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Multi-genre, multi-volume author, DA Wysong introduces us to the second volume in the Monster Hunters of America series, “Unleashed”: Deanna Schloss flees from the atrocities from Nazi Germany to find refuge in the United States. She is commissioned by the OSS, where she investigates UFOS, and other covert cases. Soon she realizes the Supernatural Horrors are everywhere. I am fascinated by this book! It includes famous people in famous and infamous situations! There are presidents, generals, internationally known writers, and others too numerous to mention. Events with cataclysmic proportions are mentioned including WW2, the holocaust, Roswell, and the continuing UFO invasion. People calling demons into the earthly plane with devastating consequences. There are so many crossovers, you may want to keep your seatbelt buckled at all times. I loved this story! I am picky about certain things so 4.5 stars from me. You can buy this book: This is available in Kindle Unlimited also. I reviewed the third book in this series: You can follow the author: A. Wysong Copyright © 2024 Mark L. Schultz except for the author’s introduction.
D A Wysong
9/29/2024 02:04:00 pm
Look amazing!
9/29/2024 04:46:57 pm
Welcome to the Word Refiner channel, Debbie. I am honored to help you promote your book. I loved reading it. What a wild ride! You were connecting dots I would never have thought of doing.
9/29/2024 06:52:10 pm
Well as far back as I can remember I have always been a storyteller and writer. I can remember writing my first Halloween poem at age 8. Halloween is my favorite time of the year, I love everything paranormal and fringe!
9/30/2024 08:09:38 am
As a child, I loved Halloween also, especially all of the candy. The scary stuff was fun also because I knew it wasn't real. That is where I drew the line.
D A Wysomg
9/30/2024 08:37:38 am
I love the supernatural and psychological component to the stories I write. I especially love going down the rabbit hole so to speak on monsters. I am a full time writer today.
10/1/2024 08:16:06 am
The supernatural and psychological components can affect us powerfully. I remember when I saw Jaws I was afraid to go in the water for a couple of weeks. After seeing Jaws and the Poseidon Adventure my wife still refuses to go on a cruise.
D A Wysong
10/1/2024 08:31:22 am
I started out writing Children’s books, and actually will be publishing one in December.
Craig Crawford
10/2/2024 03:23:30 pm
The paranormal is always fascinating to me. Did you have an experience that launched you into the paranormal or did you just have a natural inclination toward it?
D A Wysong
10/2/2024 04:17:14 pm
This answer is for Craig there really wasn’t any one specific experience I encountered that inspired me to write. I would say it was and is more of an accumulation of paranormal phenomena that inspired my eagerness to write about the supernatural components in everyday life.
10/1/2024 10:15:38 am
Children's books can be a lot of fun. I love humor of all kinds. I also love cozy mysteries. We have some similar reading tastes.
D. A. Wysong
10/1/2024 12:40:13 pm
I have a tendency to find humor in everything. For many years I jotted down ideas, titles & characters in dozens of journals. I was busy raising my children and even homeschooled for a few years.
10/1/2024 12:50:11 pm
You are one of the smart ones, keeping an idea journal! Never lose an idea. I have recommended that to many writers. One author told me that her best ideas always appeared when she was in the shower. She lamented how she couldn't retain the idea long enough to write it down after getting out of the shower. I suggested she get a Fisher Space Pen and a waterproof journal to use in the shower. Those things do exist, the pen will even write underwater.
D A Wysong
10/1/2024 01:18:13 pm
Over my lifetime of beliefs that have evolved along with personal experiences have definitely influenced my writing. My first 11 children’s books were actually my memories of things that stayed in my mind regarding both my children and grandchildren.
10/1/2024 04:34:58 pm
There are many things that can cause a person to change or evolve their beliefs, not the least of which is personal experiences.
D A Wysong
10/1/2024 04:49:41 pm
I would like to answer a previous question on who inspired me to write. Growing up I loved Ray Bradbury & Edgar Alan Poe. I never had anyone really encourage me to write until later in life. My adult children have encouraged me to write and very supportive.
10/1/2024 06:48:48 pm
I discovered early on that I loved reading science fiction and sought for all the books in the genre in our small-town library and small school library. I read Bradbury, Poul, Asimov, Herbert and others. Until the eighth or ninth grade when I was given a set of the Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien. I fell in love with fantasy without forsaking sci-fi. I read the LOTR series three times before graduating from high school and I read The Hobbit once or twice also.
D A Wysong
10/1/2024 07:22:06 pm
Ahhh I too loved Lord of The Rings as a teenager in the 70s. I read LOTR & The Hobbit several times as well. I was always reading and I found refuge at the libraries.
10/2/2024 08:08:09 am
What are they is such an important question! The evidence of their visits includes gruesome mutilation of farm animals, that doesn't bode well for human contact.
D A Wysong
10/2/2024 09:01:57 am
My writing process is quite unconventional in several aspects. I never use an outline, it just formulates in my head when I am living in the mundane. I also never get hung up on a daily word count or sitting at my desk regularly at specific times. I do have my happy place where I prefer to write with my big desk and bookcases, etc. Depending on my mood and weather I find myself writing at the kitchen table near the window with a great view. I also curl up and write outside on back porch, sometimes on the front porch at the table.
10/2/2024 09:54:44 am
Many authors have told me they write to find out how the story ends. Some have told me the characters refuse to cooperate until the writer goes in a different direction or brings a secondary character to the center stage.
D A Wysong
10/2/2024 10:22:44 am
I can understand tuning out your environment 💯!
10/2/2024 12:34:09 pm
That is pretty cool. I love the lightning on the cover, there was quite a bit of lightning in the part of the book with Parsons and Hubbard. Pretty interesting about the triangle also.
D A Wysong
10/2/2024 12:45:43 pm
Thank you, the lightening definitely symbolizes the nefarious nature of what is being unleashed.
10/2/2024 02:43:03 pm
Lucky you! So many authors talk about how hard it is to come up with a good title. A title is very important because it's the first or second thing a reader sees when shopping for a new read. The title has to be relevant to the story, fit the genre and be memorable in some way. Sometimes a title is so obvious and perfect more than one author uses it.
D. A. Wysong
10/2/2024 03:44:57 pm
Jorge Iractera from Mexico is my favorite illustrator. It's like he reads my mind and he really gets me! Just like the titles the names just seem to come to me. It’s comparable to a soft whisper in my ear. I honestly have no idea who they are until I start writing, then the reveal themselves. One of the best parts of writing without an outline is I never really know who what or where we are going. Usually, the protagonist makes themself known first. Both in the Doll Maker & Soul Catchers though, it was the antagonist that showed up first.
10/2/2024 05:09:01 pm
This part of the writing process is quite spooky for me and I am very intrigued by it also. You start writing and characters show up to populate the story. The muse works in mysterious ways.
D A Wysong
10/2/2024 05:21:30 pm
No I have not and I haven’t heard if it before.
10/2/2024 07:33:31 pm
NaNoWriMo is a national writing competition. The goal is to write 50,000 words of a first draft story in the month of November. November has 30 days, 1667 words per day. You register on the website and report your word count. If you win, write 50,000 words, you can download a winner sticker for your website.
D A Wysong
10/2/2024 07:42:06 pm
Once I finish writing my current book MHOA Hunting For DogMan -Kentucky I will be writing and publishing my collection of ideas over the years of short stories. Currently there are several I am comfortable writing. The Anthology of Madness. I am quite pleased with both cover and title. I am planning on exploring short story contests as well.
10/3/2024 09:27:24 am
I am certain your fans will be happy to know more reading is in their future.
D A Wysong
10/3/2024 10:04:45 am
I have never participated in any ghost writing, perhaps in the afterlife, joking of course.
10/3/2024 12:42:25 pm
That is a cute joke, it didn't cross my mind, surprisingly enough. It can be a way for a writer to make some money. A lot of people have a story, but they don't want to learn how to write well.
D A Wysong
10/3/2024 01:33:47 pm
Ghost Writing sounds lucrative I may have to reconsider. As for AI I have never used it in my writing or my cover art.
10/3/2024 04:49:51 pm
I think you found a good use for AI in turning one of your books into a video. That sounds interesting. Not being a writer or a screenwriter, I am not sure how it is possible, but I bet you can figure it out.
D A Wysong
10/3/2024 05:51:47 pm
I agree Mark in the world shifting rapidly both with AI as with the world around us.
10/3/2024 08:00:29 pm
I don't believe much in coincidences also. You certainly found a troll, no doubt.
D A Wysong
10/3/2024 08:37:59 pm
I was the oldest of four girls so early on I was designated the role of babysitter. When I was thirteen I landed a job outside of my family on Friday nights. I was paid $35 to babysit five kids for a barmaid at the local bowling alley from 9pm to 3am. Saturday nights I was a salad girl at the Watermill Inn, an upscale restaurant. Think minimum wage was $2.00 hr or less.
10/4/2024 08:59:44 am
I was the oldest of four also. I babysat for a neighbor a quarter mile down our driveway. She paid me to clean her kitchen floor also a couple of times. After that it was picking strawberries in June and beans in July.
D A Wysong
10/4/2024 09:09:33 am
I grew up in middle class suburbia, and walked 2 miles each way to schools beginning in Kindergarten. Rain or shine all by myself. Kids these days have no idea how easy they have it.
Craig Crawford
10/4/2024 12:07:07 pm
The podcast was fun! Have you ever considered selling books at a convention? I tried that for the first time last month and I had a good experience. I know Kentucky has at least one if not more horror themed conventions and aside from table costs and setting up your books it doesn't seem like a lot of work--you know, after the first one.
10/4/2024 12:17:23 pm
Time is a crucial factor for all of us. Time waits for no one.
D A Wysong
10/4/2024 12:34:56 pm
I agree public speaking can induce panic and fear on many levels. Thanks for your vote of confidence!
D A Wysong
10/4/2024 01:34:55 pm
Craig yes it was fun & 2025 is going to be the year when I start making public appearances. I have some goals & look forward to marketing my books in the public arena. A convention sounds like a great opportunity!
10/4/2024 03:31:30 pm
Grandkids love their grandparents unreservedly! That is such a wonderful thing. Mrs. Word Refiner and I have 5 grandkids total, three in our area and two in South Carolina.
D A Wysong
10/4/2024 03:59:01 pm
Mark thanks for all the great tips and insights for local venues. I do have my books in several local bookstores as well as a gift shop and restaurant.
10/4/2024 05:52:58 pm
You are welcome. You are already doing some of those things, that is great!
D A Wysong
10/4/2024 06:03:19 pm
I dearly love rich Italian food, also seafood. Believe it or not if I had to pick one drink it would be water. I have been known to especially love a good cup of coffee.
10/4/2024 08:18:43 pm
Water is my beverage of choice also. I drink it cold. Unless I am restricted from coffee then my first cup is hot.
D A Wysong
10/4/2024 08:48:17 pm
Back in the 90s I did go through two years of querying for an agent. Looking back I see the error of my ways, i had only written bone children’s books and to be honest I am glad I quit querying for an agent.
10/5/2024 09:05:23 am
Two years, that is a lot of banging your head on a wall. Fortunately, you wised up and followed an alternate path. You have lots of company also. Some famous, traditionally published authors have elected to publish some of their new material independently. They discovered what you learned a long time ago, having complete control of your book is very worthwhile artistically and financially.
D A Wysong
10/5/2024 09:15:17 am
I chose to publish with Amazon to publish and created 22 Muses Publishing. I recorded Amazon because it is so user friendly. If I can publish anyone can publish, they publish your book on demand. I still need to use their marketing strategies more, remember marketing is my least favorite part of the writing industry.
10/5/2024 02:30:06 pm
Many authors struggle with marketing. It can take a lot of time away from writing. It is akin to an ultra-marathon instead of a sprint. An author needs to schedule an hour or two every week or two and stick to the schedule so they can keep writing.
D A Wysong
10/5/2024 04:31:16 pm
The major obstacle for many Independent Authors is making sure your material has been edited. A publishing house has several proofreaders as well as an editor. It is hard to edit your own work to the final draft. As an Author, I want my book to be perfect, and for myself that requires another set of eyes on my manuscript. A successful writer, as with all things, requires oneself to take constructive criticism, this includes editing.
10/5/2024 04:42:38 pm
Writing the first draft is a very solitary experience. No one else can get the story out of your head. After that, more eyes, fresh eyes are needed. After a round or two of rewriting, beta readers are a good step, more fresh eyes. Another round or two of self-editing and rewriting leads at least to a critique partner or an editor, better yet; fresh eyes again. One or two rounds with an editor should bring a manuscript to almost ready to publish. One more set of fresh eyes are found in a competent proofreader.
D A Wysong
10/5/2024 06:37:23 pm
I saw a movie called Brand New Cherry Red, it was about a budding screenwriter that had her screenplay stolen. She of course seeks revenge on the Director that stole her script and called it his own.
10/5/2024 08:21:36 pm
Having your intellectual property stolen is terrible! Especially since the copyright on books lasts for 75 years after the author's death.
D A Wysong
10/5/2024 08:37:50 pm
When I was younger I did read The Hobbit several times as well as stories written by Poe & Lovecraft. Because I am immersed in writing my own books I very seldom read a book more than once.
10/6/2024 07:41:55 am
I have read The Hobbit twice and the LOTR three times. Tolkien was my introduction to high fantasy. I have also read several books by CS Lewis including Narnia. Lewis wrote a science fiction trilogy, Out of the Silent Planet. He patterned the protagonist after Tolkien. I binged on Lovecraft once. I find I cannot read him anymore. I overdid it.
D A Wysong
10/6/2024 11:02:55 am
My favorite books growing up was Where The Wild Things Are and I especially loved when my mother would read to us a book of nursery rhymes. When I was a bit older I was hooked on Nancy Drew Books. Eventually i had the entire series one of my prized possessions.
10/6/2024 01:28:45 pm
Lovely memories! Do you still have the Nancy Drew books? What a treasure.
D A Wysong
10/6/2024 01:42:37 pm
I definitely can read for pleasure, Eat Pray Love & The Notebook are treasured examples. These types of books are not my usual forte but I gravitate towards them from time to time. I have actually thought about writing a screenplay for the Hallmark channel perhaps a heartwarming Christmas story.
10/6/2024 03:43:11 pm
You are lucky. Many authors have told me that they can't stop from analyzing books as they read and their reading pleasure has been reduced because of that.
D A Wysong
10/6/2024 06:21:07 pm
My books stir different emotions. My twelve children’s books invoke love and sweet memories of joy and laughter. These books are sparked from childhood memories of both my children and grandchildren.
10/6/2024 06:29:58 pm
Memories of children and grandchildren are sweet and worthy of being treasured.
D A Wysong
10/6/2024 06:59:17 pm
Yes the creative process is where human and divinity connects. It’s where the spark ignites and gives birth to an entirely new entity. For me the creatives process is esoteric in nature. It is mysterious and mystical and to meet one’s Muse is quite divine. To be the creator of something that never existed is quite spiritual.
D A Wysong
10/6/2024 07:31:00 pm
Ps the answer to your last question is I always feel invigorated after I write. If I write through the night or for long hours on end I may feel physically exhausted but at the same time I am invigorated mentally and spiritually. I am in pure bliss during the creative process.
10/7/2024 08:34:19 am
Many authors have related similar experiences to me. They can be quite tired after writing for hours, but the deep sense of satisfaction fills them so well. Pure bliss is a good way to describe a muse-led writing session.
D A Wysong
10/7/2024 08:39:21 am
Yes I actually have thought about adding my many books to my will. Specific books were inspired by specific children and grandchildren and they would be written accordingly. The other books written otherwise will be divided equally. Hope it’s a lucrative legacy.
10/7/2024 12:11:51 pm
Good for you! Some authors have never considered these things. One never knows what will become popular in the future.
D A Wysong
10/7/2024 12:29:40 pm
I think the key to developing timeless characters is tapping into what your Muses whispers in your ears. We as creatives must yield to what our characters want to convey. When we do this it breathes life into memorable characters and ultimately timeless tales that linger for years to come.
10/7/2024 01:33:41 pm
I think you nailed that one. Flat characters are unrelatable, and those stories are frequently closed without being finished.
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