened to the stolen Braybrook jewels? And how will two young squirrels solve the mystery while caring for the respectable (and handsome) guests of Thistle Creek Inn? A smattering of curious woodland creatures join forces to explore one of the most exciting and puzzling events they have ever encountered. I loved this story! It was quite easy to be fully immersed in the adventures in Rodentia. The inhabitants are so polite and even the smallest details are consistent with the theme and setting of the book. The book is so well written, it is a pleasure to spend some time in the inn on the isle with Dover, Popplin, and the others. 4.9 stars from me. I am very picky about certain things. You can buy this book: You can connect with the author: Copyright ©2024 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction
9/23/2024 12:06:30 pm
Welcome to the Word Refiner channel! I am very glad to help you promote your wonderful book.
I'm a graphic designer by trade, and have won both national and NYS awards for my design. Though I am currently residing in the Eastern part of the states, I hail from the gorgeous Pacific Northwest (Oregon, to be precise). Like many people, my childhood wasn't all sunshine and roses… so I found solace in art, humor and nature. My brothers and I are extremely close, since we relied on each other. We always laugh about how we were like "The Lost Boys," (well, The Lost Boys and One Girl, that is) of Peter Pan. Ironically, that never made us bitter with hatred… we learned to love deeply those who loved us back, and that friendship is more than a "take," it is also a "give". You'll have ups and you'll have downs, but in the end… a true friendship is worth any battle you need to wage. We also discovered that family and friends come in all different shapes, and styles and age groups. That is why, when I write, I really want to focus on being a true friend despite appearances, social standing or differences. We also learned to watch and observe the world around us. Many times our best teacher was watching the results of what others did. That helped us avoid many pitfalls in our life.
9/23/2024 03:07:20 pm
Congratulations on your awards! They must have been very gratifying to receive such recognition!
Thanks. The companies I worked for perviously submitted my designs, otherwise I probably would never have sent submissions on my own. I always struggle with "I'm not that good, or I could do better." That is why it was quite a "leap of faith" for me to even put my book out there. Being in the graphic design field, I'm use to criticism, but it's hard when it's "your baby"… it is a very vulnerable feeling. That being said, I would LOVE my only job to be writing and illustrating… but unfortunately I have bills to pay, so that means I have to work in something that actually makes me money (LOL!) . As mentioned before, my life growing up wasn't always easy, so I do suffer from panic disorder. Writing and illustrating really helps relieve my anxiety, so I wish I could do it more often… however, most times I have too many "actual paying" jobs that take priority over what I wish I could do.
9/23/2024 05:32:58 pm
Those companies had well-founded faith in your abilities. Keep that in mind when you are doubting yourself. I hope you have those awards displayed prominently where you can see them easily. If not, get a copy and put it right where you work.
Ugghhh! That inner voice can be awfully loud and unkind at times… but I will keep those wonderful and supportive thoughts you gave me in mind. I really appreciate that. Okay… so my favorite genre to read… hmmm, I have so many, but I have to say that my first favorite is: Science gone awry… not quite horror, but more "Creature Feature." I am absolutely in love with authors like Michael Crichton, John Wyndham and James Rollins. But I love so many other types of genres as well… Mystery, Young Adult, Science Fiction, Fantasy and Children's Books. I have always wanted to be a writer since I was child, so writing has not changed the pleasure for me… in fact, writing has made me appreciate each authors unique style, and imagination even more.
9/24/2024 09:10:41 am
The struggle against the inner liar is real. You are welcome.
The Narnia series is one of my favorites! Also, my husband and I named our cat (who sadly passed away a few years ago… greatest cat ever! Miss him terribly) Sméagol. We always felt it fit him perfectly… He WANTED to be good, but failed miserably. I also love the friendship between JRR Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Okay... so we could do a WHOLE blog on those two brilliant guys… but we are talking about me now… I know, I know, not as fascinating, but it is an unheard tale.
9/24/2024 11:49:07 am
That is a funny name for a cat. I love it.
9/24/2024 12:59:29 pm
YAY! Thanks for being a fan! I definitely have some exciting ideas for the residents of Rodentia.
9/24/2024 02:28:45 pm
I read a lot of Sherlock Holmes when I was in middle school. I was quite entranced with his mental gymnastics.
9/24/2024 04:52:29 pm
I began quite a few manuscripts. There were a couple of mysteries, a romance and a few fantasy novels. The only story I ever finished writing was a "short story" fairy tale (which I have never published).
9/24/2024 05:04:44 pm
Rodentia is quite cute. I love it.
I'll definitely read that blog! Thank you!
9/25/2024 07:58:42 am
Nice story! There are many eyewitnesses who have related similar encounters. Something is out there.
The story went through 4 drafts before I published. I wanted to make sure that someone other than myself edited it. When you are looking at something over and over again, it's easy to overlook obvious errors… so I believe having an editor other than yourself is really important! (I actually had 3 different editors)
9/25/2024 01:26:35 pm
Fresh eyes are not important, they are critical. You know all too well how easy it is to miss simple errors and typos. My latest blog is all about tricking your brain to see a manuscript in a new way so the errors can be spotted easily. Look on the Words For Thought page elsewhere on my website.
It was only one draft for the cover, but that is because I designed it. I wanted the cover to look like the top of an old dresser… you know, with the picture frames, and odds and ends. I added items that can be found in the book as well (the Tarantula, tea cup, the caterpillar and more. The teacup actually has an image of squirrel lady. I also wanted to design it in two different styles… so, a more realistic style with the pictures in the frame having the cartoon look that is found inside the book.
9/25/2024 02:43:46 pm
I love the cover and have no idea how to make something like that. We all have our specialties.
It actually was very difficult to come up with the title. Being in the marketing field with graphic design, I know how important "headers" and "titles" are. You need something to draw in the reader. I'm still not sure if it was the best title… but it was the best I could come up with that described the book in various ways (that being that the "isle" plays a part in solving the mystery and that the "inn" will be a central part of all the books to come after.
9/25/2024 05:54:55 pm
There is no question, titles are very important. The title is the first or second thing that causes a reader to pause and think about buying and reading a book. I cannot think of a better title than the one you have. It will be an important part of your brand as you write and publish more books in this series.
Actually the names came very quickly and easily… almost like they named themselves.
9/26/2024 01:55:28 pm
Considering the Victorian-era setting of your book that is a good choice. Many authors struggle with appropriate names for a story. This is an easy problem to solve now. There are many websites devoted to popular baby names by year or decade and region. Relying upon birth, marriage and death records from churches and other authorities these lists go back hundreds of years sometimes.
9/26/2024 03:14:16 pm
Short stories are a good way to refine your writing techniques.
Oh! That is cool to know… and YES, the warning about the "shady" contests is very helpful. Too many snakes out there who want to take advantage of peoples intellectual property and dreams. I know I have been "bit" a few times myself (in the graphic design field) so again, I appreciate the warning!
9/26/2024 07:17:10 pm
Some really young writers first learn to write by copying the style of another author. My first granddaughter wrote a Harry Potter story, a few years ago, that was actually pretty good. Copying Rowling's style worked pretty well for her. Sadly, she hasn't written anything since then, sports and boys have taken up a lot of her time.
Yeah… those copyright laws can get you! You have to be very careful.
9/27/2024 08:21:42 am
I think there is room for quite a few volumes based on reading this story. Your fans will be excited.
I should keep a journal! Instead I have pieces of paper everywhere with my ideas on them! Not very organized. (LOL!)
9/27/2024 12:07:05 pm
A little organization can go a long way.
My brother asked me if "Night of the Lepus" was a good movie… and of course, I love it! After watching it my brother said, "Thanks for that… that was 2 hours of my life I will never get back." (LOL!) I think you either love them… or hate them. (The 70s version of "Snowbeast" and "Kingdom of the Spiders" are up there as some of my favorite "cheesiest" B-movies).
9/27/2024 05:11:13 pm
I think there are valid uses for AI and you mentioned a good one. Resizing a picture to a specific size seems like an appropriate use to me. You did the initial design work and the AI made it fit the desired dimensions.
LOVE your ideas on ways to use AI but also have your expertise in a field utilized.
9/27/2024 07:08:53 pm
Thanks, that is kind of you to say.
Good advice if it ever happens to me. Thank you.
9/28/2024 03:24:00 pm
Picking strawberries in southwest Washington was my first regular paying job also. Like you, I ate more than I turned in the first day or two. After that I started to earn some money. After the strawberry season was done, I picked beans for several weeks, later in the summer. I ate a few beans but not nearly as many as the number of strawberries I ate.
9/29/2024 07:31:09 pm
Congratulations. It's pretty easy to talk in public about something you know well. That is the big secret for success in public speaking. Only tackle a subject that you love or are an expert in. So many authors are afraid to talk in front of others when there are lots of opportunities for an author to share about their books or writing craft.
Those are great suggestions. I did rent a table at a convention once, and sold about 30 books. I also did a signing at a Barnes and Noble with another group of authors. The problem is keeping up that momentum. I'm going to look at these other recommendations you gave, and see if there are some of them I can implement. Thanks again!
9/30/2024 08:03:44 am
Congratulations on those face-to-face events. I love meeting authors and talking about books. People who love books think of authors as stars.
Albert T. Franklin told me that writing my book gave him the courage to write his. I may not become anyone famous, but having inspired someone else is a huge success in itself. I really hope his books take off… he deserves any success that may come his way. He is a very generous, kind and warm person… and one of my very best friends.
9/30/2024 02:46:57 pm
How cool that there is someone you inspired! I enjoyed his book, "Searching For Zen". I reviewed it elsewhere on my website.
My book is on my website… in fact you can read the first 7 chapters for free. The only way to purchase it is to click on the link which then sends you over to my Amazon page. I will check out this information you gave me as well.
9/30/2024 05:40:09 pm
At some point, it might be better if you can actually sell the books on your website. A fulfillment service can handle the shipping. With print-on-demand you don't have to buy a lot of books. But when your books start to sell well it might be worthwhile to order a large print run of a pallet load of books. ATM most large book orders are printed and shipped from China. So there is considerable lag time. Lots of moving pieces to consider.
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Who am I?An avid reader, typobuster, and the Hyper-Speller. I am a husband, father, and grandfather. Archives
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